Monday, June 29, 2009

Can I Stop My Divorce

Can I stop my divorce? Have you been asking yourself that question lately? It's a hard question to answer because every situation is so different. In many cases, "Can I stop my divorce?" can be answered, "Yes, for a t least a while."

divorce lawyers do a booming business. Over half of marriages end in divorce. Have you ever wondered why that number is so high? Is it because too many couples get married too quickly before they really know what they're getting into? Are they asking, "Can I stop my divorce?" practically before the last piece of wedding cake is wrapped?

Are people marrying too young? These things might seem like pat answers, but when you consider that many couples who have been married for 20, 30 and 40 years are getting divorced too, that seems to eliminate the more frivolous marriages and divorces like those we see among starlets and stars.

No, usually when you wonder, "Can I stop my divorce?" it's not because you married too young or because you're in a marriage that was doomed from the start. It's just that you've grown apart from your spouse.

On one hand that's good. It means you've grown, and generally a married person needs to be in a caring, nurturing marriage to grow. On the other hand it's all too easy to grow in such a way that we feel a bit isolated from our spouse, as if they don't know a certain part of us that we might like to keep private.

When one spouse grows and takes on new interests, it can cause that disconnect between the spouses. Sometimes there's jealousy and envy that a spouse is succeeding while the other feels inadequate or cheated in some way. Marriage counseling is the recommended treatment for such feelings.

Until or instead of counseling, though, you can try to take an interest in something that your spouse does apart from you. You'll quickly discover if the gap between your activities is the problem. If your spouse isn't thrilled about your interest, then let it go. He or she considers that particularly activity to be me time for them.

On the other hand, if your spouse seems very enthusiastic about you getting involved, maybe that was part of the problem all along. He or she wanted to include you but didn't know how to go about it, or didn't think you would be interested.

Show genuine interest and ask questions without overdoing it unless you are genuinely excited by the topic. Engage your spouse in conversation about the interest. Be affectionate as you're talking by putting a hand on his/her arm or shoulder.

Since you're wondering, "Can I stop my divorce?" you're going to want to do everything you can get to things on your side. You're in rescue mode, so no matter how disinterested you might be in your spouse's hobby, don't let it show.

And while you're wondering, "Can I stop my divorce?" don't forget that your spouse might turn around and ask you about your hobby, too.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

I Lost Love

Dealing With Loss In A Relationship

I always seem to find myself deep in thought about previous relationships and how eventually I lost love. I try to learn from the experiences where I lost love so that I can do better next time. One of my biggest focuses is always to move on with a much greater understanding of the concept of love than what I had before.

There are parts of my life where I was absolutely sure that I lost love in a way that was worse than ever before. I always felt as if my life was over at this point and perhaps that I would never find love again. However, as it turns out, each and every time that I lost love, it was only so that I could move on and find a better and stronger love in the future.

We all have to remember that love has a spontaneous lifespan just like everything else that we experience in our lives. Every time that I lost love, I realized this, and it helped me move on and make sense of what I was feeling in a capacity that allowed me to find happiness again even after losing love.

Each time that I lost love, I found myself realizing that the lifespan of the most recent relationship was longer than the lifespan of the last relationship, meaning that each relationship brought more meaning and more joy than before. I was definitely benefitting, growing as a person, even though it did not always seem so at the time.

Typically any time that I lost love, I felt as if I was never going to get it back. I felt as if I was lost forever and would never feel joy or love or happiness again. But upon thinking about the relationship and the moment where I lost love, I eventually realized that even though the end of the relationship was bad or rocky, I still walked away with good things, learning and growing as a person in the process.

I soon realized that just because I lost love, that did not mean that I would not find it again.

I realized that just because I had lost love, it did not mean that I was destined to be alone forever.

Most importantly, I learned that in losing love, I was learning how to find love again.

As we get older and become more experienced in matters of the heart, our relationship life spans grow, and our loves increase and become more powerful and more influential over our lives. That means losing love is a part of gaining love and growing love.

If you are in a position where you have lost love, don't let your willpower to carry on falter. You will either rekindle that love if it is meant to be, or you will find new and better love in the future, having learned from each and every one of your past relationships, even the bad ones.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Learn How To Win Love Back

Learning how to win love back is a popular topic, so we are talking about it today.

Too many people who want love back go about the process the wrong way.

People who want to undo a breakup rush into the situation, pursuing their ex aggressively in order to get them back, but this has the wrong effect and can often backfire completely.

If you really want to learn how to win love back them the first thing that you need to do is to follow this advice completely and fully. You do not want to chase after your ex, or pursue them too quickly or forcibly, but instead you are going to want to be cool about things, acting as if you are moving on and not worried about the relationship so that your ex can want to win love back with you just as seriously as you want to learn how to win love back with them.

Too many people try to pursue their ex relationships with too much force. If you cram yourself down their throat they will never want to make up with you or make things work again, so this is absolutely no way for you to learn how to win love back.

You do not want to look desperate when it comes to learning how to win love back, because if you want to win love back you need to be playing things cool and moving on, and acting as if you are completely accepting of the relationship and its end. This will allow your ex to have the time and space they need to make the realization that they still want you.

Do not go out and start dating all of her friends, and do not let her catch you flirting with other girls while you are out in public. Spend time with your friends and loved ones, though, and let her know in no uncertain terms that you are playing things cool.

This is not about making her jealous, it's just about letting her realize that she cares about you, and she wants to learn how to win love back too.

If you play things cool, and you don't act too desperate or too crazy about getting back together with your ex, then if things are meant to be they will eventually fall into place as they should. It may seem tricky to play it cool when you want to win love back so desperately, but you have to make this work if you want to convince your ex that you are worth rekindling things with.

