Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why Men Leave Relationships

If you are a women who is struggling to keep your relationship intact and you want to know why men leave relationships, this is the article for you. As humans, we have the tendency to make things more complicated than they have to be. This is compounded by some misconceptions that are strongly rooted in our society.

Many people have heard the saying: "Men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love". The problem is that doesn't have to be the way it is. While there might be some truth to that it just perpetuates a common flaw in our way of thinking: that men want and need sex more than women and that sex is all men need to be happy.

That's simply not true. For the most part men and women have similar sex drives but our society, and really throughout history, men have been encouraged to 'sow their wild oats' and women have been told they have to be 'good girls'. So men are used to giving in to their desires and women are used to putting their desires on hold.

No wonder relationships seem like such a challenge! Half the population doesn't feel like they have any control over their urges and the other half feels like their urges are wrong!

For anyone who wants a stable loving relationship you will need to re-think many of the concepts you were brought up to believe. The truth is that anyone, men or women, will leave unfulfilled relationships and all but the most shallow people want to be fulfilled in many ways not just sexually.

In order to really have a loving long term relationship you need to have connections: physical, spiritual, and emotional. These are necessary for the success of any long term relationship. All people want to feel like they are accepted, understood, desired, and loved by their partners.

When one or more of these needs aren't met the relationship will start to fall apart. For any women who wants to know why men leave relationships so they can prevent it from happening to them, just remember to connect with your man on all of these levels, and both of you will be happy, fulfilled, and committed to the relationship forever.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

What Is The Best Way To Get A Woman Back?

Few things in life suck as much as losing someone you love. It's very hard to deal with and many people will do just about anything to find out the best way to get a woman back. If you want to get back with your ex, don't give up. It is possible and I'll show you how.

In order to get back with your ex you're going to need to think outside the box. When most people are trying to get back with their ex they almost always do the wrong things.

That is why listening to your friends might be the worst thing you can do because chances are they'll tell you to do the exact opposite of what you should really be doing.

Here is a list of some Do's and Don'ts. Follow this list and you will have a much better chance of getting back with your ex.


1) Harass, badger, nag, or threaten. No one likes to be pushed. Don't chase after her. She already gets the fact that you still care and you want her back, now it's time to back off a little bit and give her some space.

2) Lock yourself in your house and never go out. This is what many people do. They go to work but other than that they just hide in a dark room.

3) Hookup with someone else. Not only is this a good way to lose your girlfriend for good, it's also unfair to the new woman. You would just be using her to get over your hurt.


1) Give your woman some space. Give her time to miss you. She can't remember you fondly and miss you if you are constantly in her face. This can be very difficult to do but it's one of the most important things to remember if you want her back.

2) Go out with your friends. Try to have fun. It will be hard, but it's very important not only for your mental health but also so that your ex will start to see you, again, as a fun loving person. The way she saw you when you first got together.

3) Be honest about whether or not the relationship is worth saving. Not all relationships should be saved. Also be willing to honestly admit whatever part you had in the relationship falling apart and be willing to make some changes to your behavior.

Follow the steps I've listed above and you'll be much more likely to get a woman back.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Friday, October 30, 2009

Get My Filipino Boyfriend Back

Do you wonder "how do I get my Filipino boyfriend back?" This article will show you three different strategies to get your Filipino boyfriend back. These are not strategies that can be done in conjunction with one another. Pick one path and stick to it.

The first path is to be needy. This is not a recommended path. When you are needy, you write lots of love letters, pester him with dozens of texts or emails, and call him at least five times a day. Unless your Filipino boyfriend is a real wimp, this will probably turn him off rather than get your Filipino boyfriend back.

The alternative to being needy is the second path which is to be available. If you have some hope that your Filipino boyfriend will want you back after you have given him a little bit of space, your best strategy is simply to be available. Answer his phone calls and emails, give him a shoulder to cry on, and don't harass him about getting back together. It's okay to go on with your life and date other people during this period, but don't flaunt it in your Filipino boyfriend's face.

If you follow the available path, you'll just "show up" places where your Filipino boyfriend is likely to be hanging out. You'll find occasional excuses to call your Filipino boyfriend (but never more than once every few days).

In this path, you will also send emissaries to him or his friends broaching a reconciliation.

But if you don't think being available is going to work, you can choose the third path which is to be aggressive –- about other people. If you choose the aggressive path, you are going to play on one of mankind's primal urges, namely jealousy.

This third path could also be called "date your Filipino boyfriend's best friend" because that is one of the strategies on this path.

What you will want to do is make yourself your Filipino boyfriend's dream girl (or guy) and then pursue his friends. When you show up at places he hangs out, you will pay lavish attention to your Filipino boyfriend's friends and none whatsoever to him. When you do land a date with your Filipino boyfriend's friend, you should text your Filipino boyfriend and ask him what kind of restaurant to make reservations at for your date or which club to go to. Get in your Filipino boyfriend's face with the fact that you are on the market.

As your Filipino boyfriend sees that you are a valuable commodity, he will want you back. Jealousy is a powerful human emotion.

Be aware that playing games like this could backfire. If you invest a lot of emotion in "tricking" your Filipino boyfriend into wanting you and he or she really is over you, you could hurt yourself badly. Only you can decide whether this strategy is worth the consequences it may cause you.

So, there are three different paths to how to "get my Filipino boyfriend back".

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Can Me And My Boyfriend Get Back Together

Many girls want to know, "can me and my boyfriend get back together?" Well, part of the answer to that question depends on you and part depends on your ex boyfriend. This video will look at the things you can do to make it more likely that you and your boyfriend can get back together.

First of all, you need to demonstrate that you have learned from past mistakes. You should look at what didn't work the first time around and see if you can improve on it. Did he complain that you spent too much time with your girl friends? Then, plan to spend more time with him if you get back together.

The next thing you need to do is remind him of all of the good things in your relationship. Who were you when you first got together? Has anything changed? For instance, when you got together were you a bubbly outgoing girl who had lots of things on your plate? Then, as you got more involved with him, did you drop a lot of your activities? Maybe he dropped you because you weren't as engaging as you used to be.

Put your hurt feelings aside and look at how you can support your ex boyfriend. While he's just a friend now, by being there to support him, maybe you can turn the relationship back into something more.

If his friends were critical of you, that may have been the reason behind the break up. Try to win his friends over as they have a great deal of influence on who he chooses to date.

One of the most powerful tools you have to get your ex boyfriend back is to reminisce about the good times you shared. As you put the positive memories in his mind, he will feel more like getting back together with you.

Go to the places you used to go together and do the activities you used to do together. Not only will this make it more likely that you will just "run in" to your ex boyfriend, you will also be developing the hobbies that he enjoys. Also, if there was a pastime that he encouraged you to take up while you were in the relationship, you might want to consider doing it now. It will signal to him that you have changed and have become even more interesting.

Always look your best. You never know when you might run into him. Guys are so much more visual that girls are. So, your appearance matters.

Be a positive person. Guys don't like depressed, whining girls. Be positive and upbeat around all kinds of people -- but especially your ex!

But, whatever you do, don't be too obvious that you are trying to get your ex boyfriend back. The pressure will make him like you less, not more.

You will notice that the advice I've given you here will make you a more attractive girlfriend whether it is for your ex or for a new guy. That's because improving yourself will always get you a boyfriend.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Men Leave Pregnant Women

If you have wondered, hopefully not from personal experience, why men leave pregnant women there are many reasons. If the woman is his wife than it will probably be completely unexpected; after all he committed to the marriage why bail now?

Other than the unexpectedness of a married man leaving his pregnant wife, it's usually pretty easy to spot the type of 'man' who would leave his pregnant girlfriend. I think all women need to use common sense before they get intimately involved with any man.

First of all if you are entering into an intimate relationship with a man before you have really gotten to know him you have to be aware that there are many potential dangers besides unexpected pregnancy. If you've been in the relationship for at least a little time there have probably been many signs that this guy is a loser.

