Thursday, December 24, 2009

3 Tips For Saving A Relationship

Whether you've recently broken up, or you're afraid you're on the brink of a breakup you can take heart, saving a relationship is possible. You can reignite the flame that the two of you once shared. It won't necessarily be easy or fast, but if you're committed to making it work there is hope.

I've compiled a list of some of the things you need to do to salvage and repair your relationship. Keep these tips in mind when you are analyzing your relationship:

1. Do you really want to stay in the relationship? I know this may sound like a dumb question but sometimes when we think we want to keep our relationship what we really mean is that we're afraid of having to find someone new, or starting over. If you're brutally honest with yourself you can determine if you really want to continue the relationship or if you're just scared of being on your own.

Another part of this question is to determine if your partner really wants to work on the relationship too. Even if you decide that your relationship is worth saving, that doesn't mean your partner shares your conviction or will be willing to invest the time and effort to work on your problems.

2. Honestly evaluate what went wrong in your relationship. Again, this will need to be done by both of you. This can be the hardest part, it's always easier to blame someone else for the problems but it's tougher to own up to your part in the break down of your relationship.

Before you can repair it you need to know not only what is broken but why it broke. The two of you may even want to visit a couples counselor to help you objectively work through this phase. Sometimes having an objective third party in the room can help you both stay calm and face things you may not have been willing or able to face on your own.

3. Try to remember what drew you to each other in the first place. If you've been in a relationship for a while you obviously loved and enjoyed each other. So often in a relationship what happens is that the 'stronger' one (or the most selfish one) controls the relationship. They become the one who tends to take more than they give. The other partner will take on the role of the giver. Over time the 'taker' will get bored because the fun loving person they fell in love with has become a doormat and the 'giver' will get sick of not getting their needs met often enough.

If your relationship has fallen into this trap you both need to take a step back and remember what attracted you to each other. This might be a good time to not only remember but to tell the other person. Remind them why you fell in love with them, and vice a versa.

Saving a relationship will take time, work, and commitment by both parties, but it can be done. If you think your relationship is worth saving and your partner thinks so too, than by all means, follow the tips above and you can salvage your relationship.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How To Improve Break Up Recovery

So how do you improve recovery from a break up? The trick is to get back together. Most couples split for silly reasons. With some good communication they could overcome their problems and be happy.

You first need to decide if you want to get back with this person. Forget about what they want for a moment and concentrate on what you would like. Once you are certain, you will be much more convincing as you persuade the other person to give you another chance.

If you decide that you do not want to get back with your ex partner you should have no problem getting over the break up. But I don't think you are willing to let that relationship go, do you?

You need to set up a meeting with your ex to discuss your future. Apologise for anything that went wrong, whether it was your fault or not; and agree to put it in the past. Yes you need to resolve your issues but you don't need to dwell on them.

Focus on the positives. What have you got going for you? Why should the two of you be together? Talk about the great times you have had, the history you share, the sexual attraction that burns between you and hopefully you will be celebrating getting back together very soon.

It may take a couple of meetings and a while to get back on track but it will be worth it. If you had a great relationship it is worth fighting for. Finding someone special to love who loves you in return isn't easy and shouldn't be given up lightly. Add to that a shared history, family and children and you will soon realise, if you haven't already done so, that you belong together.

If there was a reason for your breakup, perhaps one of you had an affair; it doesn't need to spell the end. Affairs always happen for a reason. Perhaps you were not paying your partner any or enough attention. Perhaps they felt taken for granted. Or it could be something as simple as too many drinks at the Christmas/office party. None of these make adultry right.

I know that it is not easy to accept your partner sleeping with someone else; but you can get over it. If you still love this person and want them in your life, go to couples counselling and see can the therapist help you both to work through your feelings. You may find that you cannot live with the deceit and betrayal and decide to split up after all. But you could also decide that by bringing all the problems into the open, you can resolve them and go forward with a much stronger relationship. You just need to approach the situation with an open mind.

Having someone you love in your life is far too important to let it go over something trivial or in some cases something very hurtful. So forget about trying to improve the "breakup recovery" and concentrate on getting your partnership back on track.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

My Filipino Boyfriend Broke Up With Me - How Do I Get Him Back

He broke up with me, how do I get him back in my life is something we have all asked ourselves at some point. Perhaps this is the first time a man has dumped you. Or maybe this is your first relationship break up.

Either way you need to examine why you want your Filipino boyfriend back. Are you really in love with him and want a relationship with him or is your ego hurting? We often are not too interested in someone until they make the decision that they no longer like us. Suddenly we find them attractive again or we may decide that if anyone is going to break up we will be the one to do it. So before you waste your time and energy trying to get your Filipino boyfriend back into your life, make sure that you really want him. If you are trying to get back at him, forget about it. The only person you will hurt is yourself and that is never a good thing.

Most adults have been dumped at some point and while it is not a nice feeling, it is not the end of the world. You will kiss many frogs before you find your prince and some of those frogs may dump you first.

If you are really in love with him, do you know why he finished the relationship? Did you hurt him? Were you unfaithful or mean or ungrateful? If your behaviour was the reason he finished with you, then you need to apologise to him. Tell him you are sorry and ask for another chance.

If you do not know why the relationship broke up and are certain you want your Filipino boyfriend back, you need to use some female wiles. Dress to impress all the time so that when you bump into him, he will see what he is missing. Go on friendly dates with other men, but don't over-do it. It's true we all want what we cannot have and if your ex sees you dating new men, he may get jealous and decide he wants you for himself. However, this particula tactic can backfire on you very easily.

Have fun and enjoy yourself as this will leave a sparkle in your eye. Nobody wants a desperate unhappy person, they are a drag to be around. Act like a bright candle attracting various people around you. Go out and enjoy yourself. Your mutual friends are bound to report back to your Filipino boyfriend that you are having a really good time. This will not do much for his ego.

Pretend not to be interested in your ex so that he has to work harder to get you back. If he seems to be interested, you can discretely encourage his attention but do not dwell on his every word. Make him see that you have a life and if he wants to be a part of it again, he needs to make an effort.

"My Filipino boyfriend broke up with me, how do I get him back" may be quite an easy question to answer -- give it a shot today and see.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Want Him To Love Me Again

"I want him to love me again" is expressed by many women all over the world, in different languages, environments and situations. Some married women find themselves saying those exact words to close friends or family members when they're not feeling the intimacy that was once an everyday part of their marriage.

Some women have been on the bad end of a breakup or divorce and desire nothing more than the return of their man and his love. And some women were the instigators of the broken relationship, citing the loss of love as a reason or possibly rethinking their decision and hoping to return to the way things were. Whatever the situation, the sentiment is heartfelt but the solutions not always easy or clear cut.

If you're trying to win back your guy's love, one thing you need to understand is what men look for in a relationship and whether or not this was missing in yours. So, what are the things that men need? Above all, men crave admiration. So you need to let him know that he's wanted and admired.

