Saturday, December 19, 2009

Beating The Break-Up Blues

Break-ups are the worst.

You feel all out of sorts because life as you've known it prior to the break-up gets turned all upside down, and chances are you're not quite sure which way is up right now.

While I do understand how painful breaking up can be, there are a few things you can do to help transition back into at least a semblance of "normal" life.

The key is to put your focus on something else.

It may take a little time, but doing this will take some of the edge off the pain you're feeling and let you move on through life without having to deal with a lot of the blocks and re-starts some folks can't seem to get past.

Instead, they get stuck in "life without him/her mode" and have a hard time moving forward.

Don't let this happen to you.

Break-up's are painful, yes. But the truth is, the world hasn't ended, even if it does tend to feel like yours is falling apart at the moment. Life will and does go on -- with or without you.

You, however, are a survivor. You won't stay trapped in the past, because you'll be moving forward.

For the first few weeks, it may be best if you don't go to the places you and s/he often frequented together, and don't try to hang out with what should be mutual friends.

You can pick up these extended relationships later, but for now, concentrate on things you know make you feel good that do not have a connection to him/her.

If you have trouble coming up with something to focus on, take some time to think about the kinds of things you enjoyed before you began your relationship.

Did you have a hobby you've kind of let go? Was there something you were passionate about before you and s/he met? Really give it some thought, and then start to do those things.

The more involved you become in doing things that make you feel good, the better you will feel. In time (faster than you think) you'll be able to call on those friends you and s/he both enjoyed spending time with, and even face-to-face meetings with your ex will be easier to handle.

Just remember to put your focus on doing things that make you feel good, and you'll beat those break-up blues in no time!

For more advice on relationships, please visit

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