Women are too quick to 'forgive' bad behavior in the men they date. They will say things like "he's got a good heart', "that's just the way he was raised", "it's a guy thing", etc. to justify the selfish and inconsiderate things their boyfriends do. If you're this type of woman you really should get counseling so you can understand why you would settle for this type of relationship.

The reality is that some men just don't like women and they get off on treating them badly. For some guys it can be a real ego boost to treat his girlfriend like trash and have her keep coming back for more. If you're in a relationship with that type of guy it's not too much of a stretch to think he might leave you if you got pregnant.

Any man who is verbally, emotionally, and especially physically abusive will more than likely leave you whenever the relationship isn't convenient for him. If your man exhibits any of these traits you should make darn sure that you don't accidentally get pregnant. Even if he doesn't leave, he is already abusive and once you are 'tied down' with a child that abuse is almost guaranteed to increase.

So if you are with a man who doesn't treat you with love, affection, and respect, you shouldn't be surprised to find yourself all on your own if you become pregnant. I'm not sure why men leave pregnant women expect that the term 'man' is probably not a very accurate description of these types of guys.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

What Is The Remedy For A Broken Heart?

Unless you have been lucky, you have probably been badly hurt when a relationship ended. Just what is the remedy for a broken heart?

Your first step is to see if your relationship can be salvaged. Sometimes in the heat of the situation we can do things we later regret. Perhaps you dumped your other half but now think you were too hasty. Why not see will he or she take you back? It is worth apologising and asking for another chance if you feel this person is your significant other.

It may be that you both said things that you regret. Often couples can come under severe stress due to financial worries, concerns over children, health and not to mention job related stress. Consequently resulting in unfair treatment to one another, which then leads to the possible breakup. Evaluate if this is one of the primary problems and then determine if your relationship is worth saving. If it is you can go to counselling for unbiased help and advice. It is worth a shot as getting back together with your loved one is a very good remedy for a broken heart.

Sometimes though a relationship ends and it is final. Yes, you will feel like you could never be happy again but with time your feelings will change. Treat the period after a difficult breakup exactly like you would if that person had died. Allow yourself time to grieve for what you have lost; but then acknowledge it is time to move on.

You need to look after yourself. Why not take that holiday you always wanted or go visit some family and friends. Make changes to your daily routine. Your life will be different now so instead of approaching it with fear, grab this opportunity with both hands. Who knows, something or someone better may just be around that next corner.

I do not believe that we only have one soul mate in life. Sure partners who meet when they are teenagers and are still together in their eighties are great. But there are other twosomes out there who may have made mistakes in their respective pasts, but have now found happiness again.

We change as people as we travel through the journey of life. Sometimes our significant other changes as well and as a couple we adapt and stick together. Often though, we find we want different things and while you may be heartbroken at first, you may ultimately be happier with someone else or even on your own.

If you find that your heartbreak is overwhelming, please speak to someone. There are plenty of counsellors and charities that help those who are suffering from a broken heart. Consider helping others as well. When we go and visit sick people in hospital, help out at a children's school or visit elderly neighbours, we often forget about our own problems.

It is very easy to wallow in feelings of sadness, but that will only breed despair. Life is too short to be miserable. You have complete control over your feelings. So get out there and find yourself the best remedy for a broken heart.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Can I Save Our Relationship- Is It Even Possible

I'm sorry. If you're reading this you must be having a very rough time in your relationship. I know how difficult that can be. If you are asking, 'How can I save our relationship?" I do have some tips that might be able to make a difference for you and your partner.

There are a few things you have to consider very carefully and honestly first. You have to decide why you want to save your relationship. That might sound like a dumb comment to make but sometimes we cling to things that we should just let go. We cling for the wrong reasons such as fear of being alone. Before you invest too much time and emotion in trying to save your relationship first make sure that it should be saved.

Now that you've done your honest soul searching and you've decided that your relationship is worth saving here are a few tips you can follow which should help:

1) It's not all about you. So often in relationships one person tends to carry more of the burden. They are the 'fixer'. They are the ones who carry most of the emotional baggage. If that person is you than you have to realize that you can't do it all. If your relationship is going to be saved your partner has to be able, and willing, to meet you halfway.

2) Try to communicate without condemning or criticizing. When a relationship starts to falter there are a lot of hurt feelings and frustrations from both parties. These hurts can build up into a huge wall of resentment. That wall is very tough to tear down. It will take a lot of time, patience, and open communication.

If the two of you aren't good at communicating you might need to find resources such as a book or counseling, that can help you work on your communication skills.

3) Own it. If you've screwed up you need to be a mature adult and admit your mistake and apologize for it. This is key. Remember in step 2 when I talked about resentments building up? You can do a lot to ease those resentments if you just own up to your mistakes and offer a sincere apology for the hurt you may have caused. To someone who loves you and wants to make things work this will be a very sweet sound.

Follow these 3 steps and you will be well on your way to answering the question " how can i save our relationship?". Remember, the problems didn't spring up overnight and they're not going to go away overnight either. But if the two of you are willing to work together you can get back the loving, fulfilling relationship you both want.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

How Do I Get My Wife To Come Back Home

It can be one of life's most difficult situations: a marriage falling apart. While it is important to try to honestly evaluate the problems in your marriage, and be willing to make reasonable changes to your unacceptable behavior, you still need to answer the question: 'how do i get my wife to come back home?' You can't even work on your relationship until she is home.

It's helpful if you have a 'game plan' for when your wife returns home. This isn't about manipulation or only paying lip service to making changes, it's about taking stock of the person you are and what areas of your personality and behavior you need to change. Remember you're not just making changes to keep your wife happy, you're making changes that need to be made for you to become a better person and a better husband.

Having given honest consideration to these things before your wife comes home will mean that you don't just repeat the same hurtful and destructive behaviors that caused her to leave in the first place. You don't want to have a relationship that is turbulent where you are constantly fighting about the same things. That type of relationship isn't good for anyone. Now that you have honestly accepted that there are some changes you will need to make, it's time to figure out how to get your wife to come home.

Here are some steps that can help you convince your wife that you still love her and there is hope for your relationship and that she should return home:

1. The first thing is to let her know that you've been honest with yourself and realize that there are things in your behavior that you are willing, and able, to change. Let her know that you are a sincere, mature man who wants to be a better man and a better husband and that you are willing to work on those things. If she has real reason to believe things can be different this time she'll be more likely to return home and give it a try.

2. Don't go into 'bachelor mode' and be a pig. Keep the house clean. Shower, shave, do the laundry, etc. Your wife sure isn't going to want to come home if she feels like she is just going to have to be the maid. No woman wants to have to be a mother to her own husband. Most woman want a friend, a partner, and a lover. Let her see that even though you miss her, you respect her enough to keep up with the housework even when you're on your own.

3. If you're wrong, admit it and apologize. Many men get caught up in the macho idea that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you screw up and admit it and apologize that is actually a sign of confidence, strength, and maturity.

Admitting when you are wrong and offering a sincere apology not only lets others know that you are a mature, confidant person, it also shows that you have respect for yourself and for them.

The reality is that people who won't apologize are actually very weak and insecure. They are too unsure of themselves to be able to admit they were wrong. When you're confidant enough in yourself to offer a sincere apology it shows that you are a strong, confidant individual...and that is sexy to any woman.

I hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to answer the question: "how do i get my wife to come back home?" The point is that if you truly want your marriage to work you need to be willing to work on your marriage. It takes two.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Men Dont Leave Their Wives

If you are unlucky enough to find yourself in a relationship with a married man, you have to understand why men don't leave their wives. It's true, married men rarely leave their wives for their mistresses. And to be honest, even if he did, why would you want a man who is a cheater?

Women are compassionate, loving, forgiving, kind, and sometimes very gullible. You might think he'll leave his wife because she's old, fat, mean, stupid, nuts, controlling, etc. And maybe she is, but the truth is she's probably none of these things, after all why would he have married her if she was? It's much more likely that he's just bored and you're a convenient distraction.

