Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How To Get Your Thai Boyfriend Back After A Breakup

Are you sure that you want to get your Thai boyfriend back after a breakup? It can be hard to know exactly how you feel in the days following the breakdown of your relationship. Feelings of loneliness and wounded pride can be confused with real love. It is always a good idea to try and analyse your relationship and why it failed. If the reason is that long term you are not compatible, then do yourself a favor and move onto the next guy. You and your Thai girlfriend deserve to be happy but this does not necessarily mean that will be as a couple.

But if you are genuinely pining for him, try these tips:

1) Never stalk a guy to get back with him. He won't find it flattering but will think you have lost your mental capacity. You need to project a confident image even if your insides resemble melting ice-cream.

2) Always look your best whenever you go out. As Helena Rubenstein once said, there is no such thing as an ugly woman, only lazy ones. Now is not the time to let yourself go. Get your hair done, always wear make up and wear the clothes that show off your body in the best light. Don't change your image. He fell for you the way you are so now is not the time to change.

3) Try to determine why you were dumped. Did you behave badly? If you did, then you need to apologise and do this properly. Men have feelings, too, although they usually manage to hide them better than women.

4) Did you play too many games? I don't know what it is about us women but for some reason we sometimes treat relationships as if they were a game of Chess. If I do this, he will do that approach doesn't work in most cases and men, like all human beings, do not like being played. Honesty is always the best policy. If you have been playing games as you were trying to see if your feelings were returned, then just ask him out straight. Most men like the direct approach - they are not very good at reading signs and subtle hints.

If you do get back together, make sure that you have sorted out the problems that caused the break up in the first place. Failure to do so just means that you are postponing your heartache. If you are looking to spend your life with this guy you need to be sure that you are compatible in all areas. While sexual attraction is fantastic and in my view a necessary part of every good relationship it isn't the only thing that matters. Mutual respect, appreciation and shared values go a long way to avoiding having to deal once again with the question of how to get your Thai boyfriend back after a break up.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Convince Your Thai Boyfriend To Get Back Together

If you are reading this, you are obviously looking to convince your Thai boyfriend to get back together. But the question you should be asking yourself is why? Do you really want this person back or are you just feeling lonely and frightened of being single?

Being single can be great fun but it is a different lifestyle from that of a couple. You don't have to please anybody else which can be liberating but being on your own again can also be scary. You may feel that you will never meet Mr Right and that time is passing you by.

But never get back with your Thai boyfriend just because you are scared of being on your own. He may be your Thai boyfriend but the next guy on the block may be the ONE. If you split for silly reasons such as game playing or a temper tantrum and you want this guy back then it is best to try and apologise for your behaviour.

If he decided to break up with you, he may have got cold feet. Guys don't always want to admit that they prefer spending time with one person rather than playing the field. Examine your relationship and see if this could be the case with your guy.

Signs to look out for include the way he treated you. If he usually behaved like a gentleman then there is a good chance he is regretting the break up. Another good sign is if he introduced you to his family, in particular his mother. Men don't tend to bring home their lovers unless they are pretty serious about them and he sees a future together.

So when trying to convince your Thai boyfriend to come home, you need to try to see the relationship from your partner's point of view. Being able to see each other's perspective gives you a better chance of resolving your differences. You will both need the freedom to express your feelings even if these are potentially hurtful for the other person to hear.

So long as both parties don't use this opportunity as a means of hurting each other, you stand a good chance of working through the issues. Knowing how to criticise and accept criticism is a good starting point for any relationship.

You both need to be assertive and decide what it is that you want out of this relationship. Knowing where you stand means that you can both move forward with your lives even if it means that you do split up. Hopefully you will decide that you want to be together and are more committed to resolving your differences.

If you do feel angry, then let it show. Just be sure that, when you show your anger, you don't reject your partner at the same time. You are trying to help him realise that you belong together and not apart.

Following these tips may help to convince your Thai boyfriend to get back together. Good luck.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Does My Thai Boyfriend Want To Get Back With Me?

Do you care? Asking yourself the question does my Thai boyfriend want to get back with me is the wrong way forward. The real question is do you want your Thai boyfriend back? If the answer to that is yes, then you can start worrying about what your previous partner wants.

A lot of people never understand why their relationship ended. I find it amazing that many people going through a divorce are unable to explain why they are ending their marriage, especially when there are children involved.

It takes two to break up a relationship despite the fact that it is very easy to blame the other person. Even when someone else has an affair, it isn't always 100% their fault. Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning anyone being unfaithful but sometimes people are pushed into things. If you take your man or woman for granted and forget to pay them any attention, they may end up looking somewhere else. Some people will have affairs just because they can get away with it. These people do not belong in a monogamous relationship. But sometimes, a relationship is worth saving and the affair, whilst hurtful, can eventually strengthen the bonds between the couple.

Examining why a couple broke up will help both parties understand the issues in their relationship. It will highlight those areas that require work. All partnerships involve work and commitment. Men and women often appear to live on different planets never mind speak other languages. My husband once said to my Dad that he didn't understand me. My dads' reply: that is where you are going wrong son you Never try to understand a woman!

Whilst it is the sexual attraction that initially attracts men and women, it is their compatibility that will keep them together long after the sexual flame resembles a candle as opposed to a flame thrower. So before you start wondering how your Thai boyfriend partner is feeling, you need to be certain of your own wants and desires. Are you sure that this person is right for you? Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with them? Do you want the same things out of life i.e. kids, traveling, similar standard of living etc? Do you share the same ideals and views about how to live your life?

It is very important to first establish if you would like to try again. Knowing what you want will help you to work out what your Thai boyfriend wants. Despite what Hollywood and other entertainment providers would have you believe, men want stable happy relationships just as much as women. Generally the male is not as good as vocalizing what he wants and can finish a relationship rather than have to deal with a bad patch.

So instead of wasting time trying to answer does my Thai boyfriend want to get back with me, why not invite him round for coffee and see what happens.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Are You Sure You Want Your Thai Girlfriend Back?

So the relationship is over but now you have decided that you want your Thai girlfriend back. Are your sure it is your Thai girlfriend-boyfriend or girlfriend you are missing and not just having someone special in your life? This is especially important if you were the one who decided to break up.

Most relationships go through a bad patch at some point. Some of the best marriages have survived problems that would have torn apart less sturdy partnerships. Relationships are all about give and take. That doesn't mean that one person gives and the other takes! Men and women are very different and we need to learn to live with one another.

Deciding you want to share your life with someone is a big commitment. The sexual attraction between a couple, especially in the early stages, can often cloud their judgment and it is surprising how many people enter into long term relationships without having agreed the basics. Little things like where you want to live and whether you want to have children are often forgotten in the excitement of being together.

Men and women fall out for all sorts of reasons. At times of financial and family stress, we often pick on those nearest to us. When you care for another person and know them intimately you have the power to really hurt that person. If we ourselves are hurting, we often turn that hurt and anger onto the other person.

It is important to understand why you broke up in the first place. If you ended the relationship because one of you wanted children and the other didn't, then you will find that this probably hasn't changed. You may get back together but in the long run will split up again if this issue is not resolved. Forcing someone into a huge life commitment like having a child against their will does not usually result in a long term happy relationship. If you have very different viewpoints on these life issues, you should stay apart and find someone more compatible to fall in love with.

If, on the other hand, you split up because of jealousy or some other petty incident then your relationship may be worth saving. If you really miss your previous partner and know that you want to share your life with them, then you must do everything in your power to get back with your Thai girlfriend.

Contact your partner and let him/her know that you would like to meet up to discuss the future. Do not get involved in a dissection of what went wrong before. It is too easy to put the blame on the other person. Instead agree that there were problems but that you would like to rekindle the relationship. If you want your Thai girlfriend back and your relationship was serious then you might want to suggest counselling. It is often helpful to have an impartial person listen to your discussions. You are less likely to lose your temper, storm out and find yourself suddenly single again.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

You Can Get Your Thai Boyfriend Back, You Know

Do you lie awake at night asking yourself over and over "how to get my Thai boyfriend back"? Perhaps you broke up over something relatively silly and now realize that he was the love of your life.