While it may be obvious for you, it probably won't be as much so or enough to him, so when in doubt, go overboard with flirtation and affection. Did you get comfortable in the relationship and tend to dress casually most of the time and forget about make-up and sexy clothes? Or even worse, did you dress up for work but stay in sweats and tennis shoes at home?

Did your boyfriend or husband leave you for another woman? Most women mistakenly think their man has found a better looking woman. That's not usually the case. In fact, when and if you end up meeting the "other" woman who happens to be pretty normal looking, the typical reaction is to think. . ."what does he see in her"? It's most likely not just what he sees in her but what he feels in her. She makes him feel respected, admired and wanted again.

Are you still in your relationship and constantly being accused of being a nag by your partner? This isn't anything new, right? You'll often hear men complain about being "nagged to death".

What they're really saying is that they want their wife or girlfriend to be satisfied with who he is and what good qualities he has to offer. Realize that the nagging isn't the real problem -- it's the fact that you are conveying that you're unsatisfied with who he is and what he has to offer. That's what really gets to a man and drives him out of a relationship.

Don't take this to mean that you have to be lovey-dovey all the time and can never express your true feelings, anger or sadness. But when you are proud of your man, make sure he knows it! Don't just show the negative feelings that come up and take the love and admiration for granted. Keeping this in mind will keep the fire of his love alive.

This information should help you if you're in the mindset of "I want him to love me again."

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Long Distance Relationship Advice

Maintaining a healthy long distance relationship can be a challenge. It takes two mature people who are able to communicate in order to make it work. It will also take some sound long distance relationship advice, and that's where I come in.

In this article I've outlined some of the things that you can do to make your relationship not only survive, but thrive. I've also compiled a few of the most common problems couples face and how to avoid falling into the same traps in your relationship.

One of the first things you and your partner need to do to ensure the continued strength of your relationship is to make sure you are both on the same page. Make sure you agree on whether or not you have an exclusive relationship. If one partner thinks it's ok to date while you are apart and the other one is staying monogamous, the relationship is doomed from the start.

For the most part, a couple won't even contemplate a monogamous long distance relationship unless both parties feel the relationship has the potential to be a long term one. There is no sense making this type of commitment unless you both feel that the other person might be 'the one'.

Another thing you and your partner need to do is make sure you have good communication skills. When you are far away from each other for extended periods of time, and you can't have physical contact, you will have to rely solely on your communication skills to continue to build your relationship.

That is why long distance relationships, when they last, are some of the best relationships around. The couple has to learn to communicate effectively to make it work, and they don't get distracted by all the physical attraction. They are able to connect on a deeper level which can often lead to a more fulfilling relationship.

If you are an insecure person, though most people won't admit it if they are, you should avoid getting involved in a long distance relationship. Being in this type of relationship requires a great amount of trust, typically people who are insecure see a threat everywhere, even where there isn't one.

If you and your partner are overly suspicious, not only will your relationship be a constant battle, it will also be unlikely to work. No good relationship can be based on suspicion and insecurities.

You and your partner also need to be careful of the temptation to have a 'fling' with someone while away from your partner. Unless you both agree in advance that some extracurricular activity is ok (and if that's the case why bother pursuing a long distance relationship in the first place) than you should stay faithful to your partner.

If you want to maintain your long distance relationship you have to know ahead of time that it will be a challenge and you and your partner both have to be committed to making it work, but if you follow my long distance relationship advice you and your partner have a real shot of having a great, long term loving relationship.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice On Sex To Repair Your Relationship

Being in a bad relationship is a tough thing to do. Nothing is worse than being married and lonely at the same time. If you think the best way to save your relationship is to 'spice up your sex life' you may want to think again. Here is some advice on sex to repair your relationship.

First of all don't buy into the old cliche that if you have great sex your partner will be satisfied and not leave. Unless your partner is an adolescent, or just acts like one, sex alone won't be enough to keep your relationship strong. A good adult relationship is made up of many components and until you can get it clicking on at least several levels, not just sexual, you will struggle and most likely won't be happy in the relationship.

A word of caution though, no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. You will have times when you and your partner are not on the same page, and that's ok. It's more about balance, in your relationship as a whole you should be on the same page more often than not. If it's balanced the other way, where you are at odds more often than you are in sync you should seriously consider ending the relationship because the two of you just aren't a good fit, and that's unlikely to change.

So before you decide that hotter sex is the key to making your relationship what you really want it to be, consider some of these points:

1. How was your relationship in the beginning? Did you have a lot of hobbies that you shared together? What did you do, besides sex, when you spent time together? If you don't do those things together anymore, why not? If you analyze these changes in your relationship you will be a lot closer to figuring out what you need to work on to make your relationship strong again.

2. Have you asked your partner what they think is going on with your relationship? After all you're both part of the situation, and the problem. Why not share with each other what you are feeling, instead of complaining to your girlfriends, or buddies, why not ask your partner? No one will know what they are thinking better than they do.

Make sure that when you ask your partner what they're thinking you give them the opportunity to tell you how they feel in a 'safe' environment. What I mean by that is don't get mad and yell at them if they say something you don't want to hear. If you do then you are sending them a signal that they can't open up to you or it will get ugly, so they won't turn to you. That is the beginning of the end for many relationships.

Once they've told you how they feel, it's your turn. And the same rules apply. You have the right to express your feelings without being persecuted by your partner.

If you and your partner have reached a rough patch in your relationship it can be tempting to think that if you can reignite a fire in bed you'll be able to save your relationship, unfortunately that's simply not the case. Use the advice on sex to repair your relationship tips I've given you above to start to rebuild your relationship in a healthy way.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Beating The Break-Up Blues

Break-ups are the worst.

You feel all out of sorts because life as you've known it prior to the break-up gets turned all upside down, and chances are you're not quite sure which way is up right now.

While I do understand how painful breaking up can be, there are a few things you can do to help transition back into at least a semblance of "normal" life.

The key is to put your focus on something else.

It may take a little time, but doing this will take some of the edge off the pain you're feeling and let you move on through life without having to deal with a lot of the blocks and re-starts some folks can't seem to get past.

Instead, they get stuck in "life without him/her mode" and have a hard time moving forward.

Don't let this happen to you.

Break-up's are painful, yes. But the truth is, the world hasn't ended, even if it does tend to feel like yours is falling apart at the moment. Life will and does go on -- with or without you.

You, however, are a survivor. You won't stay trapped in the past, because you'll be moving forward.

For the first few weeks, it may be best if you don't go to the places you and s/he often frequented together, and don't try to hang out with what should be mutual friends.

You can pick up these extended relationships later, but for now, concentrate on things you know make you feel good that do not have a connection to him/her.

If you have trouble coming up with something to focus on, take some time to think about the kinds of things you enjoyed before you began your relationship.

Did you have a hobby you've kind of let go? Was there something you were passionate about before you and s/he met? Really give it some thought, and then start to do those things.