Few women would knowingly start a relationship with a married man if he started talking about what a sexy and wonderful person his wife was, so as hard as it is to believe, married men will often lie so that you can justify having sex with him.

The reasons men cheat usually come down to the fact that their marriage has gotten stale and one or more of his needs (not just sexually) are not being met to his satisfaction. That's the same reason women cheat, too.

The problem is that at the end of the day, he probably still has feelings for his wife or at least doesn't want to go through the expense of a divorce. You also have to take into consideration the way both sides of his family will react, and, if there are kids involved, most men are unwilling to hurt their own children.

If you are a woman who is involved with a married man and want to know why men don't leave their wives, there can be many reasons. The important thing to remember is that it really doesn't matter why he won't leave, it only matters that you know he probably won't leave his wife and he's not much of a prize even if he did.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

What Is The Best Way To Get Your Thai Girlfriend Back?

Few things in life suck as much as losing someone you love. It's very hard to deal with and many people will do just about anything to find out the best way to get a woman back. If you want to get back with your Thai girlfriend, don't give up. It is possible and I'll show you how.

In order to get back with your Thai girlfriend, you're going to need to think outside the box. When most people are trying to get back with their ex, they almost always do the wrong things.

That is why listening to your friends might be the worst thing you can do because chances are they'll tell you to do the exact opposite of what you should really be doing.

Here is a list of some Do's and Don'ts. Follow this list and you will have a much better chance of getting back with your Thai girlfriend.


1) Harass, badger, nag, or threaten. No one likes to be pushed. Don't chase after her. She already gets the fact that you still care and you want her back, now it's time to back off a little bit and give her some space.

2) Lock yourself in your house and never go out. This is what many people do. They go to work but other than that they just hide in a dark room.

3) Hookup with someone else. Not only is this a good way to lose your Thai girlfriend for good, it's also unfair to the new woman. You would just be using her to get over your hurt.


1) Give your woman some space. Give her time to miss you. She can't remember you fondly and miss you if you are constantly in her face. This can be very difficult to do but it's one of the most important things to remember if you want her back.

2) Go out with your friends. Try to have fun. It will be hard, but it's very important not only for your mental health but also so that your Thai girlfriend will start to see you, again, as a fun loving person. The way she saw you when you first got together.

3) Be honest about whether or not the relationship is worth saving. Not all relationships should be saved. Also be willing to honestly admit whatever part you had in the relationship falling apart and be willing to make some changes to your behavior.

Follow the steps I've listed above and you'll be much more likely to get your Thai girlfriend back.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Do I Get Back With Ex Husband

Divorce. Yuck! Now that you've gone through that Hell on Earth, you may be starting to think that the whole thing was a huge mistake. If you want to know how to get back with ex husband this article can help.

If you went to a therapist after your divorce and asked how to get back with your ex husband, one of the first things they would probably do is ask you why you wanted to take him back.

That is a good question. If you have had time to honestly evaluate your marriage and have come to the conclusion that you ended it too soon without trying hard enough to save it, then that's one thing.

But if you, like so many others, are just now facing the fear and uncertainty of being newly single and are starting to think being in a bad marriage is better than being alone, you really need to find some help to get over the feelings of loneliness and depression before you do something you'll regret.

If you're positive that getting back with your ex husband is the best thing for both of you, here are a few simple steps you can follow:

1) Try to talk to him.

Not yell or nag, but talk. And listen. Try to honestly and maturely discuss why the relationship ended. What misunderstandings took you so far away from one another.

If the two of you can honestly discuss how you're feeling, without recriminations, than you might actually see that you're not that far apart after all. You have just been coming at it from opposite directions.

2) Take some time to honestly evaluate what part you played

How much did you contribute to the deterioration of your marriage? No one is ever completely blameless. What was your part and are you willing to change whatever behavior it was that contributed to the breakup?

3) Try to find resources that will help the two of you communicate.

So many couples just have a hard time expressing themselves and listening to their partners. If you can find a way to work around this, you might have a shot at not only getting back with your ex husband but also of making your marriage what you'd truly like it to be.

Divorce is one of the ugliest and most difficult things we can go through. If you've come to the conclusion that yours was a mistake and you want to know how to get back with ex husband, then following these tips will be a good first step in the right direction.

Getting Back Together With Your Filipino Husband

So you are considering getting back together with your Filipino husband. This is a huge step and one which should not be entered into lightly. There are reasons why you split up in the first place. Unless these have been resolved, you do not stand much chance of making a success of your relationship the second time around.

But it could have been a mistake to end your marriage and getting back together may be the right thing for you both. Only time will tell. But a couple of tips that you could follow to help ensure success would be:

1) Men hate small talk. Well at least most men do. They cannot understand why some women feel the need to talk about every minute detail of a problem. Men just want to see the bigger picture and if you force them to do detail, they will probably pull the shutters down. When this happens it does not lead to good communication between you.

2) When men say they are sorry and mean it they expect to be forgiven. They do not want you to continue sulking or to act like an elephant and remember that tiny incident forever. Most men are straight forward. They are big enough to admit when they make a mistake, apologise and move on. Do yourself a favour and accept they are sorry and let it go. Obviously this would not apply if they were physically or mentally abusive. If this is the case, kick them out and be done with it, because in most cases the man's behaviour will only worsen.

3) Don't assume that your Filipino husband knows you want him back. Men as a rule are useless at reading signals. They may make better map readers but when it comes to human nature, they often need to be told exactly what you want. This applies just as much inside the bedroom as in the rest of your relationship.

4) Don't expect your man to rescue you from a life of boredom. Too many girls sit back and wait for the man in their life to make it interesting. Often men complain that the only topic of conversation in their house is the plot of some soap opera. Go have a life of your own. Just because you are part of a couple does not mean that you cannot do some things separately. While mutual interests are a great foundation of any relationship, so too is having the ability to have conversations. You cannot talk about life in general if you never leave the house or do anything interesting.

5) If you do succeed in getting back together with your Filipino husband, don't let the relationship go stale again. Arrange date nights where it is just the two of you. If you cannot afford a sitter, put the kids to bed and then make an effort to dress up. Take the phone off the hook and spend the night absorbed in each others company.

Try the above hints and tips and getting back together with your Filipino husband may be the best move you ever made.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Get Your Wife Back Now - Before It Is Too Late

How can you get your wife back now before it is too late? Most people who have been close to leaving a marriage know that the longer you wait, the more you risk not being able to turn back time and rediscover the reasons why you got married in the first place. The more time that goes by after a split, the more room there is for another person to become involved. Your wife may be feeling lonely and unloved and there is always someone waiting in the wings to help her recover her groove.

Marriages break down for all sorts of reasons but the main one is a lack of communication. Life can just sometimes get in the way. There may not have been an affair or other serious issue. You may just have simply drifted apart. Perhaps you thought your wife and your relationship would always be there.

It is easy to take your significant other for granted without meaning too. We often spend more time worrying about our friends or our kids while believing that our other half is fine. By the time you factor in the time spent on our jobs and our kids, it leaves very little for our Mrs. This can lead to your wife feeling you no longer love her or have time for her.

Love is like a plant. It takes care and nurturing to blossom. Without sunshine (attention), it withers and dies. However just like a plant, love can be revived if your willing too put out the effort.

Try talking to your wife and find out why she left. Is there something in particular that she is unhappy with? Perhaps she believes you are involved with someone else. If you are not, convince her of your innocence. If you are, you need to make a decision as to which person you want to be with. You cannot have two significant others in your life and expect life to go on as before.

Remind your wife of the good times you shared and all the reasons why you fell in love with her. Flatter her but be sincere, remember she knows you perhaps better than you know yourself. Don't get angry or try laying blame at her door. Never threaten her, your kids or imply that you will harm yourself. You will only frighten her or else she will pity you. Neither emotion is the one you are looking for.