Did he break up with you? Or did you finish the relationship but now regret it? If you were together for a long time, it is easy to take a good relationship for granted. We often don't realize what we have until it is gone.

If you are the only one of your friends in a long term relationship, you may have felt that you were missing out on the fun times and so wanted to be single. Or maybe the sexual side of your relationship had settled down and you felt a greater attraction to the cute bartender at your local club.

It is hard to keep the romance going in a relationship and often we forget what first attracted us to the men in our lives. There is also the factor that someone elses life is always more interesting. Why is it that the grass is always greener on the other side? You should never forget that appearances are deceptive and your beautiful next door neighbor's smile might be hiding a nightmare existence.

So now you have realized that the cute single guy is on his own for a reason and you want your Thai boyfriend back. You are going to have to work hard to gain his trust again. After all, you probably hurt him quite badly by dumping him particularly if there was no real reason why other than you were bored.

Call him and ask him out to dinner. Wear his favorite clothes and perfume. In short, make a huge effort to remind him why he fell for you. Apologize for your behavior. Blame your hormones, your job, stress or your boss but do not put any of the blame on him. This is not the time to list out all the reasons why you were bored or fed up. You want to build his self esteem not destroy him.

Ask for a second chance. Remind him of all the great times you enjoyed together. Tell him that your time apart has made you realize that he is the only man you are interested in. Unless you know he wants marriage and kids, don't go too heavy on this tactic. Keep it light. Stroke his ego by letting him know how much you want him. Reassure him that you are 100% sure that this is what you want.

You have to be prepared to hear some home truths on what he thinks of your behavior. He will need answers to his questions and will probably need to let off some steam. Do not retaliate or get involved in trading insults. Listen to what he has to say!

After all if you want to know the answer to how to get my Thai boyfriend back, you may just have to ask him.

Great advice on getting back together with your Thai boyfriend: The Magic of Making Up.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Do I Get Back Together With My Ex Girlfriend

This is the question my husband's brother asked me the other day. Why did you break up was my response when really what I wanted to ask was how could you be such a donut to dump her? He looked a bit sheepish and told me that he had met this girl at work and she smiled at him. Seemingly she is young, very pretty and looks rather like she belongs in Baywatch. So he, being a he-man type, decided that he had to dump his lovely girlfriend to date this beach babe. Needless to say, he soon found out that she had been smiling at his mate and looked on him like he was something on her shoe.

Well he deserved that but I believe he had ditched his girlfriend for a less obvious reason. He loves her and was scared of making a commitment to her. He had started thinking about settling down and having kids and nobody had made him feel this way before. But he was worried that being a career girl, this was not the future she had planned.

Unfortunately he is not very good at expressing his feelings so decided that it was better to finish the relationship rather than try to find out if his partner shared his vision of the future. Doh!

Honestly, how can someone so intelligent on a professional level be so emotionally backward. Anyhow his ex partner is a lovely lady who, God love her, adores him so I knew that getting back with his ex girlfriend was possible. It was also a great idea as despite his obvious faults, they make a great couple and he does love her.

So I told him to write her a letter. He decided an email would do but I insisted it had to be a letter. A hand written letter is such an old fashioned way of courting someone that it almost always guarantees a positive response. So off he went to buy some paper and a pen and as I thought complete the task at hand.

And then he was back. "But what do I write?" He asked. Seriously he would have let me write the whole thing for him. So I told him to tell her how he felt. An MBA from Harvard and he is looking at me like I advised him to pull out his finger nails. I said "Tell her you love her and that you are very sorry for the way you behaved and that you would like to take her out this Friday to her favourite restaurant".

Believe me that this approach works much better than a text, a bunch of roses and a takeaway. Thankfully his partner knows him well and saw the funny side, and my brother in law is no longer asking "how to get back together with my ex-girlfriend".

His new question is what to say to his future father in law when he pops the question but I will leave my hubby to deal with that one!

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Do I Want My Husband Back

If you ask yourself, "Do I want my husband back?" and the answer is yes, then you're one of millions of women who have been through a break up and decided that they didn't want to go through with it after all. Maybe you didn't want it from the start, or maybe you did and now you've changed your mind. "Do I want my husband back?" is one of those questions that make you consider a great many things.

A lot of it has to do with isolation and loneliness. That's not to say that you only think about taking your husband back because you're lonely. Not true. But the loneliness that often comes after a breakup or a divorce can be quite a shot for anyone. "Do I want my husband back?" often arises out of the uncomfortable shock of finally being alone.

You should never take your husband back because of fear or boredom. A common fear is the fear of being alone and having face life's difficulties alone. But the fear of being alone isn't a good enough reason to decide you want to get back together with your husband.

If you stay together out of fear, the relationship can't possibly grow naturally. Doesn't he deserve to be with someone who genuinely wants to be with him? Not someone who stays because she believes there is no choice and they have to stay together.

You both deserve a better and more fulfilling relationship that one of obligation like that. Two people should be together because they want to be together, not for any other reasons.

So if you ask, 'Do I want my husband back?" and the answer is yes, you really do, not just because you feel it's expected that you be married, then you should try to get him. There are a few different ways you can head for this goal.

Be the woman you were when you got married. Of course, it's impossible to go back in time completely. But all you have to do is essentially be the same person in some of your more pleasant actions.

When you first got together there was something about you that attracted him. Whether it was that you were sweet, thoughtful or attentive depends on the person's perception.

Maybe over the last several years of the marriage, you haven't been nearly as attentive as you could be. You should at least be happy that he would never have noticed the drop in affection, if you hadn't been so good at lavishing it on him in the first place. But once he's had that great attention, it becomes obvious when it's gone.

And it's easy for it to disappear after a while. We have a terrible tendency to take the people we love for granted all the time. Often that's one of the factors leading up to a break up or divorce. If you ask yourself, "Do I want my husband back?" and you do, make an effort to not take him for granted anymore.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tips On How To Get Your Japanese Girlfriend Back

Be Yourself:

The first good tip that you should follow on how to get your Japanese girlfriend back is to simply be yourself. If you really want to have a shot at getting your Japanese girlfriend back, you need to become the person that she was attracted to in the first place. Too many people in this situation would be tempted to act macho or clingy, both of which are terrible things to do to an ex that has already expressed her desire to have space from you. You need to act like your own honest self around your Japanese girlfriend and make her see the great person that you are. Only when she truly realizes how much she misses having you around will you have a chance at getting her back.

Less Contact is Better:

Another good tip for you to follow is that less contact with your Japanese girlfriend is better. This is actually another one of those tips that is counterintuitive for some people. A lot of people would be tempted to try and get into as many situations with her ex as possible in order to have the maximum exposure to her. This is something that is likely to push her out of your life for good. Your Japanese girlfriend broke up with you and that means that she voluntarily decided that she wanted space from you. Give her that space and respect her privacy. Be nice and be yourself to her when you do get a chance to see her and maybe she'll start to pick up the things that made her want you in the first place.

Move On Slowly:

Another thing that you can do is to move on slowly. This is not something that'll help you like the other tips on how to get your Japanese girlfriend back. What it'll do for you, however, is start to put your mind back into healthy mode. Obsessing after an ex is generally not a good idea, especially if the ex is the one that ended the relationship. Most of the time, she's not coming back to you. If you move on slowly and start to realize that there are other fish in the sea, you will be much healthier mentally. That'll translate into much more positive body language which in turn will be noticed by your Japanese girlfriend the few times that you see her.

Don't Blow Opportunities:

The bad thing about attempts to get your Japanese girlfriend back is that you can undo weeks or even months of decent work with one stupid line uttered in the heat of the moment. If you do the things discussed above, your Japanese girlfriend might start to take an interest in you again. If she does, make sure that you keep on doing those things. Be yourself, be honest, and above all else, do not pester her. If you suddenly start to become needy and false, your Japanese girlfriend will spot the change a mile away and you will destroy all the progress you've made.

For more relationships advice, please click here. If you are learning Japanese, be sure to visit Learn Japanese Faster.

I Miss My Thai Girlfriend

After you break up with a girl, there is a period of loneliness. Not only are you missing the time that you spent with her, but there is also a piece of your heart that walked out the door when she did. If you are saying "I miss my Thai girlfriend," here are some ways to get past the feeling.