It can be difficult to learn how to win love back, but if you work hard at it, you can make it work. If the relationship is meant to be, it will be - But only if you are willing to put some effort into the situation and to be patient to let things fall into place naturally.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back - All It Takes Is An Apology

If she walked out on you, then all that you are probably thinking about right now is what you can do to know how to win ex girlfriend back. Maybe you did not initially understand how much you loved and cared about her, or maybe you didn't realize you loved her at all until it was too late. Now that she has walked out on you, however, you are feeling intense pain and a desperate need to learn how to win ex girlfriend back.

Here is some information that will help you while you try to get a handle on how you are going to lure her back into your arms once and for all.

Maybe you made some silly mistakes in the relationship, but we have all been there so don't fret. If you are serious about learning how to win ex girlfriend back, then you need to move past the bad times and start working on rekindling things.

If you did something wrong to lead to the breakup, and you need to apologize, then now is your chance to be prepared to make this happen. You should not just apologize as part of how to win ex girlfriend back, but rather you should understand what you are apologizing for.

You do not need to rewrite history as part of knowing how to win ex girlfriend back, but instead you are going to need to find a way to focus on rebuilding the relationship for the future rather than to repair the past.

If you are serious about doing what it takes to learn how to win ex girlfriend back, then there are two points that need to be addressed in your apology. Do you need to talk to a professional regarding your behavior? If you are not sincere about getting the help that you need, then you are wasting your time and her time as well.

If you cheated on her, then you need to figure out why so that you can keep it from happening again. If you hurt her in some other way, you need to discover what caused it so that you can prevent it. Prevent the same situation from happening again, and you will know how to win ex girlfriend back once and for all.

When you finally do talk to your ex girlfriend, you need to be willing to apologize her to know how to win ex girlfriend back, and you need to make sure that you give her space and time after apologizing so that she can think things through and figure out what she wants. If you do not give her time, she'll come to a conclusion that is counterproductive for the relationship, so do not force her to make a decision until she is ready.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm Still In Love But My Ex Is Not

Rekindling Love When It Seems Unlikely

You may find yourself in a position where you can say "I'm still in love but my ex is not interested", which is a difficult situation but unfortunately not an uncommon one. First of all, you cannot know for sure if your ex is or is not in love with you until you ask her.

Your ex may even have said she doesn't love you anymore, and while this is possible, it is also possible that she's simply saying that. She may still be harboring feelings for you.

Many couples who still hold a candle for each other will have break ups despite their strong feelings.

So you might say "I'm still in love, my ex is not." But you cannot really know this for sure.

If you can truly say, I'm still in love but my ex, then there is a good chance that your ex may still also love you as well. This may not mean that getting back together quickly is a good idea, but the fact that you have feelings for one another is a good thing, and it means that eventually the relationship may be capable of being rekindled.

The first thing you need to think about is that you did in fact break up for some reason. Even if you had no interest in breaking up, if your ex wanted it, then something was wrong with the relationship.

This needs to be dealt with and fixed in order for the relationship to stand a chance. This is not always easy but it is unfortunately quite necessary if you want your relationship to stand a chance.

So even at the point where you can say "I'm still in love but my ex is too", that does not mean that it is exactly the right time to rekindle things, because you need to do some figuring out first. Even if the mutual split was a mistake, you can't just automatically make things work.

You may find yourself saying "I'm still in love but my ex wants to get back together too,", but that really does not mean it's time to just jump right back into things. You need to get to the bottom of why the break up occurred so that you can prevent those things from happening when the relationship is eventually rekindled.

The more you work on trying to understand what happened and why, the better off you will be when you attempt to make the relationship work again in the future. It really is this simple. It is important for you to understand this concept if you want the relationship to work as soon as you rekindle it.

Don't mess things up worse by refusing to address what happened to cause the breakup in the first place. If you do not address past problems, then your relationship will be doomed to repeat them.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oral Sex Booboos -- And What To Do About Them

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

Unlike what you may see in adult-rated movies, sex in real life can actually be awkward and funny. Slipping, fanny farts and sloppy wet noises are ALL part of making love. You can't escape them. The trick is, of course, how to deal with these situations; how you convert the seemingly embarrassing situation into one that's not.

The same goes with oral sex. There are booboos that might occur so it's up to you guys to deal with it in such a way that it doesn't completely destroy the sexual charge in the bedroom!

How to Deal with oral sex Blunders!

The following items are scenarios that can likely happen during oral sex. They're not meant to discourage you and your partner with engaging in oral sex at all. They're meant as a guide to help you guys get over potentially awkward, yet real life situations easily.

Learn the sexiest tips to make her scream with pleasure tonight.

Scenario 1: Your pubic hair gets caught in her teeth. This happens more often than you think. You're so turned on by the sexual pleasure and she's so into what she's doing that unwittingly, a strand of your pubic hair gets caught in her teeth... and gets yanked. Ouch!

The best way to deal with this is, of course, to laugh it off. Now how to get that hair out? The worst thing she can do is to make a big show out of it by sitting up and trying to get the hair out with her mouth wide open and her fist in her mouth. Instead, she should casually -- almost quietly and without drawing attention to it -- take the hair out from her mouth and simply wipe the hair on the bed sheet to deal with later.

Scenario 2: Her dentures get 'dislodged'. Actually, if HE didn't' notice it, SHE should simply proceed as if nothing happened. However, the problem here is that often, her instinctive reaction is, of course, to 'catch' the slipping denture with her hand, or worse, by closing her mouth. If this happens, and if she caused you pain, she should remedy the situation by slowly, lovingly licking and caressing the injured spot.

Scenario 3: She 'accidentally' bites you. Sometimes women get so turned on by performing fellatio that they get a tad carried away and he can feel her teeth slowly, but firmly, touching his manhood. First of all, if you feel this guys, speak up! Simply touch her hair lovingly -- don't yank because you're in a panic -- and ask her to ease up a bit. Believe me, she will understand.

The same goes if she's using her nails, has tongue jewelry or even hand jewelry that you feel is too close for comfort. Simply speak up before the 'accident' occurs.