Admit that although you both have made mistakes, now is the time to move on and work things out. Perhaps you won't be able to get your wife back but at least you will have tried everything.

Don't be too heavy or too desperate. You want her to find you attractive again and nobody likes a desperate man. Be strong and confident. Show her exactly what you want while at the same time convincing her that you are prepared to do what she wants or at least meet her more than half way.

Go get your wife back now and hopefully you will get to celebrate your golden years together yet.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

How Can I Get My Thai Girlfriend To Come Back To Me?

How can I get my Thai girlfriend girlfriend to come back to me is a question guys often ask after they realise they have made a huge mistake. Guys get bored easily and often believe that the grass is greener elsewhere. They see their single friends having fun every night and feel that they are missing out. So they dump their girlfriend and decide to go off and have some fun.

But after a couple of weeks or months leading the glorious single lifestyle, they soon come to realise that their friends are lonely and would do anything to find a lovely long term girlfriend. Their friends may even have been jealous of their relationship and that is the reason why they encouraged the break up. It is not uncommon for a guy to find out that his so called friends asked his ex girlfriend out shortly after they broke up.

Is any of this sounding true to you? Have you made the same mistake? Or perhaps you dumped your partner because you were scared of the feelings she was evoking in you. Perhaps this is the first time you have thought of settling down and having children and that made you head for the hills. This is fairly common thing to do, as men are generally not used to speaking out about their feelings. So how do you get your Thai girlfriend-girlfriend to take you back into her life and her bed; if you see yourself in any of the above.

Whether you are successful in getting your Thai girlfriend back will depend on how she feels about you. If you were the love of her life and this is the first time you have broken up, she may forgive you. But if you are in the habit of finishing with her regularly she may not be so forgiving and you will have to work harder to convince her.

Write to your Thai girlfriend and tell her how you feel. Apologise for how you behaved and explain that you want her back. An old fashioned love letter will work ten times better than texting, phoning, flowers or chocolates. Why? Your woman will be amazed that you have taken the effort to do this.

Most people these days have no idea how to write a proper letter. Go out and buy some nice paper and a pen. In the letter, apologise and ask her to go back out with you. Tell her you love her and miss her and remind her of the great times you two shared together.

After you send your letter, ask your Thai girlfriend out on a proper date. Take her to a fancy restaurant and lay on all the trimmings. Flatter her but mean it sincerely. Don't get creepy as that will freak her out.

Take things slowly and at her pace. Lay your feelings on the line and you may no longer have to ask how can I get my Thai girlfriend-girlfriend to come back to me.

For more advice on Thailand and Thai culture, please visit

Friday, October 23, 2009

Break Up with your Thai Girlfriend to Make Up

The break up may be just the first stage in getting back together with an ex.

If you had been dating for any length of time, you and your Thai girlfriend had a lot invested in the relationship. You obviously loved and cared for each other. But something went wrong and one of you decided to call it quits. How you handle the relationship break up may have a lot to do with whether you can ever make up.

If you are the one initiating the break up, try to do it with love and compassion. Whether you are truly calling it quits or just wanting a time out, remember that this is a person who has been important to you and you have a responsibility to take his or her feelings into account.

It's generally best to tell the person that you want to break up in a public place. That's because people are less likely to embarrass themselves if others are around. Also, don't draw the break up out. Just say your piece and leave.

Once you have broken up, leave the channels of communication open. Be there for your Thai girlfriend when he or she needs you.

Don't play games with your Thai girlfriend. Some people suggest dating their best friend or flaunting a new date on your Thai girlfriend, but consider that if you ever make up, these things are going to haunt your new relationship.

If you have found that you want to get back together with your Thai girlfriend, consider the following:

· Tell them that you are interested · Be interesting yourself -- take up new activities and make new friends · Try a new look -- whether it is a new hair style or simply updating your grooming, your Thai girlfriend will notice.

Suggest that you meet your Thai girlfriend for lunch or some other non-romantic activity. During this time, you can bring up the positive memories you shared. You can also emphasize any changes you have made in your life.

If your Thai girlfriend gives you any indication that he or she is willing to give it a second try, don't assume that you can start right back where you left off. Woo your boyfriend or girlfriend. Go out on romantic dates. Start by holding hands, not jumping into the sack.

Also, give your relationship time to heal from the break up. Don't assume that your Thai girlfriend's feelings weren't hurt by the cooling off period.

Continue improving yourself. Don't fall into bad habits just because you've got your Thai girlfriend back. Constantly strive to be the best boyfriend or girlfriend you can be.

For more advice on Thailand and Thai culture, please visit

What Are The Most Effective Get Him Back Secrets

If you're going through a breakup that you don't want you might be wondering how you can get back with your Thai girlfriend. Are there really any "get him back secrets" and if so, what are they?

If you are looking for some relationship secrets I've got good news and I've got bad news.

The bad news is that there aren't, at least as far as I've ever heard, any secret techniques to get back with your Thai girlfriend. There are no secret potions or love spells or magic tricks that will bring your Thai girlfriend back crawling on his hands and knees just pleading with you to take him back.

The good news is that you don't need secrets. All you need is an easy to follow, simple step by step "road map" that you can use to reconcile with your Thai girlfriend. If you find a good plan and follow it, even though it may be hard sometimes to stick to, the results that you get might have you believing that it was magical after all!

If you truly want to get back with your Thai girlfriend the first thing you need to do, even though this is going to sound weird, is to stop talking to him. If you are constantly contacting him this will likely backfire for a few reasons:

1) He won't be able to miss you. You want him to start to doubt his decision to end the relationship. He needs to miss the times you spent together and the things you did. If you're constantly trying to contact him how can he miss you?

2) If you won't leave him alone you are just becoming an annoyance. That is not how you want him to think of you, is it?

Another thing you have to avoid is the tendency to want to fix the relationship and change yourself so he will come back. While it is important for you to understand what qualities you have that might need some work, you should never change who you are just to accommodate someone else.

If the two of you aren't compatible then it's time for you to move on, no matter how painful it might be. It's simply not healthy for you to reinvent yourself for every relationship you have and it is a good way to find yourself in one abusive relationship after another.

And last, but not least, communicate. That doesn't mean cry, nag, beg or threaten. That means to have an adult conversation where you can openly and honestly explain to him how you're feeling. It's also important that you let him tell you how he is feeling too. This isn't the time to get angry or upset over what he tells you. This needs to be a 'safe zone' for both of you to honestly express yourself.

If you think that your relationship really is worth saving and you want " get him back secrets" than follow the list above. This is an honest and proven way to reconcile with your love.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Miss My Filipino Boyfriend

After you break up with a guy, there is a period of loneliness. Not only are you missing the time that you spent with him, but there is also a piece of your heart that walked out the door when he did. If you are saying "I miss my Filipino boyfriend," here are some ways to get past the feeling.

There are two steps to getting over an ex. The first is to bring closure to the relationship and the second is to start on the next phase of your life.

Closure is the psychological term for ending a phase of one's life. There are many things you can do to stop saying "I miss my Filipino boyfriend."

First of all, you should determine that he doesn't want you back. As long as you think that there is a chance you can get back together, you will not begin to heal.

To that end, exchange all of the physical possessions you have. Don't keep his toothbrush in your bathroom or hold on to his leather jacket. If you have left clothes or other possessions at his house, pick them up.

If either of you owes the other money, pay it back as soon as possible.

Don't contact him and don't let him contact you. Perhaps you can be friends in the future, but right now, you need time to separate your emotional lives. If you give in and answer his phone calls, emails, or texts, you are just letting a wound fester.

If you find yourself saying "I miss my Filipino boyfriend," sit down and write about it. Write a letter to him sharing your feelings about the relationship and the break up. But don't send it to him. Throw it away, or even better, burn it. This will help you bring closure to the relationship.

After you've gotten over the initial hurt of the break up, start putting yourself out there again. It might feel awkward at first, but you are going to have to face life as a single person sometime. The sooner you get back on the scene, the sooner you will meet someone new.