There are two steps to getting over an ex. The first is to bring closure to the relationship and the second is to start on the next phase of your life.

Closure is the psychological term for ending a phase of one's life. There are many things you can do to stop saying "I miss my Thai girlfriend."

First of all, you should determine that she doesn't want you back. As long as you think that there is a chance you can get back together, you will not begin to heal.

To that end, exchange all of the physical possessions you have. Don't keep her toothbrush in your bathroom or hold on to her silk jacket. If you have left clothes or other possessions at her house, pick them up.

If either of you owes the other money, pay it back as soon as possible.

Don't contact her and don't let her contact you. Perhaps you can be friends in the future, but right now, you need time to separate your emotional lives. If you give in and answer her phone calls, emails, or texts, you are just letting a wound fester.

If you find yourself saying "I miss my Thai girlfriend," sit down and write about it. Write a letter to her sharing your feelings about the relationship and the break up. But don't send it to her. Throw it away, or even better, burn it. This will help you bring closure to the relationship.

After you've gotten over the initial hurt of the break up, start putting yourself out there again. It might feel awkward at first, but you are going to have to face life as a single person sometime. The sooner you get back on the scene, the sooner you will meet someone new.

If your Thai girlfriend took up a big part of your life, you will want to find new past times. This may mean reconnecting with your other female friends. Or, it may mean going out and finding new friends.

One of the best ways to fill the space an old girlfriend took up is to start something new. Join a class or a co-ed sports team. See if your local book store has a monthly book club. Start going to church again.

While it may be hard to get started on the social scene again, you will find that you miss your Thai girlfriend much less when you are engaged in activities you enjoy.

When you have the opportunity to, start dating again. Even if the first girl isn't someone you can see spending the rest of your life with, accept her invitation to dinner or the movies. As you get back into the routine of dating, you will be able to find a woman who can appreciate and love you.

Whenever you hear yourself thinking "I miss my Thai girlfriend," do something that either brings closure to the relationship or propels you to move forward in your life.

For more information on Thailand, the Thai language, and Thai culture, please visit Learn Thai Faster!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fight Your Instincts

How to win love back is difficult because it goes against every instinct that we have. For instance, when a woman walks away from a man, it is in his nature to chase her down and recapture her.

Men love the chase. They love to be on the hunt. But, when a woman has walked away, she needs space, not a chase.

As hard as it is for men to recognize this, it is sometimes the only way to win love back.

That means that when a woman leaves you, be very careful about what the next actions you take are because they could be crucial in whether you get her back or not.

For instance, don't call, email, or text the woman. Let her contact you first.

Women always need to talk. She won't be satisfied until she's had a chance to bring closure to the relationship. But, let her initiate this call. By waiting for her to make the call, you have let her know that you are not desperate for her. This gives you the upper hand.

Now, you may be wondering if this will show her that you don't care. But, the opposite is true. How to win love back begins with a recognition that sometimes women really do need space to figure out what is going on in the relationship.

Sometimes women need to make a "grand gesture" to illustrate their independence. This can take the form of walking out or saying "I never want to see you again."

But, if she is in love with you, she doesn't really mean this. What she's really saying is "let me have some time to process what just went on."

If you have done something to hurt her, you need to be contrite when she calls you. You need to show that you are ready to make a change and that you value both her and the relationship. But you need to give her the space she needs to process the hurt.

However, sometimes women make these "grand gestures" simply to get attention. If you've got a game player on your hands, you need to take control right now and let her know that you are not going to put up with her antics. One way you do this is to not play the game. And that means not to chase her every time she goes away.

There are many reasons that women walk away from you and tell you that they never want to see you again. Sometimes they are hurt and sometimes they are just trying to be manipulative. In either case, you don't want to be the first one to call because that puts you in the position of being desperate.

Instead, let her call you. That way, you have some control over how the call goes. Be sympathetic to her needs, but don't put up with any bull. That's how to win love back.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Tantric Sex Techniques to Make You Last Longer in Bed

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

According to studies, around 75% of women do not reach an orgasm during intercourse. Why? For one, it's because he or she does not know how to properly sexually stimulate her so she never really reaches sexual tension enough to come. Another reason is this: he comes too fast.

Frankly, clinical premature ejaculation is not the issue here. Women simply take longer than men to climax. Period. So how do we bridge this gap? Well, why not engage in exercises that will help you last longer in bed? This way, you're giving her all the time she needs to get all revved up for a glorious climax.

Tantric sex Tips n' Tricks for Lasting Lovemaking

Exercise One: Pressing the Prostate Point (PPP)

Okay, here's a bit of a male anatomy lesson. Between your testicles and anus is something called the perineum. There's a soft spot there through which you can apply pressure to your prostate. Now for most men, prostate stimulation reduces the likelihood of cumming involuntarily. This is because it washes out from the prostate gland the fluid that is necessary for ejaculation.

Already a master at that? Now try what the pros are doing! To learn more tips go to:

If you push hard enough on your prostate point right before cumming, it actually blocks the emission phase (or ejaculation phase). This exercise prevents seminal fluid from entering the urethral canal when your orgasmic spasms start. Even if you have orgasmic contractions, the semen remains inside your body and is re-absorbed. This is also known as having a Dry orgasm and no, nit's not painful!

1. Pleasure yourself till you begin to feel the tension that tells you you're on your way to coming.

2. Stop all motion, locate your prostate point, and press upward firmly for 10 to 30 seconds. You should feel the sexual tension you were just feeing begin to ebb away.

3. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 1.

4. Stop all motion, locate your prostate point, and press upward firmly for 10 to 30 seconds. You should feel the sexual tension you were just feeing begin to ebb away.

5. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 3.

6. Locate your prostate point, and press upward firmly for 10 to 30 seconds. However, this time, try to continue stroking yourself as you do this.

7. Continue doing this exercise till you master reaching higher sexual peaks and bringing yourself down again.

Become a LOVE Guru and surprise her tonight. Check out my best secrets at:

Exercise Two: Root Lock

Inside your body, at the base of your penis is the muscle called pubococcygeus. People fondly call it PC for short. This exercise teaches you to use your PC muscles to delay ejaculation.

To perform a Root Lock, hold your breath momentarily and push your pelvic muscles out like straining to empty your bowels. Some claim they prefer pushing 'in' rather than out but that's all up to you really.

1. Pleasure yourself till you begin to feel the tension that tells you you're on your way to coming.

2. Exhale all your breath and hold it, keep your eyes wide open looking upward, push your tongue on the roof of your mouth, tighten your fingers, hands, and feet, and push out on your asshole until your arousal ebbs away.

3. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 1.

4. Exhale all your breath and hold it, keep your eyes wide open looking upward, push your tongue on the roof of your mouth, tighten your fingers, hands, and feet, and push out on your asshole until your arousal ebbs away.

5. Now pleasure yourself again. This time, go a bit pass the tension you felt in Step 3.

6. Exhale all your breath and hold it, keep your eyes wide open looking upward, push your tongue on the roof of your mouth, tighten your fingers, hands, and feet, and push out on your asshole until your arousal ebbs away. But this time, contract your anal muscles inward and upward while pulling your stomach toward your spine. Which works better for you, in or out?

7. Continue doing this exercise till you master reaching higher sexual peaks and bringing yourself down again.

By now, you should be realizing that tension in whatever way, shape of form, is your 'enemy'. So each time you make love to her, and you feel that you're reaching a sexual peak that can easily lead you to orgasm, delay your cumming and wait for her will you?

Learn a lot more SPICY secrets to satisfy her in bed. Go to:

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How To Keep A Woman Happy

So you want to know how to keep a woman happy? It is not easy to do but once you master it, you will win the heart of your woman forever. So it is worth a try right?

A Woman sometimes just needs to talk. Men are programmed to find solutions to every problem but sometimes we just want you to listen to us. We don't want you to look after us or solve every issue we raise but just to listen.