Worried that you are not lasting long enough? Check out my free report.

Scenario 4: You let out some 'gas'. If women are afraid of farts, men get conscious, too, of letting out gas, especially if their women are down there performing fellatio on them. If this does occur, what do you do? Really, the best thing to do is simply pretend like it didn't happen.

However, if what you released was not pleasant at all, then be a gentleman and stop for awhile. It's no use for you to go out of the room as the deed was done there. However, what you can do is ask her to stop, pull her up so you guys are face-to-face and get into some deep kissing. This way, the sexual rhythm is not that shattered, yet you save her from suffering down there or worse, give her time to laugh and make fun of you.

Scenario 5: She gags. Some women can be too adventurous and try to bring their man's manhood all inside her mouth. The problem is, if her mouth really can't accommodate him, she'll experience what most people call a 'gag reflex' and this is not pleasant - for you and her. The best thing to do is for her to pause as proceeding might only push her to gag further.

However, this does not mean she should stop stimulation of your manhood altogether. She can simply take you out of her mouth and use her hand for a while to stimulate you while she catches her breath.

In the end, a good sense of humor is all it takes to get over these oral sex booboos. The more you focus on them, and the longer you focus on them, the bigger the blunder gets and the more awkward the situation becomes. Don't let this happen, as this may become a deterrent in engaging in oral sex in the future.

Have a laugh, jot it down as experience, and move on!

Learn how to AVOID a lot more mistakes and become a sex master .

For more advice on sexual relationships, please visit

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Boyfriend Dumped Me What To Do Next

If you're thinking, "My boyfriend dumped me. Now what do I do?" you're not alone. Millions of people have been in the same position you are right now. Things do get better, whether you get back together with your boyfriend or not. But if you're despairing, "My boyfriend dumped me!" then you need to have a good cry and then get yourself together.

You probably want to win your boyfriend back. While there are no guarantees that you'll be able to get back together, there are some things you can do that will help. The first thing is to realize that people get dumped every day for a number of different reasons. And the one you think caused your breakup might not be the real reason.

You have stop assuming and stop telling people, "My boyfriend dumped me because of�", fill in the blank, if you're not exactly sure that's why he dumped you. How do you know for sure why you were dumped? You have to ask, if you really want to know.

Be sure and only ask if you think you can take the truth, though. If asking could cause him to tell you something that you've suspected but have been in denial about, for instance, will it cause you more pain to find out than to not know? Maybe you should just let the past stay there, and work on the future, in that case.

But if you need to know�and you might if you really want to work things out�then you'll have to ask. Try not arguing with the answer you get when you ask. Just accept that "my boyfriend dumped me because of 'this,'" and move on.

The next step is to simply ask if he thinks there's a chance. If the reason he broke up with you is something you believe you can fix, then you should make that clear to him. Let him know you're willing to work on these things because you believe that you have something special and you want to make it work

It might really be hard to do these things. Being dumped hurts. But if you want to get back together and make your relationship work, then there has to be honest communication going on between you. And the worst thing that can happen is that things aren't going to work out.

If that's the case and there's no chance of you getting back together despite any efforts you might put forth, then at least you made the effort and probably learned something about yourself.

Examine the reasons he broke up with you and you might decide that it's not really a bad thing. Even if you know you're better off, it feels crummy to get dumped. Be nice to yourself and treat yourself to a facial or a pedicure.

And try to remember that "My boyfriend dumped me!" is something that many others have had to deal with, and they made things work out, so you can too.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Hot Foreplay Buttons

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

There are 101 things that you can do tonight that can make your woman's blood boil a little hotter. A lot of men think immediately that this involves new and difficult sex positions or even the use of sexual aids but really, just KNOWING which pleasure buttons to hit is all it takes. Read on!

Foreplay Buttons

One: While making out, make sure your lips and tongue give attention to your lover's neck. Ok, a lot of men know that already and you've probably applied that technique yourself... but what about that soft and tender patch of skin in front of her ears?!? While kissing or licking this soft area, whisper something sweet or something lewd! Now that will get your girl going.

Two: Break away from kissing her just a bit and then lick her lips. While licking her lips oh so gently, whisper that you can't wait to lick her down there too!

Three: Just when she's wet and panting, glide your hand down there and caress her through her undies. And then say something with the word 'soaking' in your sentence.

Four: Make your way to the bed and as she's lying there, deliberately get off the bed and put some distance between the two of you. Now undress, making sure she sees exactly how turned on you are. You don't need to engage in full-on self-play but touching yourself once or twice to show how long you are for her is a good idea.

Five: As she lays down naked in bed, run a silk tie or silk scarf all over her. Now ask her to turn around and this time, as the silk tie or scarf runs over her spine, follow it up with your hot tongue.

Six: Instead of a striptease, why not ask your lover for a 'bed dance' instead? This is when she dances completely naked all over you as you like completely naked on your back. Have her sashay all over your face, chest, and yes, down there.

Seven: While giving oral, place a pillow under her to elevate her mound. This will give you more access, and her, more pleasure.

Eight: While out on a weekend drive, pull over somewhere semi-secluded and then ask her to pleasure you or bend down and suck on her breasts.

Check out the newest techniques to give a woman an orgasm! I bet she has never experienced them.

New Twists on Old Games...

One: Instead of the standard 69 position, why not place your manhood between her breasts instead while you guys are in this position.

Two: Or why not do the 'inverted 69'. This is when she sits on you but instead of using her mouth on your manhood, she sits up and uses her hands on you instead.

Three: This time, while she's on top, ask her NOT to remove her clothes. Instead, lift up her t-shirt or lingerie every now and then so you can get a 'peak' at what you're doing down there.

Four: Take her from behind but instead of being on your knees, do this lying down. The pleasure will be more intense!