If your Thai girlfriend took up a big part of your life, you will want to find new past times. This may mean reconnecting with your girlfriends. Or, it may mean going out and finding new friends.

One of the best ways to fill the space an old boyfriend took up is to start something new. Join a class or a co-ed sports team. See if your local book store has a monthly book club. Start going to church again.

While it may be hard to get started on the social scene again, you will find that you miss your Filipino boyfriend much less when you are engaged in activities you enjoy.

When you have the opportunity to, start dating again. Even if the first guy isn't someone you can see spending the rest of your life with, accept his invitation to dinner or the movies. As you get back into the routine of dating, you will be able to find a man who can appreciate and love you.

Whenever you hear yourself thinking "I miss my Filipino boyfriend," do something that either brings closure to the relationship or propels you to move forward in your life.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Men Who Leave Their Wives

Many women have had to face the heartbreak of a relationship break up. It's never easy, and most would do just about anything to avoid a break up. Men who leave their wives have many reasons for doing so, but there are some things to keep in mind so you can hopefully avoid finding yourself in that painful situation.

One thing all women need to keep in mind, that might seem to go against everything they've ever heard or believed, is that men and women aren't all that different in what they want from a relationship, they just have different ways of getting it.

Men want their women to love, respect, and admire them. Most men want to feel like they are meeting all of the needs of their wives and girlfriends and they want their women to show a high level of appreciation. They want to be admired.

It's important for everyone to feel accepted for who they really are and feel like they are appreciated for all they do. Men, and women, will leave a relationship if these basic needs aren't met.

One common misconception is that men leave their wives because they have found another women to whom they are attracted. While this may be true to a point, they were most likely already feeling like their needs weren't being met long before the 'other woman' came into the picture.

One of the difficult things for women to deal with is that most men either don't understand why they're feeling the way they are or they are unable, or unwilling, to try to discuss it and come up with a solution. They just know they are unhappy and are sick of feeling that way.

If you want to try to keep your relationship with your husband happy and healthy, it's important that you understand that, even though he may express his needs in a different way than you, he still has the same basic need to be loved and admired that you do. He wants to feel like he is your prince charming and is the most important person in the world to you. Meeting these needs will help ensure that your husband isn't one of the men who leave their wives.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Get Your Ex To Come Back - 3 Methods

Aggressive Approach:

It is a fact that the aggressive approach is probably the one that most people are tempted to try right off the bat. When you are thinking about how to get your Thai girlfriend to come back, chances are very good that you've had thoughts of bursting into their home and either arguing with them or begging them to come back to you. This is the aggressive approach in your mind, but it's not exactly the aggressive approach that can work.

Your aggressive approach that can work best involves meeting your Thai girlfriend a lot at different social gatherings. You are going to need to act confident around them at all times and make it look as though you can take them or leave them. Be nice and courteous, but also make sure that they are well aware of the fact that you are talking to them because they are there, not because you are hung up on them. If executed correctly, the aggressive approach can bring a lot back for you, but it can also backfire immensely if you overdo it. It is the big risk for big reward scenario in this particular game.

Conservative Approach:

Honestly the conservative approach is the one that the fewest people think of naturally. This one has the lowest chance of success, but it also has the lowest chance of backfiring. That means that with the conservative approach, you still have a very good chance at remaining friends for life with your Thai girlfriend even if you don't get them back. If that is something that is of serious secondary importance to you, this is a method you might want to try out instead of the aggressive approach.

Your conservative approach essentially involves allowing things to happen organically. If you see them at parties you see them at parties. If you don't, it's also no big deal. When you do talk to them, you need to be honest about your feelings, but not to the point where you scare them away.

Just mention that you think about them still and that you still feel a connection with them. Less is more in this case. Think conservatively in all areas and you'll have a good idea of this approach. It will eventually place the ball in their court and that in the end is why it is the most successful; if you combine getting them back and keeping them as a friend as two successful outcomes.

Middle of The Road Approach

As should be obvious, learning how to get your Thai girlfriend to come back does have a middle of the road option. In this option, you start conservatively to give your Thai girlfriend time to get over the feelings that forced them to dump you. Once they have dulled those feelings and started to equalize them with the feelings that made them want you, ramping your strategy up to become more aggressive is what you should do over time. If you blow this approach though, you can lose them as a friend altogether just like with the aggressive approach.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

What Are The Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup

The emotional roller coaster of a painful breakup generally affects both parties in similar ways. The intensity may be different for the person who wanted the breakup than for the 'dumpee', but both people will go through the emotional stages of a relationship breakup.

Knowing and recognizing the different steps for what they are can help you move through the process a little easier. Each stage is necessary so you can heal and be whole and able to find love again some day. Don't try to shrotcut the steps, just remember that after you've gone through each stepyou will be on the road to feeling better.

There is no time limit for how long each step should take to get through. How long it takes will depend on a lot of things such as how secure you are in yourself and what type of a support system you have.

Here are the 5 major steps in a relationship breakup:

1) Pain

This will often hit hard and fast. At first the pain can be diminished somewhat by a feeling of disbelief but once that passes the pain can seem unbearable. This is a physical pain. You might not be able to eat or sleep. Everything seems like too much effort. You just want to crawl into a corner and be left alone.

2) Denial

This is the step when you start thinking that it is all a big mistake and surely your Thai girlfriend will realize it very soon and the two of you will be back together. That can be a dangerous way to think. It is important that you try to move through this stage as quickly as possible. Lingering too long in this stage can really make it harder to heal and move on.

3) Anger

This is when all your fear and hurt turns to anger. You are outraged that someone who claimed to love you could hurt you so deeply. This stage is very destructive and hurtful to both parties and if you're not careful how you handle this stage you migh sabotage any chances you have of getting back together.

It's also important to make sure you don't become overly bitter. If you let that bitterness grow too strong it could follow you into other relationships making it harder to ever having a fulfilling relationship again.

4) Grieving

At this stage you will mourn your lost relationship. You will often spend a lot of time reminiscing about all the good times the two of you had shared. It is very important to keep a close watch on your mental health during this stage.

If you ever feel like 'ending it all' make sure you seek help immediately. It is impossible to believe while going through this but you really will love again, if you allow yourself to.

5) Acceptance

You will finally reach a point where you realize it's over. You are stronger and better able to start thinking more about your future and less about your past. This time can be bittersweet: you've realized and dealt with the fact that your relationship is over which is sad, but you're also excited about new opportunities and convinced you will find love again.

The more you know about the emotional stages of a relationship breakup and how to deal with them the easier and quicker you can move on from living in the past to a bright new future. Just make sure you understand that this is all normal and it will get better, just hang in there.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is Writing Letters To Get Your Ex Back Really A Good Idea

Here is a question that people have all the time. Is writing letters to get your Thai girlfriend back really a good idea? There are many people that write letters, text messages, e-mails and just about every other form of text-based correspondence that you can think of on a daily basis. Many of these people will resort to that form of communication when trying to get an ex-lover to fall in love with them again.

In order to truly comment on how effective this method is, we need to examine both the good points and the bad points about it. The good to writing letters is that they will allow you to express feelings that you might not otherwise be able to express. There are plenty of people that can say more in text than they'd ever be able to say verbally. So if letters are helping you with the communication process, they can definitely be a good thing.

On the other hand, letters are also quite impersonal. People that are broken up with over the phone, over an instant messaging program, through mail or even by text-message are people that tend to really hold grudges. The most honest way to break up with someone is in person, although many people just don't have the gumption to do it this way. Just as this is true with breakups, so too is it true with everything else related to relationships. If you want to get your Thai girlfriend back, the letter might not be the best way to communicate that information.

This is actually even more evident if you go back and look at the previous good point about writing letters. Even though they can help you communicate things that you find hard to communicate verbally, your Thai girlfriend probably already knows that. Therefore, learning to communicate those things verbally shows that you can change for the better for your Thai girlfriend and that is something that is more likely to make them come back to you than a written letter.