Yes I know she can spend two hours on the phone to a friend that she is meeting that afternoon anyway. It goes back to the days of cavemen. Whilst the men were out hunting, the women were at home where their ability to bond with others was directly proportionate to their chances of survival. They depended on the other women to look after them and their families should they fall sick. Childbirth in those days often resulted in a death sentence for these women.

Women like to go to the toilets in twos and threes. It is just a girl thing and the sooner you come to accept it the better. Don't get paranoid, we are not going to discuss you in detail - that will happen tomorrow.

Buy your lady flowers. But rather than buying her a bunch of roses, send her one of her favorite flowers every so often. This way she will know that you are thinking of her rather than just making a grand gesture.

Little things mean a lot to most women. So regardless of the fact that you are working 60 plus hours per week to pay your mortgage or put the kids through school, always find time to ring her at least twice a day. Ring to say that you miss her and then ring her back later on to tell her what time you expect to be home.

Say thank you when she does something ordinary. Everyone including women like to be appreciated so if you come home and it is obvious she has cleaned the bathroom, notice it and make an effort to keep it clean. That means helping your towel to find its way off the bathroom floor.

If your woman has had a hard day at the office, run her a hot bath and hand her a glass of chilled wine whilst you put the kids to bed and prepare dinner. Don't ruin it by expecting sexual favors in return. In a recent survey, when women were asked what would make them happy, one of the most common answers was to be kissed without being groped!

Surprise her with a note under her pillow telling her how much you love her or appreciate her. Ok she will probably assume you have done something wrong and wonder if you are feeling guilty but underneath she will be pleased.

Making a woman happy involves doing the little things in life just that little bit more.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Help I Want My Husband Back

Do you tell people, "I want my husband back?" It's not uncommon to want your husband back after you split up, no matter how back things were when you were together. So before you absolutely decide that yes, "I want my husband back," you should think long and hard about the way things were before you split up.

Think about why you split up in the first place. Was it your fault, his, or both your faults? Sometimes it's hard to tell whose fault it was because so many little things seemed to contribute to the break up.

If there's no obvious reason like one of you had an affair or somehow betrayed the other, then there's a better chance that your mantra of, "I want my husband back" will work out!

If there was an affair or a really big and hurtful problem like that, getting back together will be more of a challenge. But you can still do it, if you both want it and you both work hard at it. If you both don't want it, it's pretty unlikely that it will happen.

Have you asked your husband if he's interested in getting back together? Do you even know his feelings about it? You might be surprised to find that while you're saying, "I want my husband back!" he's not that desperate to get back into the relationship.

That doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you, by the way. Just that something in the relationship wasn't right for him and he's no longer afraid to admit that. As bad as that sounds, it doesn't mean that the relationship can't be fixed.

If you can get him onboard and willing to try some of these techniques, try reading a book about marriage problems out loud to each other over breakfast or in the evening before bed. If you're reading it at the same time, then it's easier for you to discuss what you've just read while it's all fresh on your mind.

Don't be upset or alarmed if he doesn't have any interest in going to counseling. While this does make it harder to get your man back, it can still be done. You can go to the counseling on your own and learn the techniques you need to communicate with him properly.

You can teach him these techniques, either overtly (here, let me show you) or covertly, by simply using them every time you interact. Even if he has no interest in learning anything you learned in class, the very act of doing the exercises yourself can give you a sense of power you didn't have before.

Going to the counseling can make you feel like you have some power in the relationship, and can influence it either for the better or the worse. And since you're alone with the counselor you can talk about some private issues that bother you, as well. Soon, "I want my husband back" could turn into, "I got my husband back."

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Im Still In Love With My Ladyboy Girlfriend

I'm Still In Love With My Ladyboy Girlfriend

Do you say, "I'm still in love with my ladyboy girlfriend!" and wonder how you're going to get through the hours, let alone the next days? It's common to feel completely overwhelmed after a breakup, especially if you're not the one that wanted to end it. And if you sit around thinking, "I'm still in love with my ladyboy girlfriend," you're only making it harder on yourself.

Of course, if you're really in love with your ladyboy girlfriend you could make an effort to get back together. There's no guarantee that anything you do will get you back together, but you could still try. Often, being genuine and just making it really clear that you don't want to lose your ladyboy girlfriend will be enough to move them to give it another chance.

If cheating was involved in some capacity, then their wanting to come back is less likely, but it's still possible. If you cheated, you might think it's going to be harder to get them back.

But if they cheated and that relationship has ended, it's still harder to get them back once they've been with someone else. And it's going to take a long time for you to start trusting each other again.

It's important for you to decide that if your ladyboy girlfriend gives in and comes back, how will you keep from falling into the same patterns the next time around? You can say, "I'm still in love with my ladyboy girlfriend!" until you're blue in the face, and that won't chance whether or not you have problems in the future.

It's really easy to be in love with someone. But making a relationship work is tough and time consuming. And you have the added difficulty of overcoming a break up. You can try to convince your ladyboy girlfriend that if you get back together you'll change your ways, and maybe they'll believe you.

But the best thing you can do is simply show that you've changed your ways, without saying much about it. Actions really do almost always speak much louder than words, so the things you do are going to be noticed more by your ladyboy girlfriend than the things you say.

It's important to say the right things, too. But it's more important to do the right things. If you're really still in love with them then you should want to change your actions dramatically, at least right now. When you think your actions might make a difference it's easy to feel like you can change many things about yourself.

What you have to determine is whether or not you can really follow through with it. There's no point in making promises to your ladyboy girlfriend that you're not going to be able to keep.

If you have any doubt that you'll want to make the changes that you or your ladyboy girlfriend feel are necessary, then you shouldn't promise that you'll make them. Though you say, "I'm still in love with my ladyboy girlfriend, " you have to remember than only lasting changes will matter, not just a fast change to win them back.

Great advice on getting back together with your ladyboy girlfriend: The Magic of Making Up.

Getting Over Break Up When Your Heart Is Broken

Few things are more painful than having your heart broken.

Both men and women experience the pain of breaking up. Sometimes you are the one who called it off and other times your ex did, but in either case, there is pain on both sides. And, sometimes the break up happened for good reasons while other times it seemed to go up in a puff of smoke for no reason at all. These can be the most painful of all.

If you don't go about getting over the break up though, there can be some serious consequences. Don't fall into the trap of lingering over a lost love. The worst trap of all is to start to write a "victim story" that makes you the protagonist in a tale of love gone bad.

First of all, you should realize that if you don't get over your ex, it will be toxic to any future relationship you might have.

Second, realize that you can't run away from it, medicate it, or suppress it. You have to face the pain head on and deal with it.

There's no way out of a broken heart. There's only a way through. Accept that there is going to be pain. Use the time during this period to understand the hurt. Some ways to do this are to write in a journal, get counseling, or pour your heart out in song. Realize there are no quick solutions to getting over break up.

Next, you need to examine whether there is anything in your past that would have lead to this break up. For instance, did the abuse in your childhood cause you to be an abuser in this relationship? Take note of those things because they will help you foster healthier relationships in the future.

Don't paint yourself as the victim of the relationship either. Take responsibility for your actions. While your ex may have been the one whose "fault" was the immediate cause of the break up, the truth is that the underlying circumstances were caused by both of you.

By getting rid of your "victim story" you become a healthier, more attractive partner for a future boyfriend or girlfriend. You'll begin to see that your "victim story" was composed of beliefs, attitudes and thoughts that color your perceptions about everything. It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.

When you handle your broken heart badly, you perpetuate your pain. You'll never go about getting over break up.

But, when you can handle your emotions with the ultimate goal of letting them go, you enable healing.

Getting over a broken heart takes work. It also takes time. Don't underestimate the factors which go into curing your heartbreak.

You've just lost a person who was extremely important to your life. But, use this time for growth and you will become a stronger person and have better relationships in the future. That is how you really go about getting over break up.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thinking Of Divorce -- Save Marriage With A Marriage Counselor

Are you thinking of divorce? Save marriage by seeing a marriage counselor. There are many therapists who say they do marriage counseling, but how do you know which ones are really good? This article will give you a checklist of things to look for in a family therapist.

First of all, you want to see what their credentials are. There are three basic classes of counselors.