The more involved you become in doing things that make you feel good, the better you will feel. In time (faster than you think) you'll be able to call on those friends you and s/he both enjoyed spending time with, and even face-to-face meetings with your ex will be easier to handle.

Just remember to put your focus on doing things that make you feel good, and you'll beat those break-up blues in no time!

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Friday, December 18, 2009

Before You And Your Boyfriend Get Back Together

Are you considering getting back together with your ex boyfriend? The idea probably seems quite exciting, especially if both of you are remembering all of the good times that you had together. But you should definitely do some serious thinking before you and your boyfriend decide to get back together.

Many couples do successfully reunite and end up with very strong relationships after a break-up. However, some couples end up getting back together for the wrong reasons or without fully dealing with the factors that led to the dissolution of the relationship. If you want your rejuvenated relationship to be a success, make sure that you first take the time to consider the following issues:

• Old wounds need to be healed.

In other words, there was some reason why you and your boyfriend broke up in the first place; has this issue been resolved? If not, it is likely that your relationship may fail again. You and your boyfriend must find a way to either deal with the problems that led to the break-up or you must jointly decide that the break-up issues are no longer conflicts. It isn't enough to simply have regrets about the relationship and how it ended; things must change.

• Let go of old expectations.

If you and your boyfriend decide to give the relationship another try, you will need to learn to treat it as a new relationship--not as an extension of your old one. This doesn't mean that you need to completely start fresh; however, you do need to rebuild trust and friendship. You will need to reassess your goals as a couple and work on creating a new life together.

• Don't let emotions make decisions about reuniting or about the new relationship.

Of course it can feel quite thrilling to talk again with your ex, and you both may be feeling the euphoria of falling for each other once again. Yet allowing those feelings to control whether you and your boyfriend get back together could be a mistake. You both need to think rationally about how a new relationship would be--without letting the floods of emotion overcome you. Similarly, when making decisions about the new relationship, it is best to do so calmly and with sensible and reasonable thought. If either of you allow emotions to cloud your judgment, you may come to regret it later on.

If you really want to get back together with your boyfriend, make sure that you and he are both really ready for another try at the relationship. By doing so, you could end up saving yourself a great deal of heartache if, for some reason, the relationship does not fare well again.

It may seem quite easy to believe that your boyfriend has changed because of your great desire to reignite the relationship; however, if it isn't actually true you will just be setting yourself up for failure. Instead, set yourself up for success by being honest with your boyfriend and making sure that the two of you do not follow the same path that led to your first break-up.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What You Must Know About Men

Contributed by Bob Grant

There are 4 areas in a man's life when he is most likely to cheat on his spouse:

* After the First Year of Marriage, * After the First Child is Born, * The 5th-7th year of Marriage and * Approaching Middle Age.

What You Must Know About Men Every woman, and I mean every woman, uses their emotions when they bond with a man. In fact, the more intense a man makes a woman feel; the more likely she will bond with him.

Some men are aware of this and use it to take advantage of women. What most women don't know is that men do not bond emotionally to a woman through the intensity of their feelings. Men bond over time, regardless of how intense their emotions are in a given moment.

If you were to obtain an instruction manual to a man's heart, it would read like this: Men are quickly aroused but slow to bond.

Men do not bond through their feelings because they don't use their feelings as often as women do. In fact, when a man is full of emotion, they often say very dumb things...

"I love you." (When they have only known a woman for a few weeks)

"I'm going to leave my wife for you" (Which rarely happens)

"I love Classical Music" (When he can really take it or leave it)

Many women think the key to being captivating to a man is to arouse his passion. While this is important, those women that rely on simply having an intense connection with a man will most likely find that after a few weeks -- sometimes months -- the relationship has ended. Often, the woman is then desperate to find out how to get him back.

If women only understood -- really understood -- that men don't have the ability to bond with intense emotions like women do; they would know how to keep their relationship from progressing too quickly. Those that do learn this truth are the ones that men describe this way; "There's something about her," and they find a way to make her their own.

Recommended: The Secrets of Flirting With Men

Mimi Tanner shows women how to have the most "wicked" (but innocent) fun with any man on the planet, even if you have no idea what to say or do. you can discover how to get a man's attention...the right way. Click here to see for yourself.

About the Author

Bob Grant is the author of four best-selling relationship E-Books:

* The Woman Men Adore

* What Husbands Can't Resist

* How Do I Get Him Back

*Find the Man of your Dreams

He is also a clinically trained, licensed professional counselor with over 20 years experience, a media expert on relationships and men, a member of the Savvy Miss Dating Team, and the founder,

For more advice on relationships, please visit

She Broke My Heart

It is a normal part of life to experience both joy and sorrow. Everyone in the entire world experiences both at times. This is likely of little consolation to you if you are currently feeling the heartbreak of an ended relationship, however. It is quite difficult to make the transition from dreaming of spending your life with someone forever to knowing that your dream was not meant to be. If she broke your heart, you may be feeling as if your life is falling apart.

Feeling broken-hearted can seem rather confusing to some--there is a lot of pain and hurt feelings, of course, but there is also a sense of grief and loss that is not unlike that which is experienced when a death occurs. This happens because when your heart is broken, you feel as if you have lost a large part of your life as well as a part of yourself; therefore, it is only natural to grieve for the loss.

The depth of your feelings from your heartbreak will depend upon the depth of your relationship and the strength of the feelings you had for your girlfriend at the time of the break-up. For the first few weeks after the break-up, you may feel as if your heart has fallen out and will never return. You may also feel as if the heartbreak will never end. All of this is perfectly natural, both for men and for women who experience heartbreak.

It may take several weeks or a few months for you to begin to feel a bit more normal--and even then, you may relapse into the depths of despair once again. It may be difficult for those around you to truly understand how you are feeling and how deeply you are hurting because every broken heart is different. When a woman breaks your heart, it may leave deep scars on your heart that remain there forever.

You may feel physical and psychological symptoms of your broken heart throughout your recovery period. It is not unusual to experience some of the following symptoms:

• Stomach aches or loss of appetite • Difficulty sleeping • Loss of self-respect or self-esteem • Nausea • Extreme fatigue • Tightness of the chest, similar to an anxiety attack • Feelings of hopelessness

Most of these symptoms tend to be mild and of short duration; however, anyone experiencing long-term or more severe suffering should certainly visit a doctor.

Even though she broke your heart, you will recover and you will even learn to love again. It may not seem possible now because you are grieving your loss and need to come to terms with how your life will be without your ex; however, trust that as time marches on, you will heal. Just as your body heals from physical injuries, your mind and soul will heal from psychological suffering. As each day passes by, your hurt will ease, little by little. Soon your heartbreak will be a memory of the past.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How Do I Get My Husband To Love Me Again

"Dear Abby. . .How do I get my husband to love me again?" Have you been thinking this to yourself and wondering where to turn for help? You're marriage has gone stale and you don't know exactly why, or even if you do know why, you don't know exactly what to do about it.