Generally speaking though, all of this might be a bit of an academic debate. The reason for that is that many times the direct approach is not the best one when it comes to getting your Thai girlfriend back. Writing letters to get your Thai girlfriend back by definition involves the direct approach. If your goal with the letter is to start up the relationship again, you can do nothing but take the direct approach. The closer to the breakup you write the letter, the less likelihood there is of the direct approach being able to work.

Most people would advise that you go with the indirect approach. Let your relationship with your Thai girlfriend grow back into friendship after the breakup and then take the opportunity to reignite the relationship when it comes along. That is far more indirect than direct in nature and naturally does not involve the writing of any letters. This means that at best, there is debate going back and forth about how beneficial letter writing actually is.

Tips On How To Get Your Filipina Girlfriend Back

Be Yourself:

The first good tip that you should follow on how to get your Filipina girlfriend back is to simply be yourself. If you really want to have a shot at getting your Filipina girlfriend back, you need to become the person that she was attracted to in the first place. Too many people in this situation would be tempted to act macho or clingy, both of which are terrible things to do to an ex that has already expressed her desire to have space from you. You need to act like your own honest self around your Filipina girlfriend and make her see the great person that you are. Only when she truly realizes how much she misses having you around will you have a chance at getting her back.

Less Contact is Better:

Another good tip for you to follow is that less contact with your Filipina girlfriend is better. This is actually another one of those tips that is counterintuitive for some people. A lot of people would be tempted to try and get into as many situations with her ex as possible in order to have the maximum exposure to her. This is something that is likely to push her out of your life for good. Your Filipina girlfriend broke up with you and that means that she voluntarily decided that she wanted space from you. Give her that space and respect her privacy. Be nice and be yourself to her when you do get a chance to see her and maybe she'll start to pick up the things that made her want you in the first place.

Move On Slowly:

Another thing that you can do is to move on slowly. This is not something that'll help you like the other tips on how to get your Filipina girlfriend back. What it'll do for you, however, is start to put your mind back into healthy mode. Obsessing after an ex is generally not a good idea, especially if the ex is the one that ended the relationship. Most of the time, she's not coming back to you. If you move on slowly and start to realize that there are other fish in the sea, you will be much healthier mentally. That'll translate into much more positive body language which in turn will be noticed by your Filipina girlfriend the few times that you see her.

Don't Blow Opportunities:

The bad thing about attempts to get your Filipina girlfriend back is that you can undo weeks or even months of decent work with one stupid line uttered in the heat of the moment. If you do the things discussed above, your Filipina girlfriend might start to take an interest in you again. If she does, make sure that you keep on doing those things. Be yourself, be honest, and above all else, do not pester her. If you suddenly start to become needy and false, your Filipina girlfriend will spot the change a mile away and you will destroy all the progress you've made.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Miss My Thai Boyfriend

After you break up with a guy, there is a period of loneliness. Not only are you missing the time that you spent with him, but there is also a piece of your heart that walked out the door when he did. If you are saying "I miss my Thai boyfriend," here are some ways to get past the feeling.

There are two steps to getting over an ex. The first is to bring closure to the relationship and the second is to start on the next phase of your life.

Closure is the psychological term for ending a phase of one's life. There are many things you can do to stop saying "I miss my Thai boyfriend."

First of all, you should determine that he doesn't want you back. As long as you think that there is a chance you can get back together, you will not begin to heal.

To that end, exchange all of the physical possessions you have. Don't keep his toothbrush in your bathroom or hold on to his leather jacket. If you have left clothes or other possessions at his house, pick them up.

If either of you owes the other money, pay it back as soon as possible.

Don't contact him and don't let him contact you. Perhaps you can be friends in the future, but right now, you need time to separate your emotional lives. If you give in and answer his phone calls, emails, or texts, you are just letting a wound fester.

If you find yourself saying "I miss my Thai boyfriend," sit down and write about it. Write a letter to him sharing your feelings about the relationship and the break up. But don't send it to him. Throw it away, or even better, burn it. This will help you bring closure to the relationship.

After you've gotten over the initial hurt of the break up, start putting yourself out there again. It might feel awkward at first, but you are going to have to face life as a single person sometime. The sooner you get back on the scene, the sooner you will meet someone new.

If your Thai girlfriend took up a big part of your life, you will want to find new past times. This may mean reconnecting with your girlfriends. Or, it may mean going out and finding new friends.

One of the best ways to fill the space an old boyfriend took up is to start something new. Join a class or a co-ed sports team. See if your local book store has a monthly book club. Start going to church again.

While it may be hard to get started on the social scene again, you will find that you miss your Thai boyfriend much less when you are engaged in activities you enjoy.

When you have the opportunity to, start dating again. Even if the first guy isn't someone you can see spending the rest of your life with, accept his invitation to dinner or the movies. As you get back into the routine of dating, you will be able to find a man who can appreciate and love you.

Whenever you hear yourself thinking "I miss my Thai boyfriend," do something that either brings closure to the relationship or propels you to move forward in your life.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

How To Save My Marriage

Do you wonder "how to save my marriage?" This article tells you how to save your marriage.

First, you need to identify the trouble in your relationship. Some common troubles include:

· Money concerns · Child rearing difficulties · Lack of sex · Lack of communication · Loss of identity

And, of course, there are many others. You may discover that there is one main problem or you may identify several smaller problems that are eating away at your marriage.

When you identify the problem or problems that are at the root of your marriage troubles, you will be able to move on to the next step which is close, personal interaction.

In this step, you will need to be open to extensive conversation. If you have not had a lot of open communication during your marriage, you may want to consider counseling in order to facilitate the personal interaction that is key to this step.

If you really want to save your marriage, you will set aside time to work on your marriage issues every single day. You could set aside some time like after the children go to bed or you could decide to take a walk after dinner every day for just the two of you. But, you should plan to get back in touch with each other. A daily habit of quality time with your spouse is very important.

Take some "romantic time" each week. For some couples, this means reinstating a "date night" every week. On Tuesdays, for instance, you get a sitter and go out for a picnic or walk around the mall. As you can see, this doesn't have to involve wine and roses every week, but a romantic time that you can look forward to all week is essential.

As you spend time together being romantic and discussing your problems, you must have an open mind toward what your partner is telling you. You need to understand that a lot of the problems in your marriage are caused by -- get this -- you! Until you really listen to your partner, you are not going to be able to effect the kind of personal change necessary to save your marriage.

You need to have faith in your partner. You need to give him or her the benefit of the doubt. You need to believe that the marriage still can and will work. You also need to believe that your partner is still essentially the same person he or she was when you married them. If you cannot have faith in your partner and in your marriage, you might as well give up now.

Finally, you have to be open to forgiveness. If your partner has made mistakes -- even major ones -- you must be able to forgive. If you insist that there are things that cannot be forgiven, there is no hope for your marriage.

Everyone makes mistakes. Some people make big mistakes. If that person makes a genuine apology -- which includes acts of contrition and an effort to change -- they deserve forgiveness.

This article gave you answers to that perplexing question, "how to save my marriage."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Women Men Love And Women Men Leave

There are two types of women in the world, women men love and women men leave. Which one are you? It doesn't really matter which side you fall on at this point; if you read and use the information in this article, you can become the woman men love for the rest of your life.

The first step to make sure your man will love you the way you want to be loved, is to know what it is your man needs in the relationship and then give it to him. This seemingly simple thing is messed up more often than you would believe. Many women will think this means to be completely subservient to their man and do whatever he wants even if she doesn't want to do it.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, no man (unless he's "damaged goods" which you wouldn't want to be in a relationship with anyway) wants a women who is a door mat. A real man will like his woman to have a mind of her own, but he also wants her to be his biggest fan.

Women tend to think that if they give their man all the sex he wants, and if they dress up in sexy lingerie, they are meeting all their man's needs. Again, if that is truly all your man needs, you might want to find a man with a little more depth. It's a misconception that all men want is sex. Yes, sex is an important part of a relationship, for men and women, but it shouldn't be the do-all, end-all in any relationship; if it is, your relationship will fail, it's just a matter of time.