Five: Don't be shy to 'rough each other up' once in a while! So tonight, don't go to your bedroom; don't even lie down. Do it against a wall with your clothes still on and just about 10 minutes before somebody is due to visit you! The roughness, the wildness, and the thrill of being caught with your pants down -- literally! -- will make this the hottest sex ever!

Six: While she's on the 'woman on top' position, ask her to SLOWLY turn around (face your feet instead). As she does this, stay as unmoving as you can in bed. This will enable you to feel every inch of her on your manhood as she twists and turns.

Seven: Morning sex is so underrated! Tomorrow morning, why not engage in slow sensual sex OR take her roughly over the bathroom sink as she tries to brush her teeth!

There you have it. There's lots of ways you can increase the hotness meter in your bedroom (or elsewhere) without having to engage in anything you may consider *taboo*. Just let your imagination run a little wild and just go with it! You never know what reaction you'll get from your partner until you try.

Worried that you may not be up to the challenge? Learn how to master these techniques and many more.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I Want My Wife Back 3 Tips

If you're saying, "I want my wife back," but you're unsure where to start, there are some easy things you can do to make it possible. While no one tip or set of tips are going to guarantee that you'll get your wife back, some things do work better than others. Soon you may not be saying, "I want my wife back," but "why didn't I do these things years ago?"

Being extra nice and polite is the first thing you have to do. That sounds ridiculously simple, doesn't it? But when we're with someone for a while, we tend to take them for granted. And if right now you're saying, "I want my wife back" then this applies to you.

No matter what happens, you need to be on an even keel, nice and polite. Unfortunately, it's easier to be nice and polite when you're still together because you see her more often. But it is possible to run into someone often "accidentally on-purpose," especially if you live in a small town or are part of a close-knit community.

Run into her often and use every moment you're near her as an opportunity to show her that you can be considerate and polite. The important thing is to avoid things like getting angry or impatient with her.

Sometimes this is a difficult thing to judge. You might think your wife wants you to be jealous. Or you might think the whole breakup is a ploy to get you to act differently. If you keep thinking of the breakup along those terms, you're in for a disappointment.

Sometimes people do break up with someone to prove a point and to get their lover to come around to their way of thinking. But most often it's not a game, and the person left because they were unhappy with you and the relationship.

If you're saying, "I want my wife back!" and you're trying to convince yourself that she didn't really intend to leave you, but instead meant get a rise out of you, stop thinking that way now.

You simply shouldn't presume to know something that could be completely wrong. So assume that she had reasons that were good enough for her. And show her that there's more to you than meets the eye.

So from being nice and polite, we move into being thoughtful. They are different things, though they're overlapping, too. Being nice and polite can apply to everyday situations. Being thoughtful means going that extra mile.

Try sending her a card telling her she's special. Send it for no real reason, no occasion, except to remind her that you think she's special. Surprise her in a way you probably rarely did when you were together, and reap the rewards.

Finally, be thoughtful enough to leave her alone. You might think, "I want my wife back," but if she's not ready to try and you keep hounding her on the issue, you'll only drive her further away.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Go Choco-Loco Tonight with Your Lover!

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

I love chocolates -- and I know it's not only me who has a passion for Hershey's Kisses and M&Ms. These sweets are believed to be aphrodisiacs and let me say now that I believe it 100%! After all, romance, passion, foreplay, sex... they're all heavily affected by your mind right? And if you believe that chocolates can help bring out the 'wild woman' out of your partner, then so be it!

Chocolates can do wonderful effects on our body. Since they are made from plants, they inherently contain natural components that promote good health. In fact, it is said that dark chocolates reduce high blood pressure.

A small bar is enough to also lower bad cholesterol in the body. Eating chocolates gives an immediate boost of energy and vigor. Moreover, and also very fortunately, chocolates have also been found to have a certain effect on one's desire for sexual activity.

They are said to strengthen a woman's libido, resulting in an increased interest and desire for sex. As for men, chocolates stimulate passion and vitality and a remarkable increase in sexual desire can be noted. No wonder men always resort to chocolates when they date women!

Let me share some secrets that will help you satisfy her the right way.

Short Choco History

According to aphrodisiac history, the belief started with the Mayans, who drank chocolate for fertility. They would even use a chocolate drink concoction during marriage ceremonies.

In very recent studies though, chocolates have been discovered to have phenylethylamine, a chemical that's detected when one falls in love. And get this: the same chemical rises up to the brain during an orgasm!

Serotonin is also known to be present in chocolates. This chemical gives one a feeling of pleasure. These two substances are mildly addictive. But women are known to be more susceptible to the effects of phenylethylamine, thus making women more 'chocoholic'.

If you're still not convinced, then maybe results of a study (by Italian researchers no less!) published in The Times in 2004 will. According to that research, "Women who have a daily intake of chocolate showed higher levels of desire than women who did not have this habit. Chocolate can have a positive physiological impact on a woman's sexuality."

Learn more tricks to have her begging for more.

Chocolate as a Sex Tool

Now if feeding your woman chocolates does not give you a hard-on or if she just ends up eating the whole box without even giving you a second glance, then there's something wrong with your delivery.

That's right. Chocolates are so common now that they don't really conjure up images of sex right away so don't just buy the average chocolate bonbon. Why not try Kama Sutra chocolates! That's right; there are chocolate bars being sold online now that are shaped specifically to match Kama Sutra sex positions!

If you want to take this a step further, cook up your own Kama Sutra-shaped chocolates. But this time, add some chili flakes to increase the aphrodisiac factor.

Now what can be better than vanilla ice cream topped with warmed chocolate? That would be vanilla ice cream and warm chocolate eaten off your lover's body!

Put some melted vanilla ice cream on your lover's naked breasts and lap it up! Now, immediately follow this up with some warm chocolate sauce and suck off all of that too! Other areas you can try this are her neck (yes, her neck!) and of course... her pussy!