What usually happens unfortunately is that as time passes, the powerful love, respect and admiration that women feel from their husband is replaced by feelings of hurt, awkwardness and distance. Some women are sure that their husbands have fallen out of love with them. sometimes the husband actually spells it out. Or sometimes the husband denies this but the "something's-wrong-feelings" are still around. If you feel that your husband has fallen out of love with you, there are steps you can take to bring you back to where you once were in your relationship and/or to make your marriage even stronger.

Try to think back to when you and your husband first fell in love. Do you remember what you loved about him and what he loved about you? Of course we all change as we get older so some of our qualities have become stronger and some have disappeared. A really common example of this is when a career-woman becomes a stay-at-home mom.

Sometimes husbands miss the way their wives were before they became homemakers. So now you're thinking, "Well, I can't do anything about that!" To some extent that's true. You have a new and important role now in life that you shouldn't give up but you could try to add some variety in every once in a while by taking a night off to go out with friends or volunteer for a cause. This will remind your husband, and probably even yourself, that you are a multi faceted person with a lot to offer.

Here is something else that you need to consider if you're trying to get your husband to fall back in love with you. Remember what the bible says? "Do unto others as you would have done to you. . ."? How are you treating your husband? Of course how you act towards him may be altered if you feel that he doesn't love you anymore. But how have you been treating him in the last few years even before you noticed the change in him? It's easy and commonplace to start taking your husband for granted once you're married and even more so after the years go on. He probably does the same with you.

Maybe you've been dedicating yourself to the children for the most part and that means less one-on-one time with your man? Or maybe you're constantly nagging him about certain things you want done around the house which he neglects to do?

If you can switch your behavior around and start treating your husband the way you would like to be treated, he will eventually catch on and do the same. By letting your husband know that you appreciate and love him, you'll bring the two of you closer. And that is one answer to your question "How do I get my husband to love me again?"

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Love Relationship Advice

For most people, it's pretty easy to find love. The challenge often seems to be to be able to make it last. Keeping your love for each other strong is not impossible. You just have to understand why it falls apart and make sure you, and your partner, avoid those traps. That's where love relationship advice comes in handy.

With the advent of online dating sites there are more ways than ever to meet 'the one'. It's a much better method than cruising the bar scene looking for someone special. For most couples the first few months is pretty easy. You are falling in love and you think the other person is perfect. You can see no wrong in them or what they do. And maybe there isn't anything wrong with the way they, or you, act in the early stages of a relationship.

They say that familiarity breeds contempt and if that's true it would go a long way to explaining why the longer a relationship goes on the more it tends to break down.

Here is a list of some of the things you, and your partner, need to be on the lookout for in your relationship. These are common traps that many couples fall into without realizing it. If you know what to watch out for and can avoid these mistakes you will have a much better chance of keeping your relationship strong and healthy for a long time:

1. Unrealistic expectations. As I said above we think our new love can do no wrong. As our relationship slowly changes from falling in love to being in love and all the day to day stresses and mundane tasks we must face, it's easy to lose some of that early 'glow'. This can be a pivotal time in many relationships, sometimes the couple will think that they just don't love each other anymore and break up.

In reality, in any long term relationship, you will spend a much longer time in this 'normal' mode than you will in the early 'glow' mode. It's important to recognize that this is all a normal progression in an adult relationship.

2. Inability to effectively communicate. Men and women express themselves differently...that's just the way it is. The good news is that you can learn to communicate with your partner effectively, if you're willing to take some time to learn how. The whole 'it's a guy thing' or 'it's a girl thing' is only true to a point, and is largely just a cop out. In reality any mature, intelligent adult should be able to learn how to talk to their partner, and even more importantly, listen to their partner. The real question is do you care enough about your partner and the relationship to take the time?

3. Don't confuse sex with love. This may sound obvious but men and women tend to look at sex in different ways. Women, for example, tend to look at sex as a way to connect with someone they love on a deeper physical level. Yes, it's pleasurable, but the pleasure isn't just physical it's emotional as well.

Men tend to look at sex as definition of who they are as a man. For them too, it's pleasurable but it's also a way to prove their desirability and masculinity. Sometimes when a relationship gets to the 'comfortable' stage this difference in views about sex can create problems. If one partner doesn't seem sexually interested in the other partner it can create severe stress on the relationship.

If your relationship gets to this point, it might help if you and your partner can remember that sex is only one small component of every thing your relationship is made up of. While for many couples, having an active sex life is an important part of the relationship, it's important to understand that as you age and your relationship grows, it probably won't be quite as important as it once was. That doesn't mean your partner doesn't love you or find you attractive, it's just a fairly common way for long term relationships to go.

I hope this love relationship advice will help you hold on to the love you've found. Being able to make a deep, long lasting, connection with another person really is one of life's blessings. Make your connection last by learning how to avoid the pitfalls of some relationships.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

I Want My Wife To Love Me Again

Are you unable to think about anything except "I want my wife to love me again"? Has your marriage gone by the wayside and you don't know why or what to do about it? Here are some tips that can help you out.

If you don't know why your wife has stopped loving you (or so she says), then that's the first thing you need to figure out. First of all, if your wife is still with you, then she probably does still love you. If she didn't, she would be somewhere else. So that's something positive you want to keep in mind. So why is she saying that she doesn't love you or just acting like she doesn't love you?

The main reason that a woman will feel like she's fallen out of love is because she isn't getting the attention and appreciation that she craves. Women are multi-faceted and do many things for you and your family. They work, take care of the kids, do all the household duties, have a social life that includes other friends and families and other interests that you both may not share.

So, ask yourself, do you appreciate everything your wife does for you? Do you apprecitate that she is her own person and has her own ideas and interests, not all of which will be the same as yours. Do you appreciate all the little things she does to show you she cares? If so, then you need to let her know if you haven't already.

On the other hand, there is such a thing as overdoing it. You don't want to be fawning all over your wife and constantly asking her what's wrong and how you can help her or make her feel more loved. If you've been doing that and it's just making her push you away even more, then it's time to stop. Don't be negative or hostile about it. continue to be positive and cheerful.

But just give her space. Focus on taking care of yourself. Make sure you're eating right, exercising and going out with friends. Take the kids out on your own and leave your wife some time to herself. You can still offer comments up like "Boy, you sure do look nice today" but leave it at that. Then walk out the door and go to work.

Once you step back a bit and give your wife some space, as well as focus on yourself and show her that you are not going to dye without her, she will start to see you as someone that is to be admired and appreciated as well. Take it slow and let her make the first move towards you again. Hopefully this has helped you take some of the mystery and pain out of the statement "I want my wife to love me again."

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Get Your Japanese Girlfriend Back Quickly

For anyone that has dabbled in the world of giving relationship advice, the title will actually be a bit of a red herring. The main reason for this is that the vast majority of successful relationships that re-engage after a breakup are actually going to be relationships that do it very quickly after the initial breakup occurs. While there are others where the two participants can get back together months or even years after breaking up, usually this is not how things work in the real world.

