Monday, January 26, 2009

ROBBED at Gunpoint!!

Is there something you can learn by being robbed at gunpoint?

As TW Jackson explains in the Magic Of Making Up, after your initial contact... you want to set up your "First Date" again.

AND... the MOST important part, the secret and the part nobody else but TW Jackson will tell you is the date HAS to be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED.


That DOES NOT mean 'dinner and a movie', because... well... it's BORING... and does not create a bonding... or in our case a RE-bonding experience.

In fact, you want to pack in several emotionally charged mini-dates in a span of a couple hours.


If you just do 'dinner and a movie', you lose out on a Sociologically PROVEN principle...

Emotionally charged experiences = bond

Look at it in another way.

Last time you went to the bank, do you remember the person in line in front of you?

Behind you?

Probably not. Me either.


What if while you were in the bank, it was ROBBED AT GUNPOINT?

And the robbers couldn't get the safe open. The robbers are very angry, screaming, and waving huge guns around. The tension feels so thick you could cut through it with a knife.

You are lying face down on the cold bank floor and can see your breath fogging up the tile below.

You are trembling... because it is eerily silent for a moment.

"Oh my god!"

"Where are the robbers?"

"Are they behind me?"

"Are they watching me?"

So you slowly move your eyes around and see a sweet older lady lying right next to you.

She looks a little like Grandma, and you come out of your own haze enough to realize that she is even more terrified than you. She is softly sobbing.

You slowly reach out and take her hand in yours and give her a little squeeze that says... "it's going to be be alright."


Let me ask...

Are you EVER going to forget that older lady?


Do you think she will EVER forget you?

Not in a million Sundays!

Now... I'm not saying to go rob a bank on your first date! LOL.

But you want to go on an EMOTIONALLY charged and exciting date... and preferably several mini-dates in a span of a couple hours.

A short roller coaster ride is one GREAT example.

TW Jackson teaches you more about things like emotionally charged dates in the Magic Of Making Up System.

You'll also discover psychological tactics and techniques you can use to get you BACK on that first date with your ex again.

Get a special unannounced bonus called Mind Magic when you reserve your copy of the Magic Of Making Up System through this special link.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

5 Tips to Get Your Ex-Partner Back

So it's all over except for the shouting, but what if that's not the way that you want it to be? Many people, after they have gotten out of a relationship, find that all they want to do is to get back in, but what happens after a break up? Take a look at a few tips below to get you started when you are looking to woo your ex back into your arms!

1. Act for the right reasons

Realizing that you have made a mistake and want to get back together because you love them is a great reason to get back in touch and figure out if there's anything left. Getting back together so that you can dump them is not! If you are looking to reunite with your ex, make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. Don't waste your time with vengeance or other pettiness.

2. Figure out what they've been doing

While you shouldn't turn into a stalker, ask your mutual friends about what your ex has been doing since you split up. If you hear that they already have a new flame, it's a sign that your chances might not be great, but if you hear that they've been mopey or depressed, this can be a good sign. Making sure that you know how they're doing can help you decide how to present the case for getting back together with them.

3. Take care of yourself

You might want to play up how miserable you have been without them, but don't. All that will do is ensure that you have someone who is getting back together with you for all the wrong reasons. You don't have to look like a million bucks, but don't make it look as if you've been starving, not showering, and living as a shut in. Make sure that you are still someone that they will want to get back together with!

4. Find a neutral meeting place

Invite them out somewhere away from places that could be considered charged. Stay away from the places where you live, especially if you fought a lot there, or had a nasty break up scene there. Take them out to a park or a restaurant instead and ask about making new memories. State your case clearly and then, when you are done talking, make sure that they get a chance to say everything that they have been thinking.

5. Take no for an answer

This seems counterintuitive, but it's not. If they have a definite no, let them say it and accept it. You'll find that if they say no, they might not be ready for a reconciliation right now, but they might be sometime soon. You'll find that if you let them go gracefully enough that there might be a way to get them back later, but if you make a scene, then you definitely won't!

Here's an excellent ebook that will definitely help: The Magic of Making Up.

More relationship advice at