Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can Positive Thinking Get My Filipino Boyfriend Back

After going through a stressful breakup, most people would be willing to try anything to stop the pain and get their love back. If you have done everything you can think of to do and are now wondering, 'how to get back with my Filipino boyfriend?", then this article is for you.

There has been a lot of talk recently about the effects of positive thinking and how it can impact your daily life. Using this process to get back with your Filipino boyfriend seems like a logical next step. But it isn't the panacea you may be expecting. There is more to it than just the positive thinking part.

To successfully use positive thinking to make the desired changes in your life, you have to remember that it takes two steps: picture what you want, and take specific action to make that want a reality.

Just sitting around day dreaming about getting your Filipino boyfriend back won't do it. But thinking about getting your Filipino boyfriend back while you take positive steps to make it happen will be more likely to work.

So what positive steps should you be taking? Usually this is where most people fail, they take a lot of action but it's all the wrong kinds of action.

You don't want to constantly text, e-mail, or call your Filipino boyfriend. That won't accomplish a thing except perhaps a restraining order. What you want to do is leave it alone.

I know this sounds wrong, but it's not. No one is attracted to a clingy, weepy, desperate person and your Filipino boyfriend won't be either. You need to take a step back and spend some time working on yourself. Don't change who you are to get your Filipino boyfriend back, but honestly analyze any areas in your life that could use a little change of attitude. This is for you, not for him.

The beauty of this is that you make yourself into a better person all the while giving him time to miss you and remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.

That way, no matter what happens, whether you get back together or not, you will have grown as a person and will have more to offer with whomever you find yourself in a relationship.

Can positive thinking get your Filipino boyfriend back? Yes... sort of. Just remember that positive thinking is only step 1 in a 2 step method. Use both steps to have the absolute best chance of accomplishing your goals.

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1 comment:

  1. My break up was confusing the guy gave me mixed signals as to why he wanted to break up. We got into a small argument with me getting mad at him that exploded 3 days later he wanted a break for a week. During that week things escalated between friends and family we started talking things out again over text. It seemed as if he was open to fixing things between us and was asking to talk in person. We were still arguing during the first week of the break about what the other was doing and who they were around. Then about 3 months ago another break up or break came out of nowhere we seemed to be getting things back in track until no matter what I said or tried to do would not keep him. I need to get him back. I order love spells on and this spell caster really help me. My lover back to me.