In order to really form a long lasting bond, you need to base your relationship on more than just physical intimacy. Whether we like it or not, we will all get older and as we do, sex will become more difficult for various physical reasons. If your whole relationship is just based on physical intimacy, how can it survive once that is taken out of the equation?

The women that men leave, believe it or not, are the women who try too hard to be whatever he wants. Your man needs to feel special and loved, admired, and desired, but it won't mean very much to him if it doesn't seem sincere. If he feels like you are just being pliable he will quickly get bored and move on to someone more 'real'.

So for all you women out there, you do have a choice. You can be either type of woman: women men love or women men leave. It's entirely up to you. It doesn't mean giving up your own identity, it just means trying to understand your man and what he really wants and needs from you.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

I Miss My Filipina Girlfriend

When you find yourself saying "I miss my Filipina girlfriend," you need to find ways to move forward with your life. No matter how bad the break up was, there is life after your Thai girlfriend. Finding your way through the depression that follows the end of the relationship can be hard. That's why you need to take concrete actions to move forward.

First of all, you need to work on bringing closure to the relationship. Closure is the process by which you move on from a situation. While you may find specific situations in which you say, "I miss my Filipina girlfriend," you will not be in this state all of the time.

Begin by definitively saying that the relationship is over. As long as you think there is a chance that you can get your Thai girlfriend back, you will not be able to move on. Healing begins with putting an end to the relationship.

Next, you need to physically close the relationship. You do that by exchanging all of the possessions in the other's care. Give her back the toothbrush and curling iron she kept at your house and ask her for the sweat shirt that she had borrowed for the long term. If you owed each other money, settle up.

Once you have your possessions back, give yourself some physical space. While you may want to remain friends with your Thai girlfriend in the long run, staying away in the short term will facilitate healing. Don't call, text, or email each other. If she tries to contact you, screen her out.

And, don't show up at places she is likely to be. You don't want to give her any opening to get under your skin. Seeing her with another guy so soon will just prompt feelings of "I miss my Filipina girlfriend" all over again.

You may even need to change some of your social habits. If you go to a small church, you might want to consider changing places of worship at least in the short term. You may have to pick a new favorite bar or hang out as well.

When you start going new places, you will inevitably meet new people. Some of these people will be female. These new women are good prospects for dates.

While it may seem right now that you'll never want to date another woman, the truth is that the sooner you get back on the dating scene, the sooner you will begin to heal.

It may not be enough to just be available though. Consider actively seeking out women. Take a class at the local university's extension program. Join a co-ed softball team. Take up a new hobby. All of these strategies will allow you to start meeting new women.

If a woman intrigues you, ask her out even if you can't picture yourself in a long term relationship with her. A date is just a fun social experience, not a commitment.

Pretty soon, you won't be saying "I miss my Filipina girlfriend" nearly as frequently. You will have moved on with your life.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stop My Divorce

Divorces are at an all time high. Sometimes it seems that it's easier to get a divorce than to get married.

People get hurt in divorce. The parties are forever scarred. Children, if there are any, never get over the hurt. Knowing this, you may be wondering "How do I stop my divorce?"

There are three steps to stopping a divorce.

The first thing that you have to realize is that saying you've changed does not mean you really have changed. If you are the person who is at fault in the relationship, it's not enough to give lip service to the idea of change.

If you have been having affairs, for instance, it is going to take time for your partner to believe that you are no longer going back to your wandering ways. It is not enough to tell your partner that you're not stepping out anymore. You will have to take concrete actions. As an example, you may need to allow your partner to "monitor" your activities by checking in with him or her on a frequent basis. If your job requires you to travel, you may have to look for a new job that keeps you close to home.

Other things besides affairs can mess up a relationship. For instance, if the wife's spending habits are causing money problems which weaken the marriage, she may have to commit to cutting up the credit cards and living on a cash allowance. If the husband's work habits keep him away from home too often, he may have to commit to being home by 6:30 every night no matter what. At the crux of this step is what is the most important thing in your life? If it is your marriage, you will make the necessary changes. But don't just give lip service to them. Actions speak louder than words.

The next step is to avoid using emotional blackmail if you want to stop your divorce. Recognize that love is NOT enough to save your marriage. Telling your partner, "but I love you" in the heat of an argument will not win you any points. When you say "I love you" at inappropriate times, your partner is forced to say "I love you, BUT..." this weakens the emotional tie that love has between you.

Use the powerful "I love you" message when your wounds are mended, not at the heat of an argument.

You can't use logic or guilt to change your partner's mind. Arguing like this will only involve a spiraling argument. If you feel you must win, then you will lose.

Finally, don't think that you can win an argument. Some people like to use their superior logic or argumentative skills to "prove" they are right and their partner is wrong. This may work in a formally scored debate, but in a marriage (which is scored on emotions not facts) it's sure to fail. Instead of arguing, solve the problem. If your spouse brings up a fault in you, discuss possible solutions rather than argue back.

Are you wondering how to "stop my divorce?" Start by following the "stop my divorce" advice I've laid out in this article.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

I Miss My Filipina Girlfriend

After you break up with a girl, there is a period of loneliness. Not only are you missing the time that you spent with her, but there is also a piece of your heart that walked out the door when she did. If you are saying "I miss my Filipina girlfriend," here are some ways to get past the feeling.

There are two steps to getting over an ex. The first is to bring closure to the relationship and the second is to start on the next phase of your life.

Closure is the psychological term for ending a phase of one's life. There are many things you can do to stop saying "I miss my Filipina girlfriend."

First of all, you should determine that she doesn't want you back. As long as you think that there is a chance you can get back together, you will not begin to heal.

To that end, exchange all of the physical possessions you have. Don't keep her toothbrush in your bathroom or hold on to her silk jacket. If you have left clothes or other possessions at her house, pick them up.

If either of you owes the other money, pay it back as soon as possible.

Don't contact her and don't let her contact you. Perhaps you can be friends in the future, but right now, you need time to separate your emotional lives. If you give in and answer her phone calls, emails, or texts, you are just letting a wound fester.

If you find yourself saying "I miss my Filipina girlfriend," sit down and write about it. Write a letter to her sharing your feelings about the relationship and the break up. But don't send it to her. Throw it away, or even better, burn it. This will help you bring closure to the relationship.

After you've gotten over the initial hurt of the break up, start putting yourself out there again. It might feel awkward at first, but you are going to have to face life as a single person sometime. The sooner you get back on the scene, the sooner you will meet someone new.

If your Thai girlfriend took up a big part of your life, you will want to find new past times. This may mean reconnecting with your other female friends. Or, it may mean going out and finding new friends.

One of the best ways to fill the space an old girlfriend took up is to start something new. Join a class or a co-ed sports team. See if your local book store has a monthly book club. Start going to church again.

While it may be hard to get started on the social scene again, you will find that you miss your Filipina girlfriend much less when you are engaged in activities you enjoy.

When you have the opportunity to, start dating again. Even if the first girl isn't someone you can see spending the rest of your life with, accept her invitation to dinner or the movies. As you get back into the routine of dating, you will be able to find a woman who can appreciate and love you.

Whenever you hear yourself thinking "I miss my Filipina girlfriend," do something that either brings closure to the relationship or propels you to move forward in your life.

For more relationship advice, please go here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tips On How To Get Your Thai Girlfriend Back

Be Yourself:

The first good tip that you should follow on how to get your Thai girlfriend back is to simply be yourself. If you really want to have a shot at getting your Thai girlfriend back, you need to become the person that she was attracted to in the first place. Too many people in this situation would be tempted to act macho or clingy, both of which are terrible things to do to an ex that has already expressed her desire to have space from you. You need to act like your own honest self around your Thai girlfriend and make her see the great person that you are. Only when she truly realizes how much she misses having you around will you have a chance at getting her back.

