Friday, September 25, 2009

Tantric Sex Techniques to Make You Last Longer in Bed

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

According to studies, around 75% of women do not reach an orgasm during intercourse. Why? For one, it's because he or she does not know how to properly sexually stimulate her so she never really reaches sexual tension enough to come. Another reason is this: he comes too fast.

Frankly, clinical premature ejaculation is not the issue here. Women simply take longer than men to climax. Period. So how do we bridge this gap? Well, why not engage in exercises that will help you last longer in bed? This way, you're giving her all the time she needs to get all revved up for a glorious climax.

Tantric sex Tips n' Tricks for Lasting Lovemaking

Exercise One: Pressing the Prostate Point (PPP)

Okay, here's a bit of a male anatomy lesson. Between your testicles and anus is something called the perineum. There's a soft spot there through which you can apply pressure to your prostate. Now for most men, prostate stimulation reduces the likelihood of cumming involuntarily. This is because it washes out from the prostate gland the fluid that is necessary for ejaculation.

Already a master at that? Now try what the pros are doing! To learn more tips go to:

If you push hard enough on your prostate point right before cumming, it actually blocks the emission phase (or ejaculation phase). This exercise prevents seminal fluid from entering the urethral canal when your orgasmic spasms start. Even if you have orgasmic contractions, the semen remains inside your body and is re-absorbed. This is also known as having a Dry orgasm and no, nit's not painful!

1. Pleasure yourself till you begin to feel the tension that tells you you're on your way to coming.

2. Stop all motion, locate your prostate point, and press upward firmly for 10 to 30 seconds. You should feel the sexual tension you were just feeing begin to ebb away.

3. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 1.

4. Stop all motion, locate your prostate point, and press upward firmly for 10 to 30 seconds. You should feel the sexual tension you were just feeing begin to ebb away.

5. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 3.

6. Locate your prostate point, and press upward firmly for 10 to 30 seconds. However, this time, try to continue stroking yourself as you do this.

7. Continue doing this exercise till you master reaching higher sexual peaks and bringing yourself down again.

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Exercise Two: Root Lock

Inside your body, at the base of your penis is the muscle called pubococcygeus. People fondly call it PC for short. This exercise teaches you to use your PC muscles to delay ejaculation.

To perform a Root Lock, hold your breath momentarily and push your pelvic muscles out like straining to empty your bowels. Some claim they prefer pushing 'in' rather than out but that's all up to you really.

1. Pleasure yourself till you begin to feel the tension that tells you you're on your way to coming.

2. Exhale all your breath and hold it, keep your eyes wide open looking upward, push your tongue on the roof of your mouth, tighten your fingers, hands, and feet, and push out on your asshole until your arousal ebbs away.

3. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 1.

4. Exhale all your breath and hold it, keep your eyes wide open looking upward, push your tongue on the roof of your mouth, tighten your fingers, hands, and feet, and push out on your asshole until your arousal ebbs away.

5. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 3.

6. Exhale all your breath and hold it, keep your eyes wide open looking upward, push your tongue on the roof of your mouth, tighten your fingers, hands, and feet, and push out on your asshole until your arousal ebbs away. But this time, contract your anal muscles inward and upward while pulling your stomach toward your spine. Which works better for you, in or out?

7. Continue doing this exercise till you master reaching higher sexual peaks and bringing yourself down again.

By now, you should be realizing that tension in whatever way, shape of form, is your 'enemy'. So each time you make love to her, and you feel that you're reaching a sexual peak that can easily lead you to orgasm, delay your cumming and wait for her will you?

Learn a lot more SPICY secrets to satisfy her in bed. Go to:

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