Friday, October 30, 2009

Get My Filipino Boyfriend Back

Do you wonder "how do I get my Filipino boyfriend back?" This article will show you three different strategies to get your Filipino boyfriend back. These are not strategies that can be done in conjunction with one another. Pick one path and stick to it.

The first path is to be needy. This is not a recommended path. When you are needy, you write lots of love letters, pester him with dozens of texts or emails, and call him at least five times a day. Unless your Filipino boyfriend is a real wimp, this will probably turn him off rather than get your Filipino boyfriend back.

The alternative to being needy is the second path which is to be available. If you have some hope that your Filipino boyfriend will want you back after you have given him a little bit of space, your best strategy is simply to be available. Answer his phone calls and emails, give him a shoulder to cry on, and don't harass him about getting back together. It's okay to go on with your life and date other people during this period, but don't flaunt it in your Filipino boyfriend's face.

If you follow the available path, you'll just "show up" places where your Filipino boyfriend is likely to be hanging out. You'll find occasional excuses to call your Filipino boyfriend (but never more than once every few days).

In this path, you will also send emissaries to him or his friends broaching a reconciliation.

But if you don't think being available is going to work, you can choose the third path which is to be aggressive –- about other people. If you choose the aggressive path, you are going to play on one of mankind's primal urges, namely jealousy.

This third path could also be called "date your Filipino boyfriend's best friend" because that is one of the strategies on this path.

What you will want to do is make yourself your Filipino boyfriend's dream girl (or guy) and then pursue his friends. When you show up at places he hangs out, you will pay lavish attention to your Filipino boyfriend's friends and none whatsoever to him. When you do land a date with your Filipino boyfriend's friend, you should text your Filipino boyfriend and ask him what kind of restaurant to make reservations at for your date or which club to go to. Get in your Filipino boyfriend's face with the fact that you are on the market.

As your Filipino boyfriend sees that you are a valuable commodity, he will want you back. Jealousy is a powerful human emotion.

Be aware that playing games like this could backfire. If you invest a lot of emotion in "tricking" your Filipino boyfriend into wanting you and he or she really is over you, you could hurt yourself badly. Only you can decide whether this strategy is worth the consequences it may cause you.

So, there are three different paths to how to "get my Filipino boyfriend back".

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