Thursday, December 17, 2009

What You Must Know About Men

Contributed by Bob Grant

There are 4 areas in a man's life when he is most likely to cheat on his spouse:

* After the First Year of Marriage, * After the First Child is Born, * The 5th-7th year of Marriage and * Approaching Middle Age.

What You Must Know About Men Every woman, and I mean every woman, uses their emotions when they bond with a man. In fact, the more intense a man makes a woman feel; the more likely she will bond with him.

Some men are aware of this and use it to take advantage of women. What most women don't know is that men do not bond emotionally to a woman through the intensity of their feelings. Men bond over time, regardless of how intense their emotions are in a given moment.

If you were to obtain an instruction manual to a man's heart, it would read like this: Men are quickly aroused but slow to bond.

Men do not bond through their feelings because they don't use their feelings as often as women do. In fact, when a man is full of emotion, they often say very dumb things...

"I love you." (When they have only known a woman for a few weeks)

"I'm going to leave my wife for you" (Which rarely happens)

"I love Classical Music" (When he can really take it or leave it)

Many women think the key to being captivating to a man is to arouse his passion. While this is important, those women that rely on simply having an intense connection with a man will most likely find that after a few weeks -- sometimes months -- the relationship has ended. Often, the woman is then desperate to find out how to get him back.

If women only understood -- really understood -- that men don't have the ability to bond with intense emotions like women do; they would know how to keep their relationship from progressing too quickly. Those that do learn this truth are the ones that men describe this way; "There's something about her," and they find a way to make her their own.

Recommended: The Secrets of Flirting With Men

Mimi Tanner shows women how to have the most "wicked" (but innocent) fun with any man on the planet, even if you have no idea what to say or do. you can discover how to get a man's attention...the right way. Click here to see for yourself.

About the Author

Bob Grant is the author of four best-selling relationship E-Books:

* The Woman Men Adore

* What Husbands Can't Resist

* How Do I Get Him Back

*Find the Man of your Dreams

He is also a clinically trained, licensed professional counselor with over 20 years experience, a media expert on relationships and men, a member of the Savvy Miss Dating Team, and the founder,

For more advice on relationships, please visit

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