Here's another idea. Why not buy edible chocolate undies! Present this to your woman; urge her to try it on with one promise... that SHE will be your dessert tonight! You can also turn the tables around of course. Put on a chocolate-flavored condom and ask her to give you a blow-job. I guarantee she'll be sucking away with gusto!

Ok, now here's one I actually first heard from one of our subscribers. Edible body chocolate paint... that should be applied with a very soft and tender paint brush. Imagine how she would feel as you glide that tickly, feathery, chocolate-laden brush all over her body. By the time you reach her groin, she'll be panting like crazy!

There is truly no end to the wonders of chocolate as an aphrodisiac! In fact, I dare say that of all the aphrodisiacs that are popularly known, chocolates are the most readily available, are some of the most inexpensive to buy, are a joy to be eaten by both men and women, and are actually believed by scientists to increase sexual appetite!

So what are you waiting for? If I were you, I'd be running out the door to get some chocolates now!

Learn more SPICY techniques to satisfy your lover in bed.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

You Dont Want Divorce -- 3 Ways To Stop It

Things aren't going well, but you don't want divorce to end your relationship. What can you do? If you don't want divorce there are three specific things you can do to stop it.

These tips won't work in every situation�some relationships are too far gone. But most relationships start having troubles long before they reach this point, thankfully.

When you don't want divorce but your partner does, try being quiet for a while.Just don't say anything. Stop complaining. The worst thing you can do is to carry on about how you don't want to get divorced.

You can let your partner know that you don't want the divorce. And that's about all you can do. Perhaps you could reassure them that couples go through this kind of thing all the time and are still together today. Just don't do it more than once.

If you carry on and carry on about how you want to stay together, you'll probably just annoy your partner, making it less likely for him to be open to the idea of staying together. The whole point is to make yourself extra desirable to your partner again.

It's unlikely he or she finds you particularly desirable when you're complaining and whining about inconsequential things. That tendency to complain and even nag may have had something to do with why the relationship broke up in the first place, remember.

You want to show your very best side to your partner at all times. When you started dating this person, you were probably on your own very best behavior. Everyone does that to win a mate's heart. Then as things start to stagnate a little because the mate is won and there's no need to compete with others anymore, the tendency to whine and complain begins.

Stop this immediately and go back to your very best "going to win them" courting behavior. That is often such a switch from the way things were in the beginning, that it seems almost too good to be true.

Going hand in hand with taking care not to complain or nag is learning to simply be agreeable. We tend to take our partner for granted and when he or she suggests something we're not happy with, we make it known. If we do that too often it can start to seem to our partner that they can't do or say anything right!

If you don't want divorce then learn to agree with your partner even when you don't want to. That might sound a little extreme, but you're in rescue mode right now. You just want to do everything you can to save the marriage. It doesn't' mean that you'll never be able to disagree with them for the rest of your life.

You need to learn to not whine, to agree and to do it all with a smile on your face. If you don't want divorce you'll have to do these things for at least a little while.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

A Sexual Massage -- in the Bathtub

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

One of the ways a woman gives herself a relaxing treat is by soaking in a long, hot bath so you can take this opportunity to really giver her a treat by preparing a bath for her. Of course, with other 'extra treats' as only you can provide.

How to Prepare a 'Proper' Bath for Her

No guys, a bath is not just filling the tub with hot water and pouring some bubble bath solution in it. If you're going to do this, do it good and create the right ambiance for her.

First, close the windows and blinds and submerge the whole bathroom in darkness. Next, light some candles. They can be scented or not depending on what you use for the... scented oil you want to place on the burner or oil diffuser.

So for example, if you're using vanilla oil on the oil diffuser, don't use strawberry-scented candles as the heady, super sweet smells will most likely give you both a headache. Aim for one scent or like what's mentioned above, use non-scented candles if you're going to burn scented oils.

Also, don't scrimp on the candles ok? The more, the merrier!

Next, put on some soothing music and make sure it's not too loud or too soft. To test this, turn the music on and go into the bathroom and close the door a bit. Check if the music level is just right.

Next, make sure everything you need is within reach. It's not good if you break the sexual massage all the time by running out of the bathroom! Plus, it's not good for the overall warm temperature in the bathroom. Just put everything you need on a tray and set this on the toilet or on a small chair.

Don't forget a few edible treats. A glass of wine or champagne and a platter of crackers and cheese are sexy and will make you both last long during the sexual massage.

Learn more about the right techniques to satisfy her in bed.

Sexual Massage Moves in the Bath

For starters, let her soak in the bath for about 5 to 10 minutes just to loosen her tight muscles and wracked nerves. Don't join her in the bath just yet.

Start sexually massaging her while you're still outside the tub. Sit on the edge or pull up a chair and use a wooden massage roller and move this along her body.

You can also position yourself at the top edge of the tub so you can massage her head. Slip your hands under her shoulders and then draw them up and out. A variation of this step is to pull your hands along the underside of the head, with your fingers against the back of the neck.

Get my free report to learn a lot more positions in my free report!

Feel free to shampoo her hair too. The pressure of your hands on her scalp in combination with the soft suds of the shampoo will feel great. Besides, this is the beauty of a sexual massage in the bathroom, no cares for the all the water and soap that might spill on the floor.

Now, without breaking your massage strokes, climb into the bathtub and join her. Sit behind her with her back to yours (sort of like spoon to spoon). Start massaging her shoulders and work your way to her lower back. And now comes the best part... massaging her front.

Start by reaching over and cupping her breasts (gently!). You can use the soap suds or better yet, put more soap gel on your hands and start massaging her breasts as if you were trying to create a lot of lather!

Tease her by massaging her breasts, moving to her shoulders, going back to her breasts, going down and rubbing her stomach, back to hear breasts again. Each time, be a bit more daring and go lower and lower her front. For instance, just massage or 'clean' her belly button with your finger and then go back to her breasts before going down to her pubic area.

