Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3 Guaranteed Tips To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

For any woman who has gone through the heartache of losing her boyfriend, there is virtually nothing that she wouldn't try to get him back in her arms. When you're in so much pain, it's hard to believe that you will really be able to go on living, that you can survive. No matter how impossible and hopeless the situation may seem, you have to remember that there is hope that you and your ex can be together again. Here are some time tested, guaranteed tips to get your ex boyfriend back; they have worked for millions and they can work for you, too. Just make sure that you carefully follow each step, and be willing to invest the time and effort in the process.

You may have heard of one or more of these steps at other places, but if you really want the best chance of success, you will follow all the steps, in order.

OK, now onto the steps:

1. If you still have contact with your ex, break it off immediately. This isn't the time to keep in touch with him. You don't want him to think of you as a great backup plan if he doesn't meet anyone else right away. It's important that he feels the fear of thinking that he has lost you for good and he can't do that if you're always talking to him (it doesn't matter if he calls you or you call him, either way it's bad). I know this is hard to do, in part because you're very vulnerable and worried that if you give him too much space, he'll meet someone else.

The thing that you have to remember is that he may meet someone else, and that may suck for you, but if he is still in love with you, he won't fall for anyone else. Actually meeting other people and finding that he isn't as compatible with them as he was with you will just make hiim miss you more. Give him space; this is a good way to get him back no matter how odd that may seem now.

2. During this time, you should be figuring out what issues you have that you would like to change. This isn't about finding ways to change so your ex will come back; it's about you owning up to your character traits that aren't really all that good and trying to improve. This is important because if you and your guy do get back together, you'll just repeat the same destructive cycles all over again unless one, or both, of you makes changes to the way you act. This step will take time, usually between several weeks to several months, but you have to do it. Not only can this step help you in your relationship with your ex if the two of you do reunite, it can also help you in all aspects of your life and make you a better person.

3. Now that you've made the needed changes you should contact your ex and ask him if he'd like to get together. Keep this very light; don't make it sound like you want to meet with him to discuss your relationship. More than likely, he will refuse to meet because he'll be worried that it will end up in a fight. A better approach would be to just ask him if he'd like to meet for coffee as old friends. During the time the two of you are together, he can see the changes and hopefully that will be all it takes to convince him that the two of you should be together.

These guaranteed tips to get your ex boyfriend back work; they've worked for lots of other people and they can work for you, too. Just give them an honest try.

For more advice on relationships, please visit http://www.superior-health.info/Relationships

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