The first is the Ph.D. or Psy.D. level counselor. These people went to graduate school for a minimum of five years and wrote a dissertation. In addition, they performed a minimum of 3000 hours of therapy under the supervision of an experienced psychologist. In order to legally call yourself a "clinical psychologist" the person must have a doctoral level degree. Ph.D.'s are often more academic in nature and tend to do scholarly and forensic work along with therapy.

Then there is the M.S.W. This means Master of Social Work. Social Workers are trained to apply social theory to specific situations. They can work in institutions or with individuals.

Finally, there is the M.S. or M.A. in Counseling. Often called a "Marriage and Family Therapist," these people can only work with individuals or small groups in counseling situations. They tend to have 2 year degrees and may not have written a thesis. They have 1500 hours of therapy under supervision.

If you are using your insurance to cover your marriage counseling, your insurance company will probably direct you to an MSW or a Marriage and Family Therapist because they are less expensive.

Second, you have to determine what the price will be. Clinical psychologists tend to be the most expensive while Marriage and Family Therapists are the least expensive. Remember you are trying to stop divorce. Save marriage by finding the best fit not the most (or least) expensive professional.

Look at the per session cost as well as the overall cost for the expected length of treatment.

Often, therapists working in groups or non profit institutions will have a sliding scale fee based on a couple's income. If you qualify, this might make counseling affordable when it otherwise might not be.

Third, you need to look at the policies the therapist has. Some of these policies include:

· What happens if you miss or cancel a session? · Can you take a pre-planned vacation without having to pay for the session? · Will the therapist accept calls outside of the normal session? Do they accept calls at home or just at the office? · Is there an alternative person you can call in an emergency?

A family counselor should help you put your family back together so that you don't have split up. Saving your marriage should be their ultimate goal. If you don't feel that you are in synch with your counselor, move on and find someone who can keep you from divorce and save marriage.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Moving On - Break Up Advice

Keeley knew it was time to be moving on. Break up with her boyfriend Joe had just happened. She knew there was no chance of getting back together, so she had to get on with her life.

First, Keeley tried talking to her friends about the break up. At first, they were sympathetic. But soon, they became bored with the topic and wanted to talk about their own issues. Keeley became frustrated at their lack of support.

Her mom, on the other hand, couldn't talk about anything but Joe. She thought Keeley was insane to let him get away. It sometimes seemed like her mom had been more in love with Joe than Keeley ever was.

After a few weeks, Keeley decided to go to a therapist for five sessions. Over the course of a few weeks, she began to identify the problems which had led to the break up and plan a strategy for moving on.

The first thing she did was to for the moving on break up was to get rid of all of Joe's things. Some, like the leather jacket he loved, she gave back. Other things, like his toothbrush, she just threw away. And, he had given her some nice jewelry, but she decided to box these up and store them until she became less emotional about Joe.

Next, she started doing things that she didn't feel comfortable doing when Joe was around. For instance, Joe would never go to the ballet with her. Keeley had trained as a classical dancer and she appreciated Swan Lake and Giselle. When a performance came to town, she got a couple of girlfriends together and they went. This is not something she would have done if she had been together with Joe.

She also decided to join an adult dance class. Partially, it got her out of the house two nights a week. It also got her back into shape. But, she was able to meet new people as well. She liked the comraderie of the class.

She also explored new passions. She never knew much about fine wines. Joe had preferred beer and she had usually just ordered the house white. But when she heard a local winery was offering a wine tasting class, she decided to join.

Over the course of five weeks, she developed a palate. She began to appreciate the difference between a young wine and an old wine.

And, she met Rodney. Rodney was a good looking lawyer who was interested in good wine and fine food. He was also interested in Keeley.

Part of how Keeley knew that she was getting over the pain of losing Joe was that she was interested in Rodney.

Keeley doesn't know whether the relationship with Rodney is going to be long term or a short term rebound fling. But she does know that she doesn't miss Joe when Rodney is around. And that's moving on break up advice!

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Surviving A Break Up -- There Is Hope

Are you in the process of surviving a break up? It may seem like there is no hope. But, really there is.

First of all, you have to decide whether the relationship is really over or whether it's just a temporary situation. Some people find that their coupledom becomes even stronger after a hiatus.

But other times, you know that it is over and you need to go about mourning the relationship. Your ex was probably the person who you were closest to in the whole world. Now, you need to find people and activities to replace him or her.

Sometimes you can turn to friends and family members to discuss the situation. If they are sympathetic and allow you to do the talking that you need to do, this is an optimal situation.

Unfortunately, most people are consumed with their own situations. They have little patience for dealing with other people's problems and concerns. While they may listen for the first couple of days, their basic tenet will be "get over it."

If this is the case, you may want to consider going to a counselor. A therapist will help you work through the issues that caused your relationship to dissolve. Many people have found that a counselor is the best person to help you in surviving a break up.

At some point, you have to start to move on. One of the best ways to do this is to exchange all of the personal items you have with your ex. Most of the time, this means clothes, but there are other items which you keep at each other's homes.

If there are things like toothbrushes that don't merit an exchange, throw them away. If you have personal gifts that you don't want to give back, box them up and put them away for the time being. You don't want to have anything that reminds you of your ex lying around the house for the time being.

Then, start focusing on how you can improve yourself. Because you were part of a couple for so long, you referenced yourself as "we." Now, it is all about "me." And, that's not a bad place to be in.

You can now do the things you want. She didn't like gambling? You can now go to the guys' poker night. He didn't like chick flicks? Rent all the movies you missed.

And, start doing a self improvement campaign. Go work out. Take some classes. Join a hiking group.

Start to meet new people, particularly people who can be friends not lovers. These people will provide a valuable network for you now and in the future.

Finally, at some point, you have to put yourself back on the market again. Go to single's events or check out online dating sites. When you find someone new who you really like, you know you will be finally over your ex.

And that's how to go about surviving a break up.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Can I Get My Girlfriend Back Ever

"Can I get my girlfriend back ever?" If that is what you are wondering it seems like you may be in a desperate situation. There is hope but it may be only a sliver. You have to believe that it won't result in your or hers heart getting broken again. The truth is one of you screwed up. Who was it? Can the person who made the mistake that caused you to get broken up in the first place be trusted again? The answer to that question may not let you know the answer to "Can I get my girlfriend back?" but it will help you know if you should.

Is it a good idea for both of you to get back together? If you are fully convinced that it is then you might be able to. The problem is in convincing the ex girlfriend that you should. You need to write down all the reasons that it will be a good idea to get back together. It doesn't need to be a letter or anything. It can be just a list of all the reasons why it would be a good thing to get your girlfriend back. You can even put at the top of it, "Can I get my girlfriend back or should I even try?"

On this list you are going to put down every reason that it would be good to get back together. Try brain storming if you have trouble coming up with good ideas. Write down everything that you can think of whether it's silly or not. Sometimes the little things make all the difference in the world. After you have your list, go through and write down an objection to each one. Don't be afraid to do this, it's called being objective. The answer to "Can I get my girlfriend back?" may be yes if you are able to find all objections and overcome them.

Look at this all critically and try to convince yourself that it isn't a good idea. If you can't do that then it's a matter of letting your ex girlfriend know the reasons why you should. What you have done with all of this is made yourself able to deal with any objections and concerns that she has of why it wouldn't be a good thing. You may have very well found out the answer to "Can I get my girlfriend back?" by answering all the questions surrounding that one.

There is one objection that you might not be able to overcome and that is, "I just don't want to." If she just does not want to get back together, there might be no other reason for it. You can't make her want you. You can't convince her that she should. This is one of the things that you have to be prepared for. What you will be doing, though, is getting to that answer. If she does have a part of her that wants to be with you then the answer to "Can I get my girlfriend back?" is 'yes'.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back

If you have recently experienced an unfortunate breakup, and you have an ex boyfriend to get back, then you are like stressed out and going through difficulties in your life right now. You are definitely not alone however, as there are many people in the world right now who are in the same situation as they have an ex boyfriend to get back as well.

Many people who go through a relationship break up that was unexpected will feel desperate because they have an ex boyfriend to get back. Now is the chance to pull yourself together, keep your emotions in check and work through the initial stages of moving past the break up and eventually rekindling the relationship when the time is right.