Here's a naughty tip for you: unless your woman has gone Brazilian (i.e., has had all her pubic hair shaved off) you can try 'shampooing' her hair down there! Simply apply the same strokes you would as if you were washing her hair.

As a climax to this hot tub sexual massage, you may go ahead and insert your finger in her 'sweet spot'. Remember, this should be part of the sexual massage and should not be seen as the sexual act itself so be gentle while you finger her. The objective is not to make her come but to simply 'connect' with that special place as well. Good luck!

Try my HOTTEST tips to satisfy her tonight and you will have her begging for more tomorrow...and the next day...and the next day.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Six Cunnilingus Games to Try

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

So who says eating her out is boring? (It never is for HER you know.) But if you and your partner already engage a lot in cunnilingus then you may want to up the heat factor a bit with these hot, erotic, and mind-blowing cunnilingus games!

6 Cunnilingus Games to Try Tonight

The Alphabet or Spelling Game

This cunnilingus game is very easy to do. Using your tongue, simply write out a letter of the alphabet and make her guess what that letter is. For the more 'advanced' players, you can move on to spelling certain words or phrases like "I love you" or "Horny". Not only does this game make cunnilingus more exciting, it also helps to put a nervous woman at ease because she's forced to focus on deciphering your letters or words than on any insecurities she may have.

My personal favorite is when my lover writes the letter "i". Of course, the dot on the "i" lands on my clit!

Let me tell you a lot more of my sexy secrets.

The Hot and Cold Game

This game makes use of ice cubes or ice cream. Simply lavish her pussy with your licking and then take a short pause to put an ice cube in your mouth for a few seconds. Take out the ice cube and go directly back to licking her! The hot and cold sensations on her pussy will drive her wild. Guaranteed! For variation, a bowl of ice cream beside you will also be great.

The Soft and Rough Game

According to many women, the best licking is the soft, steady and slow licks. But just as when she's already relaxed and into your cunnilingus play, change your licking style a little and 'rough her up' a bit. Go from slow and soft, to fast and hard licking just to shock her. Then go back again to slow and soft. Warning: do NOT do this when she's already hot and shouting "yes... yes..." because this means that you've already hit the winning motion and she's really turned on now or about to come. In this scenario, the last thing she needs is for you to change or alter what you're doing. Got it?

The 'Food Plate'

I personally love this cunnilingus variation! Here, her pussy becomes a veritable plate of delicious food offerings waiting for you to be devoured. My lover specifically enjoys this when he's hungry (literally!) so that he's really into eating the food placed on top of my pussy.

The food you use is really all up to you guys so long as they are in small, bite-size pieces. For example, you can have some cut-up fruit, some sushi pieces, and of course whipped cream figures in this equation most of the time.

Just be creative! Many more ideas here.

The Exhibitionist

In this particular cunnilingus game, you play the spectator and she the performer, at least at the start. May women, claim that their men have no clues how to please them 'down there'. For men, they equally claim that it's not as if there's a manual to cunnilingus. Furthermore, many women are actually shy or inhibited during cunnilingus that it's hard to decipher what they do and don't like.

Well, this game ends the speculation. First, the man sits on a chair opposite the bed. The woman who's lying on the bed, with her legs spread and facing him, then begins to play with herself. This is a gigantic turn-on for him, making him want to eat her pussy all the more. But more than that, the 'show' actually enables him to know how she wants to be touched and licked.

Just when she's really wet and into pleasing herself, get out of the chair and do cunnilingus on her!

Three's NOT a Crowd

If you're the really adventurous type of couple then a three-some is not out of the question, right? For most couples I know, they prefer the 2 women, 1 man combo. This is because most men have fantasies of being in bed with more than one woman anyway. As for the woman, it's not really hard for her to imagine being made love to by another woman as opposed to men thinking of having sex with other men.

In this cunnilingus game, you and the third person can simply take turns eating your woman out or she can focus on your partner's other glorious parts while you perform cunnilingus on her.

Whatever game you choose to do tonight, focus on fun, pleasure, while being responsible at the same time, ok?

Learn a lot more secrets on how to satisfy your lover.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

I Miss My Ex Boyfriend - How To Cope

Are you saying, "I miss my ex boyfriend" and wondering what you're going to do? Losing a boyfriend is a painful thing, especially if you really love him. And unfortunately, "I miss my ex boyfriend" is a common cry these days.

You have to decide when the time comes to stop saying, "I miss my ex boyfriend!" and start saying, "I'm going to get my boyfriend back!" It's hard enough to be missing him without having to worry about strategies to get him back, but they're important.

These strategies will work even if there's no chance of you getting back together. They'll work by helping you feel better about yourself and your situation. It might not be easy to face the fact that you may not get back together, no matter what you do, and that's normal.

While you'd probably rather hear about that surefire method of getting your boyfriend back, there is no such magic bullet. No one thing is going to miraculously work for every split up couple. If that were the case, then everyone would stay together, for the most part. Or when they did split up, no one would really be hurt by it.

So you can forget about guarantees and absolutes. Everything you try might not work at all. But at least you've tried everything you knew how to try, and that's more than most people will ever do.

"I miss my ex boyfriend" is the battle cry of many women who've been involved with break ups .It happens to almost everyone at least once; and for some people, it's happened more than once. They got through it and came out all right on the other side, and so will you. That's important to remember.

It's also important to remember that even though you do everything you know how to do to get your ex back, it may not work, but that doesn't mean you're a failure. The tendency is to blame yourself when this doesn't work out. But for all you know, he has different reasons for wanting to break up and they aren't things that can be fixed, in his opinion.

As frustrating as it is, his opinion is the one that matters most to him. If he believes it's hopeless, it'll be very hard for you to change his mind. You may end up just getting hurt worse if you try to.