Less Contact is Better:

Another good tip for you to follow is that less contact with your Thai girlfriend is better. This is actually another one of those tips that is counterintuitive for some people. A lot of people would be tempted to try and get into as many situations with her ex as possible in order to have the maximum exposure to her. This is something that is likely to push her out of your life for good. Your Thai girlfriend broke up with you and that means that she voluntarily decided that she wanted space from you. Give her that space and respect her privacy. Be nice and be yourself to her when you do get a chance to see her and maybe she'll start to pick up the things that made her want you in the first place.

Move On Slowly:

Another thing that you can do is to move on slowly. This is not something that'll help you like the other tips on how to get your Thai girlfriend back. What it'll do for you, however, is start to put your mind back into healthy mode. Obsessing after an ex is generally not a good idea, especially if the ex is the one that ended the relationship. Most of the time, she's not coming back to you. If you move on slowly and start to realize that there are other fish in the sea, you will be much healthier mentally. That'll translate into much more positive body language which in turn will be noticed by your Thai girlfriend the few times that you see her.

Don't Blow Opportunities:

The bad thing about attempts to get your Thai girlfriend back is that you can undo weeks or even months of decent work with one stupid line uttered in the heat of the moment. If you do the things discussed above, your Thai girlfriend might start to take an interest in you again. If she does, make sure that you keep on doing those things. Be yourself, be honest, and above all else, do not pester her. If you suddenly start to become needy and false, your Thai girlfriend will spot the change a mile away and you will destroy all the progress you've made.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

I Miss My Thai Girlfriend

When you find yourself saying "I miss my Thai girlfriend," you need to find ways to move forward with your life. No matter how bad the break up was, there is life after your Thai girlfriend. Finding your way through the depression that follows the end of the relationship can be hard. That's why you need to take concrete actions to move forward.

First of all, you need to work on bringing closure to the relationship. Closure is the process by which you move on from a situation. While you may find specific situations in which you say, "I miss my Thai girlfriend," you will not be in this state all of the time.

Begin by definitively saying that the relationship is over. As long as you think there is a chance that you can get your Thai girlfriend back, you will not be able to move on. Healing begins with putting an end to the relationship.

Next, you need to physically close the relationship. You do that by exchanging all of the possessions in the other's care. Give her back the toothbrush and curling iron she kept at your house and ask her for the sweat shirt that she had borrowed for the long term. If you owed each other money, settle up.

Once you have your possessions back, give yourself some physical space. While you may want to remain friends with your Thai girlfriend in the long run, staying away in the short term will facilitate healing. Don't call, text, or email each other. If she tries to contact you, screen her out.

And, don't show up at places she is likely to be. You don't want to give her any opening to get under your skin. Seeing her with another guy so soon will just prompt feelings of "I miss my Thai girlfriend" all over again.

You may even need to change some of your social habits. If you go to a small church, you might want to consider changing places of worship at least in the short term. You may have to pick a new favorite bar or hang out as well.

When you start going new places, you will inevitably meet new people. Some of these people will be female. These new women are good prospects for dates.

While it may seem right now that you'll never want to date another woman, the truth is that the sooner you get back on the dating scene, the sooner you will begin to heal.

It may not be enough to just be available though. Consider actively seeking out women. Take a class at the local university's extension program. Join a co-ed softball team. Take up a new hobby. All of these strategies will allow you to start meeting new women.

If a woman intrigues you, ask her out even if you can't picture yourself in a long term relationship with her. A date is just a fun social experience, not a commitment.

Pretty soon, you won't be saying "I miss my Thai girlfriend" nearly as frequently. You will have moved on with your life.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Still In Love With My Thai Girlfriend

Many men tell me 'I'm still in love with my Thai girlfriend.' They want to know if there's anything they can do to get her back. The very first question to ask men who think they want their ex back is to ask what they've already tried.

A man who is serious about getting his Thai girlfriend back will usually say he's repeatedly tried to tell her how much he loves her and needs her. He's reassured her that he'll change and the relationship will be different if she gives him a second chance. This kind of begging and pleading simply shows a woman that you're desperate and often drives them even further away.

Some men will try the opposite tactic to pleading and they'll turn to bribery. Buying her expensive gifts or taking her to fancy restaurants in an attempt to impress her won't work either. She may accept your tokens, but bribery isn't the way to win back love.

The vast majority of women want to be in a relationship with a man who will listen to what she has to say. Even if she's just making small talk, it's important to her that she's heard. This doesn't mean you have to agree with everything she says. You just need to listen.

When asked if they're willing to listen to their Thai girlfriends, men who are trying hard to get back their ex often say 'I've tried to listen, but she doesn't listen to a word I say.' Sometimes when men think they're listening, what they're really doing is hearing the problem and then immediately talking back to offer a solution to fix whatever problem his girlfriend is having. He believes because she doesn't hear a word he says that she's not listening.

However, only hearing the parts of the conversation you think you can help her with and then trying to make her listen to you first is not the same as YOU listening to your Thai girlfriend's needs. Women appreciate men who listen to them. Unfortunately, men communicate in slightly different ways, which could probably have been a contributing factor to your break up in the first place.

If you're still thinking 'I'm still in love with my Thai girlfriend and want to get her back', then practice listening. Ask her a question and then listen to what she says intently. Make a comment about her response or ask another question relating to her response, but don't try to fix it or dismiss it as unimportant. Simply listen to her.

Women assume that a man who listens to her really cares. It tells you that you understand and that you're really interested. The next time you receive an opportunity to get together with your Thai girlfriend, take some time to establish eye contact and really listen intently to what she says.

At first, you might find your Thai girlfriend is a little confused or guarded about your sudden change, but when she realizes that you are interested in what she's saying she'll begin to relax and realize that you do care. She'll immediately begin wondering why her feelings for you went away and they should come rushing back when she understands that you really do still love your Thai girlfriend and really do want her back.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Relationship Psychology

No relationship is perfect, but it is possible to make your partnership more enjoyable for each of you. After all, relationship psychology is all about finding ways to maintain a balance that stops one of both partners from becoming disillusioned with the union. If you've already broken up with your partner, then using similar relationship psychology principles can also help you to get your Thai girlfriend back.

Relationship psychology is about teaching each person inside the relationship how to recognize destructive or unhelpful patterns that could potentially be driving your partner away. The unfortunate part about most couples is that they often believe the other person will think the same way as they do. In truth, men and women have very different ways of communicating those things they need or want.

Women need to remember that men place more value on actions rather than words. This means a woman who constantly tries to get her partner to address problems in the relationship by talking about the issues or arguing about bad behavior is almost certain to see an increase in those negative patterns.

Instead of talking or arguing your way through an issue, try using a more psychological approach. Men respond more positively to your actions. They want to know that they are capable of making you happy. A man who is constantly faced with an upset partner will begin to think there's nothing he can do to make you happy, so he'll withdraw even further from you, even to the point of breaking up.

However, if he's faced with a happy, confident partner who is a pleasure to spend time with, he's less likely to withdraw. In fact, he'll likely draw even closer because he enjoys being around you. Men in this situation will often find themselves doing whatever they can to make sure you stay as happy as you were on those occasions. If you find it difficult to raise your self-confidence, then try giving yourself a mini-make over or spend some time doing something you enjoy. When you feel good within yourself, you're more likely to radiate that confidence outwardly as well.

Men need to remember that women value slightly different emotional triggers than they do. Women want to know that the man they love places enough value on her to really listen to what she's saying. If you feel your wife or girlfriend is pulling away from you, then sit down and just listen.

Ask questions about what your partner has just said and then take notice of her responses. If men can learn to listen attentively without allowing their mind to wander off, their girlfriends will begin to feel more loved, which leads them in turn to develop into a good mood, which makes them happy and enjoyable to send time with.

These primary differences in relationship psychology between men and women are simple things you can do to help strengthen your existing relationship, but they'll also work equally well if you're trying to get your Thai girlfriend back.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!