So, want to know how to get your Japanese girlfriend back quickly? Well, the first thing that you need to figure out is whether there is actually a future in that relationship. If it turns out that there is no future to the relationship, you should start focusing on other goals. Try to meet new people and push your ex-lover out of your life. It is much healthier to pursue other options than to try and reignite a relationship that you know will take you nowhere.

If, on the other hand, you feel strongly that getting your Japanese girlfriend back can indeed lead to a strong and long relationship, there is no harm in giving it a try. In this situation, a lot of people make the mistake of taking the direct approach. They go right up to the girl and ask her if they are interested in starting things up again. This may work for certain guys, but it is a method that is doomed to failure with just about every ex-girlfriend in the world today.

So what should you do instead? Well, if you want to do things properly, you need to have your Japanese girlfriend see you living a good life. You need to attend the same social events as she does and then engage her in casual conversation there. You can even bring a casual date to the events just to show that you are not hung up on trying to get your ex back completely. The appearance of having moved on is a big thing in these situations because it can make your ex jealous and that in turn can potentially lead to her realizing that she still has feelings for you.

If you want to know how to get your Japanese girlfriend back quickly, this is essentially the information you're looking for in a nutshell. Jealousy and the realization of feelings can lead your Japanese girlfriend to the conclusion that she still wants to have you in her life and to be in yours. This is the only way that you are going to be able to achieve a healthy relationship with your ex. Unless she realizes right here and right now that she still wants to share her life with you, this is going to be doomed from the start.

Where you go from that point is up to you. Also, it is important to realize that your Japanese girlfriend might see you and be fine with it, having already moved on herself. So one way or another, this method will tell you exactly where you and your Japanese girlfriend stand.

If you are learning Japanese. please visit Learn Japanese Faster.

Get Your Korean Girlfriend Back In 5 Simple Steps

So how can you get your Korean girlfriend back in 5 simple steps? Healthy relationship advice is often difficult to find. There is a lot of rubbish printed about how you should ignore her or worse go out with one of her friends. These techniques will not result in your former lover running into your arms. You are more likely to be ignored.

So what can you do to get back on your ex's good side? Firstly you need to know why the relationship split up? Did you do something wrong? If so, apologise. Even if this doesn't result in a declaration of love, you still need to do it. You need to show this lady that you respect her and can admit when you are wrong. Apologies are old fashioned but they work.

Once that is out of the way, you need to start to woo her again. Show her what she is missing. Find ways to remind her of the times you enjoyed together. Perhaps you could find some old photographs and get them printed up and send her a copy. Perhaps you could find an album of her favourite songs and mail it to her.

Little gestures that prove you are serious in finding out how you can get your Korean girlfriend back will work wonders. You could always try asking her directly what she wants. What would make her take you back? Sometimes the only way you can work things out is to be totally honest with each other. You need to face whatever problems you had as sweeping them under the carpet will not work.

It won't always be easy to get your Korean girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will tell you to have some patience and to take things slowly. You may have hurt this lady a lot and if so it will take her some time to trust you. But with persistence and old fashioned romance you should have a fighting chance. After all, at one point she obviously loved you and you now need to restore those feelings.

Find ways to tell her what you think of her. You could send her flowers or chocolates. Perhaps you could persuade her to come out on a couple of dates with you. Show her a very good time but, what ever you do, don't put any pressure on her to take you back.

Enjoy your time with your Korean girlfriend. Make sure the both of you have fun and she can't help but remember the good times you two had. You need to prove that you are serious and committed to a future with this woman. If you are just trying to get her back to prove a point, shame on you and the horse you rode in on.

Once you follow these tips, you won't be asking how to get your Korean girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will always help sort out problems of the heart.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How To Avoid A Long Term Relationship Breakup

Every couple experiences rough patches but how can you avoid a long term relationship breakup?

We can all take our partners for granted sometimes. Life often gets in the way of your relationship and we are inclined to think our spouse will understand. But that is not always the case. Your significant other may wonder where he/she comes on your list of priorities. He or she may feel neglected and if someone else comes along that pays them some attention and makes them feel desired, who is to say that they won't be tempted.

Why not surprise your partner and arrange a date night. If you have children, arrange a babysitter. If money is a little tight, then put the kids to bed early and cook your partner a nice dinner. Add some candles and flowers and switch off the TV. Ban all talk of your offspring, your money issues or your family. The only conversation allowed is the type you would normally have on a date night. Imagine you don't know each other. Ask your other half to tell you something about themselves, after which you will divulge a secret.

When you have been together for a long time, it can get a little dull in the bedroom department. Being intimate is the glue that holds couples together. It is not all about sex but holding hands, cuddling and being affectionate. If you have fallen into a rut where the only intimate occasions you see are those on a TV set, you need to sort this out.

Don't ignore it as it can lead to feelings of anxiety and despair on both sides. But you cannot pressure the other person either. So why not make it a game. Both of you have to make a list of all the things you would like to do/have done to each other. Each person gets a turn having one item on their list. She may want you to run her a nice bath and allow her to soak for an hour with only the candles for company. We can probably guess what he would like!

Rediscover the passion that brought you together in the first place. Let's face it -- most couples do not get involved due to the fantastic conversation. There has to be the x factor as well. But when you have shared what seems to be a lifetime, the roaring flames of desire may now resemble a smouldering ember. But the good news is that it is easy to relight existing fires, you just need a little practice!

Couples that laugh together, share their inner most thoughts and feelings and make time for one another are the most likely to be walking hand in hand sharing their twilight years. Life is not a bed of roses but it is a lot more fun when you share it with someone you love. You should avoid that long term relationship breakup at all costs.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

My Korean Boyfriend Broke Up With Me - How Do I Get Him Back

He broke up with me, how do I get him back in my life is something we have all asked ourselves at some point. Perhaps this is the first time a man has dumped you. Or maybe this is your first relationship break up.

Either way you need to examine why you want your Korean boyfriend back. Are you really in love with him and want a relationship with him or is your ego hurting? We often are not too interested in someone until they make the decision that they no longer like us. Suddenly we find them attractive again or we may decide that if anyone is going to break up we will be the one to do it. So before you waste your time and energy trying to get your Korean boyfriend back into your life, make sure that you really want him. If you are trying to get back at him, forget about it. The only person you will hurt is yourself and that is never a good thing.

Most adults have been dumped at some point and while it is not a nice feeling, it is not the end of the world. You will kiss many frogs before you find your prince and some of those frogs may dump you first.

If you are really in love with him, do you know why he finished the relationship? Did you hurt him? Were you unfaithful or mean or ungrateful? If your behaviour was the reason he finished with you, then you need to apologise to him. Tell him you are sorry and ask for another chance.