But if he seems open to the idea that you want to get back together, then you probably have a much better chance of getting him again. In the long run, getting him back into the relationship after a breakup is the easy part. Keeping him interested for the long haul can be a whole different thing.

Carefully consider when you're trying to get him back if it's just that you don't want to be alone, or that you want to be with him. You don't want "I still miss my ex boyfriend" to turn into "I want to break up with him."

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Know Her Erogenous Zones

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

This may come as a shock to you but sex is really pretty boring IF you end up following a routine. So how do you avoid this? Don't be afraid to use your imagination! That is why most people say that the brain -- not the genitals -- is the most important sex organ.

And when you use your imagination, it's equally important to apply your 'naughty thoughts' on your woman's erogenous zones. Erogenous zones are those unique places in her body that generate sexual arousal when stimulated. And so if you know her erotic zones and apply your lustful imagination on them, you can make having sex with her a whole-body experience instead of just engaging in sex that's limited to her genitals.

Erogenous zones are also important to know when you are giving her a sexual massage!

Know Her 'Hot Buttons'

So do you know your woman's sweet sex spots? Here's a quick rundown of what they may likely be and what you can do to it during a sexual massage.

By the way, once you master these, don't forget to check out my FREE REPORT to learn how to satisfy her in bed.

Her Breasts

OK, her breasts may not be a big erogenous zone secret for you but do you know how to handle them properly during a sexual massage? Most women find men too rough when it comes to fondling their breasts. And more so during sexual massage! So what do you do?

First of all, remember that the goal of a sexual massage is to de-stress while heightening sexual desire. So the general rule is to handle her body with TLC (tender loving care).

When it comes to her breasts, this is what you should do during your sexual massage session: avoid putting your whole hand over her breast. Using your index fingers, lightly press on her nipples as you would press a sensitive buzzer. First use dry fingers, then lick your index fingers and push down again.

The fact that she does not feel anything except your index finger on her nipple will send shivers through her body! And because you're not touching her anywhere else (avoid any other body contact), her body is still in total relaxation (while her mind is already advancing towards sex).

Now, after about 10 'finger presses', very lightly lick her nipple. Do not overdo this, just give her butterfly licks. After about 10 licks on each breast, stop and go to other hot zones.

Learn more about how to do it "the right way" and reach the BIG O.

Her Armpit

Another erogenous zone is her armpit. Lick this during the sexual massage and she will feel delirious and lustful! To make sure that this is not unpleasant for you. Prepare a wet, hot towel before you start the sexual massage and use it to wipe her armpit before you start licking gently.
Do the 'Dip'

From her upper torso, gently move towards sexually massaging her by doing "The Dip". Put her arms above her head then position your arms under her shoulder (as if you were embracing her in bed). This position will 'open' her body to you. Breathe warmly against her collarbone, kiss the side of each breast and then position your tongue between her breasts.

From this position, lick her all the way down, passing her stomach, belly button, belly and then ending with a quick 'dip' in her genitals!

Her Foot

This is the proper position when you start focusing on her feet: have her bend her knees and spread her legs a bit. This vulnerable position will already bring images of sex to her mind. You then kneel between her legs and lift one of her legs so that you can massage her foot. Put a lot of warm, massage oil on your hands and then slowly knead her feet. At the end of your massage, breathe against the sole of her feet. Your warm breath will both relax and sexually stimulate her.
Her Toes

Toes are often neglected erogenous zones! The proper way to sexually massage toes is this: clean off any oil on and between her toes with a soft, wet, and warm towel. Hold her big toe, run your thumb against its sole (out a bit of pressure) and follow through with a quick like. Do this for each toe. The next step is to slowly and seductively suck each toe!

Her Butt

Have your woman lie on her stomach. Put some warm oil on your hands and gently massage her ass, kneading lightly. After this, progress to kissing them and licking them. And then just when she's so relaxed, comfortable or maybe even about to drift off, part her buttocks and lick her anus. This will send her a sexual charge like no other!

Proceed to licking her crack and when you notice that she's getting too excited. Turn her over and let the love-making begin!

The fact that your bodies are both slick from the massage oil and glistening in the dark makes love-making even more exciting.

Learn many more erotic tips to satisfy her tonight.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Win Love Back - Make Your Ex Love You Again

Have you recently experienced a breakup, and now you are hoping that you can win love back?

Getting your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend to fall madly in love with you once again is an endeavor that can be quite difficult. However, if you want to win love back, and you have the dedication and the patience to achieve it, you may be able to make it happen.

The first thing you need to do in order to win love back is to figure out what went wrong in the relationship in the first place. What did you do, or what did your ex do, in order to make the relationship dissolve?

You need to be able to address the problems in the relationship in order to win love back.

If you cannot rectify the issues that led to the breakup, then you are not going to be able to win love back when it comes to your relationship.

If you want to win back his heart, then you are going to have to proceed slowly but surely. If you messed up and did something wrong and that led to the dissolving of your relationship, then what you need to do is apologize, and work to regain the trust of your ex.

Are you certain that you want to win love back in the first place? Do you want your ex back or are you simply afraid to be alone? What is going to keep you from messing things up again? Are you dedicated to repairing the relationship once and for all, or might you slip up again?

If you are sure that you want to rekindle things, and you are sure that your goal is to win love back, then you need to let him know by apologizing for the problems in the past, communicating better with him than ever before, and giving him the space that he needs to figure out what he wants to do in the relationship. If you do not give him any space, the results of the relationship will not be to your liking.

Find out what it is that caused the relationship to fall apart, and fix it. If he was bored with you, find a way to liven things up. If you cheated on him, find a way to prove that you've stopped. Once you can undo the underlying causes of the break up, you and your ex can start learning to rebuild things in a healthy and proactive way and this will allow you to win love back once and for all.

