Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Want Him To Love Me Again

"I want him to love me again" is expressed by many women all over the world, in different languages, environments and situations. Some married women find themselves saying those exact words to close friends or family members when they're not feeling the intimacy that was once an everyday part of their marriage.

Some women have been on the bad end of a breakup or divorce and desire nothing more than the return of their man and his love. And some women were the instigators of the broken relationship, citing the loss of love as a reason or possibly rethinking their decision and hoping to return to the way things were. Whatever the situation, the sentiment is heartfelt but the solutions not always easy or clear cut.

If you're trying to win back your guy's love, one thing you need to understand is what men look for in a relationship and whether or not this was missing in yours. So, what are the things that men need? Above all, men crave admiration. So you need to let him know that he's wanted and admired.

While it may be obvious for you, it probably won't be as much so or enough to him, so when in doubt, go overboard with flirtation and affection. Did you get comfortable in the relationship and tend to dress casually most of the time and forget about make-up and sexy clothes? Or even worse, did you dress up for work but stay in sweats and tennis shoes at home?

Did your boyfriend or husband leave you for another woman? Most women mistakenly think their man has found a better looking woman. That's not usually the case. In fact, when and if you end up meeting the "other" woman who happens to be pretty normal looking, the typical reaction is to think. . ."what does he see in her"? It's most likely not just what he sees in her but what he feels in her. She makes him feel respected, admired and wanted again.

Are you still in your relationship and constantly being accused of being a nag by your partner? This isn't anything new, right? You'll often hear men complain about being "nagged to death".

What they're really saying is that they want their wife or girlfriend to be satisfied with who he is and what good qualities he has to offer. Realize that the nagging isn't the real problem -- it's the fact that you are conveying that you're unsatisfied with who he is and what he has to offer. That's what really gets to a man and drives him out of a relationship.

Don't take this to mean that you have to be lovey-dovey all the time and can never express your true feelings, anger or sadness. But when you are proud of your man, make sure he knows it! Don't just show the negative feelings that come up and take the love and admiration for granted. Keeping this in mind will keep the fire of his love alive.

This information should help you if you're in the mindset of "I want him to love me again."

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