If you do not know why the relationship broke up and are certain you want your Korean boyfriend back, you need to use some female wiles. Dress to impress all the time so that when you bump into him, he will see what he is missing. Go on friendly dates with other men, but don't over-do it. It's true we all want what we cannot have and if your ex sees you dating new men, he may get jealous and decide he wants you for himself. However, this particula tactic can backfire on you very easily.

Have fun and enjoy yourself as this will leave a sparkle in your eye. Nobody wants a desperate unhappy person, they are a drag to be around. Act like a bright candle attracting various people around you. Go out and enjoy yourself. Your mutual friends are bound to report back to your Korean boyfriend that you are having a really good time. This will not do much for his ego.

Pretend not to be interested in your ex so that he has to work harder to get you back. If he seems to be interested, you can discretely encourage his attention but do not dwell on his every word. Make him see that you have a life and if he wants to be a part of it again, he needs to make an effort.

"My Korean boyfriend broke up with me, how do I get him back" may be quite an easy question to answer -- give it a shot today and see.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Monday, November 9, 2009

How Can I Get My Husband To Fall In Love With Me Again

Whether you feel that you're in a loveless marriage or your marriage has taken a nose dive, you many be asking yourself "How can I get my husband to fall in love with me again? This article will address some ways that can help you win back the heart of your husband (if you've really lost it, that is).

If you happen to be in what you feel is a "loveless marriage", you should understand that if your husband is there, he probably still does love you. "Falling out of love" is a term that is often applied to hum-drum marriages but what it frequently means from the man's point of view is that he has fallen out of love with the way the marriage is going. Your husband may have pulled away from you because he is not happy but can offer no more detailed explanation for his feelings. Men have a hard time accurately interpreting and then communicating what they are feeling. Even if they can't put words to it, what they are often feeling is the relationship doesn't make them feel good about themselves anymore.

When you first started your relationship, you were both putting your best foot forward and putting a lot of time and effort into making the other person feel good about you and about themselves.

So your relationship became stronger and both you and your husband felt wanted, important, interesting and competent, just to name a few. For men, these feelings are what makes him feel like he is in love. So, it's important to understand that when your husband says (or you think) he doesn't love you anymore, that might not be true. It's very likely that he's actually mourning the loss of the relationship that made him feel so great about himself.

So, now that you know this. . .what can you do? First, you get it all out. Tell your husband that you are feeling a distance in your marriage and you miss the closeness and intimacy that you both once enjoyed. Ask him if he wants to improve your marriage. This could scare him because he thinks it will take a lot of work but don't worry about that. The goal here is to communicate your desire to your husband.

Then you show him that he'll probably like what you have in mind. Define what you miss in your relationship. If that happens to be more affection, then show more real affection to your husband. If you want more appreciation, let him know you appreciate him first. Sure, you have to take the first steps, but in time, you'll see that he responds. It's not unusual in the beginning that your husband will just look at you funny or totally reject your attempts. This will probably be hard on your ego but don't give up! You'll see in time that you've found the answer to "How can I get my husband to fall in love with me again?"

For more advice on relationships, please visit

The Best Way To Save Marriage -- Embrace Conflict

In many US states, all a husband or wife has to do to end the relationship is state to the court that there are "irreconcilable differences" and the court will grant the divorce. But, in any marriage, there should be irreconcilable differences. The best way to save marriage is to embrace the conflict that is inherent in a close partnership between two people.

We often think of divorcing couples as the ones who screamed at each other all of the time. But if these couples can communicate their needs through elevated voices, they are actually doing better than the couple that avoids all conflict at the cost of expressing their needs and beliefs.

It is these silent couples who need to save marriage through embracing conflict.

While no one is suggesting that emotional and verbal abuse is a good thing for a relationship, couples who don't acknowledge that there are problems and differences are actually more likely to split up according to Dr. John Gottman, a researcher who runs the Love Lab.

So, if you want to save a marriage, you need to learn how to communicate and express your differences. Here are some tips for communication in marriage:

· Allow enough time for proper communication. If you are not spending enough time together to air your differences and share your strengths, you will find your relationship is in trouble. Work on building couple's time back into your life. For instance, make a point of eating dinner together several times a week or going out on a date very week.

· Really listen when your partner speaks. It is amazing how much we tune out our partners. He or she may be telling you what you need to know. But, if you are not listening, it is all in vain.

· Find out why your partner is annoyed. When your husband or wife is being particularly grumpy, find out what is really going on. Sometimes, it may be that you have done something that has annoyed them. Other times, it may be that something completely unrelated has occurred. But you won't know unless you ask.

· Get inside his or her world. As couples begin to drift apart, they start to live in separate worlds. When you make an attempt to get inside his or her world, you may just save the marriage.

· Stop judging. Express what needs you have and listen to your spouse's needs. But, don't be quick to judge or criticize.

· Be honest. One of the biggest problems for people who don't like conflict is that they can't be honest about what they want and need. When you start to express honest opinions about things, you will begin to save marriage.

Marriage is hard work. But, if it is worth it to you to save marriage, you will do the work. That means more communication, and yes, more conflict.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Getting Back Together With Your Thai Husband

So you are considering getting back together with your Thai husband. This is a huge step and one which should not be entered into lightly. There are reasons why you split up in the first place. Unless these have been resolved you do not stand much chance of making a success of your relationship the second time around.

But it could have been a mistake to end your marriage and getting back together may be the right thing for you both. Only time will tell. But a couple of tips that you could follow to help ensure success would be:

1) Men hate small talk. Well at least most men do. They cannot understand why some women feel the need to talk about every minute detail of a problem. Men just want to see the bigger picture and if you force them to do detail, they will probably pull the shutters down. When this happens it does not lead to good communication between you.

2) When men say they are sorry and mean it they expect to be forgiven. They do not want you to continue sulking or to act like an elephant and remember that tiny incident forever. Most men are straight forward. They are big enough to admit when they make a mistake, apologise and move on. Do yourself a favour and accept they are sorry and let it go. Obviously this would not apply if they were physically or mentally abusive. If this is the case, kick them out and be done with it, because in most cases the man's behaviour will only worsen.

3) Don't assume that your Thai husband knows you want him back. Men as a rule are useless at reading signals. They may make better map readers but when it comes to human nature, they often need to be told exactly what you want. This applies just as much inside the bedroom as in the rest of your relationship.

4) Don't expect your man to rescue you from a life of boredom. Too many girls sit back and wait for the man in their life to make it interesting. Often men complain that the only topic of conversation in their house is the plot of some soap opera. Go have a life of your own. Just because you are part of a couple does not mean that you cannot do some things separately. While mutual interests are a great foundation of any relationship, so too is having the ability to have conversations. You cannot talk about life in general if you never leave the house or do anything interesting.

5) If you do succeed in getting back together with your Thai husband, don't let the relationship go stale again. Arrange date nights where it is just the two of you. If you cannot afford a sitter, put the kids to bed and then make an effort to dress up. Take the phone off the hook and spend the night absorbed in each others company.