Learning how to win love back is all about knowing what went wrong the first time around so that you can prevent it from happening again. It may take some serious time and effort, but the investment is well worthwhile when you consider the positive results that are possible in situations like these.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Save My Marriage -- 2 Secret Techniques

If you're wondering, "How to save my marriage?" then you only have to look around you to remember the things you did together when you were first married or first dating. Are you still doing those things today? If you're trying to figure out, "How to save my marriage?" then chances are you're not.

Marriages get into trouble for a variety of different reasons. There are affairs, lies, boredom, changes people go through that make them more or less appealing to each other, moves, children, jobs . . . . All these things factor into a marriage and help determine whether it's healthy or whether you'll end up asking, "How to save my marriage?"

If there are have been affairs or serious betrayals and lies, then probably the best thing you can do if you want to save the marriage it to go to counseling. This isn't one of the secret techniques, but it's probably the only one that can really help once things like that have gone on.

Through marriage counseling, you may be able to get at the heart of why there was cheating, and find ways to make sure it doesn't happen again. Counseling may also lead you to the painful decision that you don't want to remain in such a marriage where you may not be able to trust your spouse again (or yourself, if you're the one who cheated).

Sometimes marriage counseling is very painful while you're going, but once the painful things come out it's like a wound that's been cleaned out -- now it can start to heal.

The secret techniques aren't really secret either, but they might as well be because few people every try them and instead do the exact opposite.

The first thing you can do when you find yourself asking, "How to save my marriage?" is to simply leave your spouse alone. Enjoy some me time without your partner. It doesn't have to be for very long. It can be just a few days. Just make sure your partner knows that it isn't practice for splitting up, you're just giving him or her a little breathing room.

Sometimes marriages suffer because spouses spend too much time together. If that's the case in your marriage, some time apart can be a very good thing.

If the problem with the marriage is that you spend too much time apart already, then you can make a difference in your marriage by taking some initiative. Vow right now to make some changes, and go and schedule a weekend getaway for you both. If that's too expensive, plan an outing for the day. Or plan three hours of dinner and a movie where it's just the two of you, on a private and surprise date.

You'd be surprised how these two secret techniques, when used at the appropriate times, can feel so good they'll take you from asking, "How to save my marriage?" to wondering why you hadn't been doing these things for several years.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

12 Nights of Passion

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

Sex games can be as easy or as complicated as you want them to be. There are those where you just whip out a sex game board and be done with it in a few minutes -- nothing wrong with that! -- but there are also those that take some time in its execution.

Your sex life should never be a routine. That's why it's important to engage in BOTH simple and more complex sex games. One benefit of the latter is that the longer you delay actual lovemaking, the hotter you guys are by that time!

12 Nights of Passion

This sex game is designed for super extended foreplay. The goal is to reach the 12th night without having intercourse, making the 12th night one of intense passion. Here's a sample outline you can use.

Beware: before you DO have intercourse, you must be ready to pay up for all the expectancy that you created! Learn how to give her the best orgasms of her life.

1st night -- Have a romantic dinner either at home or at a fancy restaurant. While dining, play footsie and/or indulge in a little bit of groping underneath the table.

2nd night - Sprinkle red roses in bed, light some candles and play some soft music, and then just cuddle each other till you sleep.

3rd night -- Play strip poker and once all your or your partner's clothes are off, engage in a little dry rubbing, but that's it! Don't engage in having sex.

4th night -- Play "silent dirty words". Get a pen and blank sheet of paper each. Write a dirty word or phrase on the piece of paper, tear it off and hand it to your lover. Your lover reads it and then drops it in a bowl. Now it's her turn to write another dirty word or phrase and hand it off to you. Do not talk in between this exercise. Just write, show the words and that's it. The 'loser' is the one who runs out of dirty words first. (You will notice that at the end of this exercise, you guys have just collected a bowl of dirty phrases you can use for a future game!) After the game has ended, laugh it off, have a bowl of ice cream or something and go to bed.

5th night -- Play sexy twister. Take out the twister mat or board and play a traditional game of twister... naked.

6th night -- It's the sixth day, give yourselves a little bit of reprieve by engaging in some hot oral sex. You can bring each other to a climax but do NOT engage in intercourse.

IMPORTANT: While engaging in oral sex, make sure to avoid the most common mistakes. Learn the proper techniques to satisfy your lover!

7th night -- "Accidentally" leave out some adult-rated reading material for your lover to see and glance over. Make sure the erotica is hot enough to really bring about lust in your partner. When she asks you about it, feign innocence!

8th night -- Give each other a sexual massage. Be naughty and daring but do not engage in lovemaking. You can engage in oral pleasure but not to the point of bringing on a climax.

9th night -- Give your partner a call at an odd hour of the day, say 2 PM or whenever she least expects it, and engage in some phone sex. Don't go too far; just get each other excited. After that, say you probably dialed the wrong number and hang up, or change your voice to 'normal' and simply say "love you honey, see you tonight for dinner" and then hang up.

10th night -- Go online together tonight and preview a few adult-rated literotica.

11th night -- Send naughty messages to your lover all throughout the day! Send a sex joke via SMS, email a long and dirty joke, and others. By the time you see each other tonight, pretend like nothing happened!

12th night -- Shoot a short erotic video of yourself. Don't go all the way. Instead, at the end of the video, look into the camera and tell your lover where you should meet tonight. It can be a hotel room, motel room or your own bedroom but fancily dressed up. The minute your lover enters the location you indicated on the video, do not engage in foreplay whatsoever! After all these days, you're pent up passions will be enough for one of the hottest moments of your life!

The 12 Nights of Passion is designed to bring about so many things in your relationship. It's a sex game of creativity and control. But its real goal is to make each day one of heightened sexual pleasure and longing for each other. Can you imagine how you guys will come together by the 12th night after all that waiting and sexual highs and lows?!? Give this extended sex game a try and be sure to do it more than once a year!

Learn a lot more about games and tips to satisfy your lover in bed.

For more advice on relationships, please visit