If you have an ex boyfriend to get back, and you are wondering just what you need to do in order to achieve it, then you need to consider the following things.

- How does he feel about the relationship? Is he moving on, or does he want to rekindle things?

- What caused the break up in the first place, and can the things that caused the break up be rectified so that they do not occur again?

- What do you want from the relationship? Do you really want to get back together with your ex or are you simply acting out of desperation not to feel alone?

- Did you initiate the break up or did they? This will play an important role in determining how everybody feels about the situation after the fact.

If you caused the break up in some way, and you have an ex boyfriend to get back, then you may want to start things off with an apology. Let him know that you are sorry for what you did, and let him know that you are serious about rekindling things because you still care.

Once you have achieved this, you need to back off so that he can have some time to think about the situation. There is a lot that both of you are going to have to think about, and time and space is the only way that this is going to happen.

You need to make an honest effort to rekindle things without pushing too hard when you have an ex boyfriend to get back. It is not surprising that you want to push things and rush things, but if you cram yourself down his throat you will chase him away rather than talk him into rekindling things with you. It will take time and patience, sure, but if you really love him, then you should be prepared to go to great lengths to prove it. Be ready for a challenge, but if you are dedicated, you may be able to get your ex back once and for all.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Some Things I Have Learned From Women Who Have Dumped Me

Learning How To Rekindle Love

People who are in a tough spot with their loved one and are trying to rekindle love in the relationship in order to prevent the relationship from falling apart can likely benefit from some things I've learned from women who have dumped me.

This is because I have "been there, done that" when it comes to relationships, and I have learned a lot about how to keep a relationship going, or even more importantly in some situations, how to know when the relationship really is coming to an end.

Here are some of the things I have learned from women who have dumped me, and how you can use them to your advantage to win back love.

1 - One of the biggest things I have learned from women who have dumped me is that sometimes women break-up relationships with every intention of rekindling things later, but they break the relationship up to create some much needed space for a period of time.

In other words, just because she broke up with you, that does not mean that it's all over. Just give her some time and some space and everything might be alright again in no time.

2 - Another one of the things I have learned from women who have dumped me is that often women will break-up a relationship simply because they think you are going to break-up with them, and are trying to beat you to the punch. You can counteract this by being honest about your feelings and intentions to calm down her need to end things first.

It is normal for people to want to have the last word in an argument, and being the one initiating the break-up is an example of this. Let her know that you don't want to break things up and you may just be able to keep the relationship from falling apart.

3 - One of the final things I have learned from women who have dumped me, that you should keep in mind, is that if you work hard enough to rekindle things, you can make a relationship work. A breakup does not have to mean that the relationship is over forever, it simply means that the relationship needs some time and that both parties require some time apart. You do not have to give up on the relationship or the love behind it just because a hiatus is needed.

Stay strong if you find yourself having relationship problems, and know that every break-up comes with life lessons that you can take with you in order to help you with future relationship problems, regardless of what life throws at you.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Friday, September 18, 2009

Love To Get Your Thai Girlfriend Back

If your goal is to get your Thai girlfriend back then you have to admit something that you may not want to. You may have to admit you're weak. Will you have to admit it to her? That depends on how she views you at the moment, how you have come across in the past and how she will view you in the future. The trick to get your Thai girlfriend back is to let her know that you have changed and that you are, can be, and will be the one that she wants.

Wanting to get your Thai girlfriend back is admitting that you are weak. You are admitting that you need her and are incomplete with out here. You are admitting that you have to have her in order for life to make sense and/or work. Once you make the effort, she is going to be figuring that out on her own. Just making the effort to get your Thai girlfriend back is proof of that. How did she view you prior to the break up? Did you divorce because you were seen as being weak? Hopefully that is not the case. If so, coming back and trying to reconcile after the divorce or break up may be seen as groveling back and may not be something that she wants to see from her man.

If, though, you were seen as being particularly hard headed and self-absorbed then you are essentially saying that you were wrong. This is not a bad thing. When you show that you can admit that you were wrong shows that you are willing to admit that you are human. Being wrong is weak but admitting it and trying to correct it takes immense strength. Letting down your guard and telling the her that you were wrong shows that you are serious about wanting to get your Thai girlfriend back. Even though it's admitting that you are weak, it is showing that you are strong enough to deal with it.

When you are trying to win your Thai girlfriend back, you have to know that you are putting your future in someone else's hands. The results are far from certain. The truth is the damage may already be done and it has reached the point of no return. Does this mean that you shouldn't try? No. It does mean that everything that you do has to be above and beyond any reasonable doubt that she might have. This will mean being honest in not just admitting how wrong you may have been but honest in really trying to change.

If you go back to your Thai girlfriend and try to convince her that you have changed and that you are worth the risk, you have to be honest. If you aren't and you aren't willing to follow through on your commitment to be better thing swill only fall apart again. If you are going to go through with the effort to get your Thai girlfriend back, make sure that the change in you is real.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Win Your Love Back -- The Example Of Katie And Brad

You can win your love back. Let me give you an example.

Katie made a major mistake. She saw Brad talking to her best friend Andrea and thought he was flirting with her. Katie worked herself into a fury and broke up with Brad.

It turns out that he was really consulting Andrea on how to put together a surprise romantic Valentine's date. He was really hurt that Katie would think so little of him and didn't want to have to do anything to do with her after that.

You may think that you can not win your love back after such a situation. But let me tell you what Katie did to get Brad back.

Brad wasn't talking to her, so she couldn't discuss the situation with him. But she could write him a letter. She got some nice paper and hand wrote an apology. She admitted that she had flown off the handle. She also told him what she liked about him and about the relationship. Finally, she expressed gratitude for his thoughtfulness in planning a romantic date.

Then, she shut up. She didn't call, text or email him for a week. By not pestering him, she gave him time to work through his emotions.

After a week, she sent him a short and sweet "thinking of you" email. She kept it casual.

Brad was obviously nuts about Katie because he was willing to go to the trouble of impressing her on Valentine's day. But, he was also hurt. Because Katie had apologized and given him time to work through his emotions, he was able to respond to the "thinking of you" email.

The night he got the email, he called Katie. She tried to keep things light and fun. Brad appreciated that. So, he suggested they meet for coffee and Katie agreed.

Katie went out of her way to look like a million bucks. She wore the earrings Brad had given her for Christmas and she put on the perfume that he liked so much.

Katie decided that she would only talk about positive things. She especially tried to bring fond memories into the conversation. She also asked about his family because that would reinforce their shared history and closeness.

Brad appreciated this. He loved Katie and didn't want things to end. But, he didn't want a repeat of the situation either. He needed to be reassured that their life together wouldn't be filled with needless drama. He also needed to know that talking to another woman wouldn't set off fireworks.

The couple agreed that they would take the relationship to a less intense level. They would really court each other again. They would stop taking each other for granted.

A year later, Brad and Katie agree that the break up may have actually saved their relationship over the long haul. While Katie initially flew off the handle, her calm handling of the situation afterward made it possible for them to move on. She showed you can win your love back.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Should You And Your Ex Get Back Together - Rekindling The Relationship?

Should You And Your Ex get back together - Rekindling The Relationship

Should you and your ex get back together? This is an age old question that every couple asks themselves when they come to the point of a break up. If you truly do want to get back together with your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend, then the first thing that you are going to have to do is spend a little bit of time soul searching.

You are going to have to decide whether or not it would be good for your ex get back together with you. Should you and your ex get back together? It is going to depend on what will make you truly happy.

This is also going to depend on whether or not you guys are going to end up walking down the exact same path as before. Can you address what problems occurred that caused the relationship to fail in the first place so that you can prevent it from happening again.

It is really easy for you to only think about the good times when a break up occurs. If you are going to answer the question, "Should you and your ex get back together?", you are going to need to be able to think about the entire situation objectively, including both the good times and the bad.

In reality, most relationships are definitely worthy of being saved. There are a few, however, that are unworthy of putting effort into attempting to save. So, should you and your ex get back together? It is going to depend on how much time you spent being happy with one another and how much time you spent fighting, disagreeing or having problems?

If the relationship was characteristically unstable, then it might be a good idea not to rekindle things.

