Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Miss My Thai Girlfriend - What Should I Do

Are you thinking 'I miss my Thai girlfriend' after a painful relationship break up? If this sounds like you, then you're not alone. Missing your Thai girlfriend is a normal part of the grieving process after any break up, but some men's longing to see their ex one more time goes much deeper than simply missing the companionship.

In these cases, men can feel as though they have missed out on their chance at true love. If this sounds like you and you find yourself saying 'I miss my Thai girlfriend', then there may be some things you can do to win back your relationship.

Even if you think you've tried everything you can to get your Thai girlfriend back, perhaps you need to reconsider your tactics, as some of the things you might be doing could potentially be pushing her even further away. Some things men try in order to get their ex to realize how much they miss her can often make her run the other way instead of coming back to you.

These things can include calling her and telling her you miss her and you love her in an upset, miserable tone of voice. To a woman, this sounds like desperation from a very unhappy person. Women like to spend time with people who make them feel good. This means they'll look for men who are happy and confident because they make her feel as though he's capable of making them happy.

If you've ever called your Thai girlfriend and cried about how upset you are now that she's gone, then you might have pushed her even further away. Don't worry, though. It is possible to fix this kind of mistake by simply not contacting her for a few days to give her plenty of time to miss you. After all, if you're texting or emailing or calling her all the time, when has she had a chance to miss you yet?

While you're spending some time away from her, you need to spend some time working on building up your own self-confidence. Give yourself a mini makeover. When men look good, they feel good too. Spend some time doing things that make you feel good. Go out with some friends and do some fun things together.

Building your own self-confidence will help to stop you thinking about the negative, upsetting aspects of telling yourself over and over 'I miss my Thai girlfriend'. Instead of this, begin thinking about positive things you can do to become the happy, confident man that your Thai girlfriend fell in love with in the first place.

After all, when you can put yourself back into a positive frame of mind, you'll be ready to give her a call and suggest you both catch up for a friendly coffee and a chat. This will give you a chance to let her spend some time with the happy, confident version of you that she once loved and was attracted to. If you feel your emotions coming to the surface and you feel like you want to beg or plead with her or if you feel like you're going to cry, remember that the unhappy you is the one she pulled away from and broke up with.

So if you're thinking 'I miss my Thai girlfriend', take heart. There is still hope you can work on ways to get your Thai girlfriend back.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

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