Try the above hints and tips and getting back together with your Thai husband may be the best move you ever made.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Get Your Filipina Girlfriend Back In 5 Simple Steps

So how can you get your Filipina girlfriend back in 5 simple steps? Healthy relationship advice is often difficult to find. There is a lot of rubbish printed about how you should ignore her or worse go out with one of her friends. These techniques will not result in your former lover running into your arms. You are more likely to be ignored.

So what can you do to get back on your ex's good side? Firstly you need to know why the relationship split up? Did you do something wrong? If so, apologise. Even if this doesn't result in a declaration of love, you still need to do it. You need to show this lady that you respect her and can admit when you are wrong. Apologies are old fashioned but they work.

Once that is out of the way, you need to start to woo her again. Show her what she is missing. Find ways to remind her of the times you enjoyed together. Perhaps you could find some old photographs and get them printed up and send her a copy. Perhaps you could find an album of her favourite songs and mail it to her.

Little gestures that prove you are serious in finding out how you can get your Filipina girlfriend back will work wonders. You could always try asking her directly what she wants. What would make her take you back? Sometimes the only way you can work things out is to be totally honest with each other. You need to face whatever problems you had as sweeping them under the carpet will not work.

It won't always be easy to get your Filipina girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will tell you to have some patience and to take things slowly. You may have hurt this lady a lot and if so it will take her some time to trust you. But with persistence and old fashioned romance you should have a fighting chance. After all, at one point she obviously loved you and you now need to restore those feelings.

Find ways to tell her what you think of her. You could send her flowers or chocolates. Perhaps you could persuade her to come out on a couple of dates with you. Show her a very good time but, what ever you do, don't put any pressure on her to take you back.

Enjoy your time with your Filipina girlfriend. Make sure the both of you have fun and she can't help but remember the good times you two had. You need to prove that you are serious and committed to a future with this woman. If you are just trying to get her back to prove a point, shame on you and the horse you rode in on.

Once you follow these tips, you won't be asking how to get your Filipina girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will always help sort out problems of the heart.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Get Your Japanese Girlfriend Back In 5 Simple Steps

So how can you get your Japanese girlfriend back in 5 simple steps? Healthy relationship advice is often difficult to find. There is a lot of rubbish printed about how you should ignore her or worse go out with one of her friends. These techniques will not result in your former lover running into your arms. You are more likely to be ignored.

So what can you do to get back on your ex's good side? Firstly you need to know why the relationship split up? Did you do something wrong? If so, apologise. Even if this doesn't result in a declaration of love, you still need to do it. You need to show this lady that you respect her and can admit when you are wrong. Apologies are old fashioned but they work.

Once that is out of the way, you need to start to woo her again. Show her what she is missing. Find ways to remind her of the times you enjoyed together. Perhaps you could find some old photographs and get them printed up and send her a copy. Perhaps you could find an album of her favourite songs and mail it to her.

Little gestures that prove you are serious in finding out how you can get your Japanese girlfriend back will work wonders. You could always try asking her directly what she wants. What would make her take you back? Sometimes the only way you can work things out is to be totally honest with each other. You need to face whatever problems you had as sweeping them under the carpet will not work.

It won't always be easy to get your Japanese girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will tell you to have some patience and to take things slowly. You may have hurt this lady a lot and if so it will take her some time to trust you. But with persistence and old fashioned romance you should have a fighting chance. After all, at one point she obviously loved you and you now need to restore those feelings.

Find ways to tell her what you think of her. You could send her flowers or chocolates. Perhaps you could persuade her to come out on a couple of dates with you. Show her a very good time but, what ever you do, don't put any pressure on her to take you back.

Enjoy your time with your Japanese girlfriend. Make sure the both of you have fun and she can't help but remember the good times you two had. You need to prove that you are serious and committed to a future with this woman. If you are just trying to get her back to prove a point, shame on you and the horse you rode in on.

Once you follow these tips, you won't be asking how to get your Japanese girlfriend back in 5 simple steps. Healthy relationship advice will always help sort out problems of the heart.

If you are learning Japanese. please visit Learn Japanese Faster.

My Japanese Boyfriend Broke Up With Me - How Do I Get Him Back

He broke up with me, how do I get him back in my life is something we have all asked ourselves at some point. Perhaps this is the first time a man has dumped you. Or maybe this is your first relationship break up.

Either way you need to examine why you want your Japanese boyfriend back. Are you really in love with him and want a relationship with him or is your ego hurting? We often are not too interested in someone until they make the decision that they no longer like us. Suddenly we find them attractive again or we may decide that if anyone is going to break up we will be the one to do it. So before you waste your time and energy trying to get your Japanese boyfriend back into your life, make sure that you really want him. If you are trying to get back at him, forget about it. The only person you will hurt is yourself and that is never a good thing.

Most adults have been dumped at some point and while it is not a nice feeling, it is not the end of the world. You will kiss many frogs before you find your prince and some of those frogs may dump you first.

If you are really in love with him, do you know why he finished the relationship? Did you hurt him? Were you unfaithful or mean or ungrateful? If your behaviour was the reason he finished with you, then you need to apologise to him. Tell him you are sorry and ask for another chance.

If you do not know why the relationship broke up and are certain you want your Japanese boyfriend back, you need to use some female wiles. Dress to impress all the time so that when you bump into him, he will see what he is missing. Go on friendly dates with other men, but don't over-do it. It's true we all want what we cannot have and if your ex sees you dating new men, he may get jealous and decide he wants you for himself. However, this particula tactic can backfire on you very easily.

Have fun and enjoy yourself as this will leave a sparkle in your eye. Nobody wants a desperate unhappy person, they are a drag to be around. Act like a bright candle attracting various people around you. Go out and enjoy yourself. Your mutual friends are bound to report back to your Japanese boyfriend that you are having a really good time. This will not do much for his ego.

Pretend not to be interested in your ex so that he has to work harder to get you back. If he seems to be interested, you can discretely encourage his attention but do not dwell on his every word. Make him see that you have a life and if he wants to be a part of it again, he needs to make an effort.

"My Japanese boyfriend broke up with me, how do I get him back" may be quite an easy question to answer -- give it a shot today and see.

If you are learning Japanese. please visit Learn Japanese Faster.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting Back With An Ex Boyfriend After A Deployment - Where Do I Start

Getting back with an ex boyfriend after a deployment can be difficult but often worthwhile. Being away from family and friends tends to make a boy grow into a man, so you will probably find your boyfriend has matured a lot.

Depending on where he has been and how long he has been away, he may have gone through some traumatic experiences; as well. It is very doubtful that he will be the same person who you broke up with. It is best to start again as if you were going out for the first time. Take things slowly and get to know each other all over again.

You will have both have changed over the time you were apart. These changes may make you more compatible, but then again they may not. Only time will tell. You cannot base a relationship on just shared past memories. You need to find out if you both are the right match for each other now.