So, should you and your ex get back together? Maybe not.

If you should get back together, then, you should know that pestering your ex or cramming yourself down their throat is not going to make things better. In fact, the best thing that you can do is step back, give your ex some time, and do your own thinking about the situation before you make anything happen.

Do not plead, argue or beg your ex to get back with them, because desperation is never attractive and will only make everything significantly more difficult for you.

Stop beating yourself up over breaking up with them, even if you regret doing whatever it was that led to the break up in the first place, because the past is the past and it is time to focus on the here and now.

Should you and your ex get back together? It's time to play it cool so that you can wait and see. Don't rush into anything, push anything or act with desperation, because this will undo your ability to rekindle things with your lost love.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Get Back Together With Ex -- Do Some Soul Searching

Do you really want to get back together with ex? You may have an instant reaction that "of course I want to get back together." But, you should do some soul searching before you answer this question. There was a reason you broke up, and if this reason or reasons are not addressed, you will repeat the cycle.

If you get back together with ex, are you going to be really happy? Or, will you wind up down the same road that got you here in the first place?

After you break up, you may be only thinking about the good times. You'll forget about all of the problems you had. You'll think about how lonely you are without him or her not how frustrated you used to get with them.

After a break up, you need to be brutally honest about what you want out of a relationship. Think about both the good times and the bad times before you make any decisions.

Some relationships are not worth saving. If you fought more than you loved, you might want to consider whether there might be a better fit with someone else. Above all, a couple should make each other happy. If you couldn't do this with your ex, you might want to consider moving on.

That's not to say that a relationship can't be saved after a break up. If you want to get back together after you've done some soul searching, that can be done. The rest of this article will be devoted to getting back together once you've decided it's worth it.

One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you don't want to "stalk" your ex. This is not just following him or her around. It also means not repeatedly calling, emailing, or texting them. Don't stalk them on their social networking sites either. All of these things make you seem desperate.

When you do talk, don't plead or beg them to get back together with you. Don't present an aura that you have been "wrong" and you'll do better in the future.

You may be beating yourself up about the things you did in the past. But the past is the past. Now, you want to move forward.

At the present time, the relationship is over. You don't have a time machine to go back and change things. Now, you need to concentrate on the things you can do in the present.

Instead, back off and give your ex some space. When you do talk, bring up the fun times you shared and the things you like about them.

Your ex may suggest meeting in a non threatening manner. If he or she doesn't, you can suggest it. Perhaps you can go to Starbucks and have a coffee. It might lead to a "real" date and then you're back on your way to being a couple again.

That's how to get back together with ex.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Win Ex Boyfriend Back In 7 Easy Steps

Has your guy just dumped you? It really hurts doesn't it? Well, here's how to win ex boyfriend back in 7 easy steps.

1. Do you really want him back? Okay, this may seem like an odd step to go through, but it is really important. Your boyfriend may seem indispensible, but you will be able to move on without him. If he's someone worth keeping, read on. But if he's just "any old guy" don't hang on for the sake of hanging on. As the old saying goes, "there are other fish in the sea."

2. Think about why you broke up. Think carefully about what he said when he dumped you. Also think back to the things he said to you in the days right before you broke up. He may have indicated that you were too clingy or that you had let yourself go. If he wants you to change, you have to decide whether you want to be the girlfriend he wants to have.

3. Don't bug him. Sometimes, girls think that they should call or text their ex a bunch of times hoping that showing how much they love their guy will get him back. Instead, you should give him some space. This will let both of you evaluate the relationship. If you are in school together, you don't need to go out of your way to avoid him, but don't chase him down either.

4. Don't manipulate him. You may be tempted to flirt with his friends, for instance, in an attempt to make him jealous. More likely, it will just make him annoyed and put him off you. He may even think you are acting slutty. So, stay away from doing manipulative actions.

5. Play hard to get. Don't let him think that he can wiggle his little finger and you will come rushing to his side. Let him squirm a little bit. Remember guys like the chase.

6. Don't send friends as emissaries. It's common for girls to send their girlfriends to "feel out" your ex. But this just annoys guys. If you are going to communicate something to him, do it yourself. Don't put him in the awkward position of having to explain his feelings to your friends.

7. Don't get worried about a new girlfriend. It's probably just a rebound relationship. It is not uncommon for a guy to hook up with a new girl right after he has broken up with you. But these rebound relationships rarely last. It is very possible that he will come back to you after he has some time to work things out. In the meantime, become everything he wants in a girl. Get gorgeous. Be friendly. Be happy. These things will pry him away from the good time girl and back into your arms.

Many girls don't know how to win ex boyfriend back. They do it all wrong and end up pushing him away instead. When you follow the seven steps in this article, you will be able to come out a winner in the game of love.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get Back Together With Ex -- Listen To Him

Kristi was devastated. She wanted to get back together with ex boyfriend Thad. Thad had told her that he needed some "space." Thad said that he still cared for her but didn't want to date exclusively any more.

What should Kristi do to get back together with ex Thad? Should she call him and text him? Should she show up and flirt with his friends? Should she ignore him completely?

Actually, she should do none of these. Instead, she should listen to him.

He says that he loves her but that he needs space. While this may seem like a cliché, the truth is that many times when people use this line they mean what they say.

Sometimes a relationship just gets ahead of a person. They may not be ready for the responsibilities a relationship carries. But that doesn't mean that they don't love their ex. In fact, they may love him or her too much and want to take a step back.

Given that this is the case, let's take a look at what disasterous things can happen if you handle the situation badly.

For instance, if Kristi were to endlessly pursue Thad with calls, emails and texts, she wouldn't be giving him the space he needed to get his head on straight. Letters, gifts, and singing songs under his window late at night would have the same effect.

One of Kristi's friends suggested that she start flirting with all of Thad's friends to make him jealous in an attempt to get back together with ex. This is a common recommendation because it is assumed that men will want what other men have. The problem is that by playing games now, Kristi would be jeopardizing her relationship in the future. And, there is a strong likelihood that Thad would just be angry at Kristi and push her even further away.

Another option Kristi considered was just ignoring him altogether. In some ways, because she was so hurt by Thad's rejection, she wanted to punish him in turn.

But, if she is open and receptive but not pushy when they meet each other in social situations that are not contrived, she shows him what a wonderful woman and wonderful human being she is. She becomes someone that he wants to spend time with. She has allowed him to see her at her best.

Kristi has a number of options if she wants to get back together with ex. But, her best option is simply to listen to Thad. He's said he needs space. So, she should give it to him. She should let him have the opportunity to decide whether to get back together.

My guess is that Thad will come back to Kristi and he'll be ready to take the relationship to the next level. If Kristi plays her cards right, she will have a stronger relationship overall.

That's how to get ex back in a healthy way.

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How to Introduce Cunnilingus Into Your Relationship

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

Is your woman a cunnilingus virgin? Lucky you, it's your sexual duty to initiate her in the erotic joys of cunnilingus!

This may come as a surprise to you but not all women come with full knowledge and acceptance of cunnilingus or 'being eaten out'. From a woman's point of view, oral sex is often a matter of trust, i.e., opening up her most 'scared place' for 'close scrutiny' to you. In fact, believe it or not, there are plenty of women out there who are more open to sexual intercourse than cunnilingus. They claim that the latter is a more 'private affair'. I know, go figure.

If your partner is a cunnilingus virgin, don't lose hope end assume she's deadest against it. For all you know, she's simply waiting for the right guy to show her the high sexual pleasure that cunnilingus brings.

How to Persuade Your Partner to Engage in Cunnilingus

Discuss, not dictate. The wrong approach to take is to STATE that she 'needs' to experience cunnilingus. For one, you probably don't even know why she's not into being muff dived yet so don't assume anything. Instead, talk to her about it. Ask if she has any negative impressions or bad experiences regarding cunnilingus so that you're better able to address whatever it is that's eating her up (pun intended).

Also, showing that you're willing to discuss and understand her shows your caring side, which in turn makes her trust you more, which in turn makes her more open to the thought of you going down on her.