Don't rush into things. Enjoy each other's company. Pretend you don't know each other and go on date nights where you can chat for hours. You need to discover each other all over again and that is virtually impossible to do, if you are always surrounded by your friends and family. Go away for a couple of weekends together to see how you get on being alone. Have some fun and some adventures. After serving his tour of duty, I am sure that your boyfriend will appreciate some good old fashioned fun. Take him hang gliding, riding horses, bowling, roller blading or ski-ing. Whatever sport you can find near to you that you both enjoy.

Having a relationship with someone is not all about candle light dinners. It is about getting on together 24 hours a day through the good times and the bad. A successful couple share a deep physical and emotional attachment to each other. It is this bond that will get them through the hurdles; life throws at all of us.

It is worth mentioning that you are choosing a difficult path getting involved with military personnel particularly during these times. You must be prepared for long separations and perhaps for living abroad in military housing. Your man may be posted to dangerous parts of the world.

When you love someone it is very difficult to let them go and do their jobs. You must be prepared from the outset to accept the life they have chosen. It would be unfair to fall in love with a military person and then expect them to leave their carrer for you.

You also need to trust your boyfriend. Given his job, there may be things he cannot share with you either because of military rules or just that they are too painful. You will just have to accept this.

Getting back together with an ex-boyfriend after a deployment may be difficult, however it should also be exciting and perhaps the start of a whole new life together.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Do You Want To Be The Women Men Adore And Never Want To Leave?

Many women dream of becoming the women men adore and never want to leave. But just as many women go about it in the totally wrong way and end up losing one guy after another. What is the secret? I'll show you.

The first thing you have to do is totally change your way of thinking. Our society has done a huge disservice to men and women by creating unrealistic expectations of what men and women should be.

For example, for most of our history we have been taught that men are overly sexual and that they really only want sex. We've been led to believe that if we give our man enough sex he'll love us forever and never leave. That is complete and utter nonsense!

Yes men like sex, but surprise, so do women! Women have just as high of a sex drive as men but the difference is our society has encouraged men to follow their sex drive while women have been taught that 'good girls' will wait until they're married. The result? Men judge their 'manliness' on the number of conquests they make and women are frustrated and angry that they are forced to put their needs on hold.

So if you want to keep your man happy you need to get over the idea that he needs sex all the time or that he needs it more than you. Men and women really aren't that different in what they need and want from a relationship. One word can describe what they want: connection.

As humans we all need to feel connected to others. If you can remember that and base your relationship on that fact you will have a great chance of making your man love you forever.

A connection can be made emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. The more of these types of connections you and your man have the stronger your relationship will be. If you want to keep him in love with you stay in love with yourself. Don't get sidetracked and put all your desires on hold to accommodate your man. Most men will be flattered with that in the short term but in the long run they'll get bored.

After all, you have to remember who you were when you met, he was attracted to that person so why would you change and become some boring, clingy person now?

The women men adore and never want to leave knows all of theses things. She gives her man the connections he needs while keeping her own identity intact. She doesn't put his needs above hers, but she lets him know that she is his biggest fan and loves and accepts him unconditionally.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do You Know The 3 Warning Signs Of A Breakup?

Do You Know The 3 Warning Signs Of A Breakup

If you know the warning signs of a break up you will be better able to avoid splitting from your lover. All relationships are different but there are usually similar symptoms of trouble to look out for:

1) Your partner is ignoring you

Now I don't mean that they are not talking to you. Ignoring someone, is where you lose interest in that person and never ask them how they are, what they are feeling or even where they were? If you are like two ships that pass in the night, your love life may need a little work.

Stop to think why they could be ignoring you? Have you forgotten their birthday or some other special event? Have you been less than loving lately? Are they feeling neglected? People usually react over something they feel has happened. This could just be their perception but as they are your lover and you should be trying to keep them happy, you need to understand their point of view.

So why not surprise them with a nice meal and sit them down and ask them what is going on? Why are they grumpy, although I would probably phrase that question a little better! It could be that they are preoccupied with a problem totally outside your relationship. Communication between couples is not always what it should be; so try talking. Who knows where it may lead?

2) Your partner doesn't want to see you or go out with you

If your lover suddenly becomes unavailable and too busy to see you, the red warning light should go on. There is a reason why they are avoiding you and you need to find out what that is. Don't be a doormat or perhaps I should say bedmat. There is no excuse, for not facing your boyfriend or girlfriend, to find out why they think it is acceptable to behave like this. Whatever you do, do not ignore these signals or you could find yourself in receipt of a break up letter.

3) Your partner is distant in the bedroom

While sex is only a three letter word, it can cause huge problems. Just ask any couple who has been together a long time. Sometimes your family or life's issues can get in the way of your lovemaking. It is also a well known fact, that the initial burst of animal attraction usually doesn't last, so not making love every night is quite normal. What is not normal is not being intimate for months on end. Couples are held together by shared emotions and feelings. So don't underestimate the power of a cuddle.

You should know when your partner is happy and when he or she isn't. Sometimes their mood will have nothing to do with your actions; but often it is an indication of trouble brewing. Pay attention and look out for the above warnings signs of a break up. Otherwise you could find yourself newly single and wondering what happened!

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Can Positive Thinking Get My Thai Boyfriend Back

After going through a difficult breakup most people would be willing to try just about anything to stop the pain and get their love back. If you have done everything you can think of to do and are now wondering, 'how to get back with my Thai boyfriend?", then this article is for you.

There has been a lot of talk recently about the effects of positive thinking and how it can impact your daily life. Using this process to get back with your Thai boyfriend seems like a logical next step. But it isn't the do all, end all you may have heard. There is more to it than just the thinking part.

To successfully use positive thinking to make the desired changes in your life you have to remember that it takes two steps: picture what you want, and take specific action to make that want a reality.

Just sitting around day dreaming about getting your Thai boyfriend back won't do it. But thinking about getting your Thai boyfriend back while you take positive steps to make it happen will be more likely to work.

So what positive steps should you be taking? Usually this is where most people mess up, they take a lot of action but it's all the wrong kinds of action.

You don't want to constantly text, email and call your Thai boyfriend. That won't accomplish a thing except perhaps a restraining order. What you want to do is leave it alone.

I know this sounds wrong, but it's not. No one is attracted to a clingy, weepy, desperate person and your Thai boyfriend won't be either. You need to take a step back and spend some time working on you. Don't change who you are to get your Thai boyfriend back, but honestly analyze any areas in your life that could use a little change of attitude. This is for you not for him.

The beauty of this is that you make yourself into a better person all the while giving him time to miss you and remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.

That way no matter what happens, whether you get back together or not, you will have grown as a person and will have more to offer whomever you find yourself in a relationship with.

Can positive thinking get my Thai boyfriend back? Yes...sort of. Just remember that positive thinking is only step 1 in a 2 step method. Use both steps to have the absolute best chance of accomplishing your goals.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!