Try, not force. As a cunnilingus virgin, it's understandable that she may be a bit squeamish about the whole affair the first time. Don't expect compete and wild abandon here. And don't force her to feel great about it either by ramming your tongue deeper into her or propelling it like helicopter blades. You might hurt her, making her think cunnilingus is not pleasurable at all!

Also, don't be offended by immediate reaction she has. For example, here's a story from one of my clients, let's just call him Jack.

To learn how to avoid other "slap-your-forehead" mistakes, go to:

So Jack was eating his lady out. Since she was new to cunnilingus, her emotions about all the new sexual feelings where everywhere. Her physical response to this was to bring her thighs tightly together... that's right, squeezing Jack's head between her legs! Anyway, Jack understood this so he GENTLY pried her legs apart and licked gentler to make her relax.

Can you imagine if, feeling a bit of pain, Jack drastically pulled his head away? That would rudely abruptly her sexual pleasure and might even make her think he doesn't like eating her out after all.

Explore, not just apply. Although she may be a cunnilingus virgin, it doesn't mean that techniques that worked for your previous partners will work on her. For one, some women, like it rough, others don't. Some women like being finger fucked while being licked, others don't. And so on.

So for her first time, just be gentle and go with the flow. Be attuned with her body and its reactions instead of trying to apply -- what you think -- is a great cunnilingus formula.

Know how to perform right when the time comes! Go to:

Encourage trust, not misgiving. Again, since this is her first time with cunnilingus, it's important to start gently so that you earn her trust. If you go down there like Rambo, and chances are she's not ready for that at all, she will instinctively assume that she'll experience some sort of pain or discomfort. As a result, she will not be completely open to the whole cunnilingus thing anymore.

Also, at the very least, she may not feel much sexual pleasure at all, enabling her to incorrectly assume that cunnilingus is no big deal.

Make it all about HER pleasure. Try not to be the great Casanova as you go down on her or revel in the fact that you're her sexual teacher, and she your helpless sex student who wants nothing more than to accept your moves.

Sometimes, men can get so full in their heads about how they're such great lovers that the focus is all wrong. So this time, make it all about her. Her body, her reactions, her sexual pleasure. If she achieves an orgasm during cunnilingus, GREAT but it's not your goal.

Your goal is to simply let her know how sexually enriching cunnilingus is and that it's another way you can enrich your relationship -- sexually and otherwise. Good luck!

To learn many other SPICY secrets to satisfy her in bed, go to:

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Advice On A Thai Boyfriend Break Up

Have you just broken up with a Thai guy? Are you lost without him? Do you wonder if you can get him back? Here's some advice about a Thai boyfriend break up.

First of all, decide whether the relationship is truly over. Until you are able to say that he is part of your past and not your present and future, you will not be able to move on.

This is not to say that you have to put him in the past right away. There are a number of steps you can take to get him back. You can stay part of his life in a casual way hopping to become Thai boyfriend and girlfriend again.

But, if you are ready to move on, there are a number of steps you can take to reach closure. Closure is the process where you recognize that the relationship is over and you start to heal.

Perhaps the first thing you should do is communicate your hurt. There are several ways to do this:

· Talk to friends and family who are truly empathetic and can help you work through your feelings. A true friend will do this, but many of your so called friends won't be up to the challenge. · Go into short term therapy so you can work through your feelings with a dispassionate third party · Write down your feelings in a journal, in poetry, or in music. This is an inexpensive way to express yourself and doesn't require anyone else to participate.

Once you have come to some level of closure, get rid of anything you have of your Thai boyfriend's. These things will only remind you of him and the Thai boyfriend break up. Some things you'll want to give back because they have value. Other things you can just toss. And, if he's given you gifts that you want to keep, box them up and store them for the time being.

Next, figure out how you are going to spend your time now that you are not part of a couple. You may feel that time hangs heavy on your hands. Or, you may find that you are liberated by not having to do everything your Thai boyfriend wanted you to do.

Get involved in things that make you happy. Go to the gym so that you look and feel good. Spend some time getting pampered at the spa. Take a Spanish class at the community center. Or, start to volunteer with the Big Sisters of America.

By doing things that please you, you will become a happier person. You will find that you miss your Thai boyfriend a lot less.

One of the ways you will know that you are over your Thai boyfriend is that you will start to develop feelings for a new Thai guy. Maybe these will be reciprocated. Eventually, you will find a new man and form a new relationship. That will be when you know you have really moved on. The Thai boyfriend break up won't be so serious any more.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Love Break Up -- Getting Through A Distressing Situation

Are you in love? Break up with your boyfriend can be the most devastating thing in your life if you were truly in love. How can you get through this situation?

First of all, you need to determine whether the relationship is truly over. There are a number of ways to get an ex boyfriend back.

You don't want to chase him. You want to give him some space, especially in the first days after a break up. So, don't pester him with calls or texts. Instead, let him call you.

If he doesn't contact you right away, don't stress about it. Instead, after about a week, call him yourself. But, keep it casual. Don't go all weepy on him and ask him to get back together. Also, keep it short. Five or ten minutes should suffice.

If you are still in love after this amount of time, you need to consider making more fundamental changes.

For instance, do you need a makeover? Would a new hairstyle or new clothes attract him back? Do you need to lose a few pounds?

Also, consider whether there were aspects of your personality that drove him away. Were you always nagging him? Did you drop all of your own friends and hang around with him exclusively? You may have been crowding him.

If you have identified areas where you can change, you need to do them. It may take time, but if he is truly in love, break up won't last.

But, you also have to be prepared to move on. Fortunately, any changes you make to win your ex boyfriend back will also help you attract a new guy. For instance, learning not to nag a man will help you keep any new boyfriend. And, your new more glamorous self will be sure to attract lots of attention.

Use the time between boyfriends to find out what you really want in a man as well. What was it that attracted you to your ex? Did these qualities hold on over time or did they annoy you after a while? Did you go for someone on the basis of looks only to find out that made for a very vain man? Did you like his sarcastic sense of humor only to find out that he turned it on you?

You should also use this time between boyfriends to figure out what you want in yourself. What can you improve -- not for the sake of a guy -- but to make the quality of your own life better? This may mean getting back in touch with your girlfriends, taking up a class, or going to church again.

Remember, love break up do happen. Sometimes you can get back together and sometimes you can't. The important thing is to be able to roll with the punches and move on to the newer, better you.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Get Back At Your Ex Why Would You Bother

A lot of people, women in particular it has to be said, appear to spend hours thinking of ways to answer the question of how to get back at your ex? My view on this is why bother? The only person you will end up hurting is yourself. Anger and regret are negative emotions and do not have any long term value to add to your life.

Couples split up for all sorts of reasons but I firmly believe that it takes two to tango. Yes, he may have had an affair or she may have a drink problem but at the end of the day it is usually too simple to lay the blame for the break up at one person's feet.

But when a relationship ends it should be final unless both of you decide that you wish to get back together. Otherwise, move on. Don't waste your time or energy trying to think of ways to destroy his life or pick fights with her new man.

Every man or woman over the age of 21 has been dumped at some point in their lives. If they say they haven't, they are probably lying. Breaking up can be extremely painful - you only have to see how many films and songs are written on the subject. Even classic books involve painful relationships - have you read Jane Eyre lately?

Relationships of all types make the world go round and it would be a very boring place if we were happy all of the time. Stories such as Cinderella and sleeping Beauty end when the couple kiss and we all believe they will live happily ever after. Cinders and Beauty have found their Mr Right, but what they don't know is that his first name is always!

Life is too short to live it out with a grudge against someone else. The only person that will suffer will be you and those that love you. Your ex will be long gone - do you really think that they give you more than a fleeting thought. They didn't care enough about you to stay together so why would they care now?

There are plenty of lovely people for you to date and perhaps fall in love with. But you will never find a fulfilling new relationship if your life is consumed by hatred for someone else. Being on your own for the first time in a long time can be tough but it can also be liberating. Think positively - you now have the chance to do all the things you wanted to do but your partner wasn't interested in.

Make a list of twenty things you have to be thankful for and read this every night before you fall asleep. Add five things to your list every day and you will soon find yourself enjoying life so much that you won't have time to worry about how to get back at your ex. It will be more like ex who?

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