Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rekindling Your Love With An Ex

Are you dying to know how to win ex back?

It can be a difficult endeavor, because some of the necessary methods seem somewhat counter intuitive, but if you want to learn how to win back an ex, you have to consider all of the things that are mentioned in this article.

The most important thing to do to learn how to win ex back is to calm yourself down before all else. High emotions are not going to allow you to focus on learning how to win ex back.

Instead, you are going to want to take a strategic angle to handling things. Drop the desperation and start thinking logically when determining how to win him or her back once and for all.

If you want to learn how to win ex back, you need to accept and agree with the split. This may seem hard to do but it is vitally important to rekindling things in the future.

If your ex is against future contact, then letting him or her know that you are okay with the breakup may disarm this attack and make it easier for you to talk to him or her in the future. This is an important part of learning how to win ex back.

The next step is simply to live your life if you want to learn how to win ex back. Go out, have fun and spend time with friends. This will show your ex that you are willing to move on. It is going to force your ex to realize how they really feel about you.

If your relationship really is meant to be, your ex will realize it. If they do not realize it, then perhaps it is not actually meant to be. This is a pretty simple concept but still difficult for many people to completely grasp.

Now you are going to want to limit contact as part of learning how to win ex back, because limiting contact sends a psychological message to your ex boy or girlfriend, forcing them to deal with you outside of their normal day to day life.

If you force yourself down their throat, then they are not going to respond well to your presence in their lives. If you limit your contact with them, they will find themselves missing you, thinking about you and wondering how you are doing, and this will force them to come to terms with the future of your relationship.

Following this simple system will help you learn how to win ex back. It may seem complicated at first because it is hard to avoid someone you care about, but these steps are absolutely vital in allowing things to be rekindled in the future. With patience and love, you can rekindle a relationship and learn how to win ex back.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Get Back Together With Ex - How To Rekindle The Relationship

Are you looking for help to get back together with ex? Do not write the relationship off completely simply because he or she dumped you. If you really want to get back together with ex, you can get the results you seek with some hard work and understanding.

In relationships, people can be truly fickle. For example, in 75 percent of all relationships, the woman calls the relationship. More often than not however, they are also open to re-establishing things.

Breaking up may not have been a decision that was thought out well, meaning that your significant other may be willing to rekindle things if you give it enough time.

If you really want to get back together with ex, you need to prevent yourself from giving up, writing things off or responding badly to the situation at hand. Bad things happen, but there are resolutions and not every break up means the permanent end to the relationship.

Part of the process of learning how to get back together with ex is to figure out what it is that went wrong so that you can change those things and move on. If you do not fix these things, then the relationship is never going to be capable of being rekindled, or else the same bad things will happen again.

Was she bored in the relationship? Was he looking for more space? Find out what the problem was and find a way to change things. If you really want to get back together with ex, you need to show your ex that you are the person that he or she really wants in life.

One of the ways that you can figure out how to get back together with ex is to show your ex that you are in demand, that you are moving on and that you are satisfied with life rather than dwelling on the past. This will show your ex that you can be mature and happy, and it may just remind them how much they need and want you.

Go out and have some fun with your friends and show your ex that you can live without him or her, and you may just help them remember how much they want to be with you, which is a great way to learn how to get back together with ex.

When you are serious about wanting to get back together with ex, you need to realize that making things work is about doing the right things and rekindling the right feelings and emotions. There is a power shift that needs to occur, and you need to restore the balance in order to make things comfortable enough again that you can get back together with ex.

You can learn how to get back together with ex, you simply have to be patient and willing to listen to the right advice in order to make it happen.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ex Wants Back Together But I Don't

Ex wants back together but you don't? That is an incredibly difficult position to be in, especially if you have reasons to keep the peace or are just still interested in being friends. You want to make sure that you don't cave into the pressure to get back together, though. It might be the right thing but you need to examine the reasons that you broke up in the first place. If you aren't totally convinced that it is the right thing then you really should not. We will be looking at two of the big reasons that you may have broken up and could very well be why you shouldn't get back together again, even though ex wants back together.

One of the things that could be why you broke up in the first place is that you have your eyes set on getting married and don't believe that they are "the one" for you. Your ex wants back together but you may have found out that they aren't, for some reason, what you are looking for in a spouse. You have certain ideals and certain things that you are looking for in a marriage partner. While you were dating, you found out that this person didn't have what you needed.

It doesn't matter what exactly the reasons are, it is something that you can't see yourself living with the rest of your life. If you have realized that they aren't what you need, then why waste time on on a futile effort if it is only going to detract from your ultimate goal of getting married. You will only be putting off the inevitable future break up and possibly missing out on finding that one that you really should be with. Your ex wants back together but it simply wouldn't be the life time commitment that you crave so deciding not to only makes sense.

Another reason that it might not be a good idea to get back together with ex even though ex wants back together is you simply just don't have the feelings towards them that you had at one time. If there are no other good reasons for being together, children together being the main and most important one, then it really isn't fair to either person. Both of you deserve to be in a situation better than one person being "stuck" with the other. You deserve to not feel so obligated and they deserve to not be with someone who would simply rather not be with them.

If your ex wants back together, while it may seem the easiest solution to get back together, it may not be the best one. Look closely at the reasons that you broke up in the first place. If you are convinced that they just aren't right for you then don't feel pressured into doing something that ultimately would do neither one of you any good. Don't do the wrong thing trying to do the nice thing and get back together because ex wants back together.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

How To Get An Ex Boyfriend Back

How to get an ex boyfriend back is a tough thing to do especially if he doesn't want to come back. His not wanting to take you back may be a short-term situation or it might be a long term one. Largely it depends on the situation. You can't force him to change his mind but you can do some things that might help influence him. Part of it comes in knowing what went wrong and why. The rest comes in finding what can be done differently and then convincing him that it can be. How to get an ex boyfriend back may be a tough road to travel and the destination may be unknown but it could result in a lifetime of rewards.

What happened to get you to this point where you need to know how to get an ex boyfriend back in the first place? You need to take an honest look at what happened in the relationship. Was it something that you did or something that he did? If it was something that he did, you may want to rethink the whole thing because you need to be absolutely sure that he isn't going to do it again. If it was something that you did then what was it that brought you to the point that a split would happen? What and where did things go wrong? Most importantly, what is going to keep it from happening again? You have to have an answer for this.

What is going to be done differently if you are successful in finding out how to get an ex boyfriend back? Why should he believe that things are changed or will be different? Are you changing some things? Is he? This will take more than just words and a desire to be better: it will take action. It will take effort on both your part and his. In this you must be willing to lead by example and you may have to prove that you are trustworthy in this before he will give you another chance.

Proving to him that you are able to have a better relationship may be the most difficult part of it. If there are mistakes that have been made in the past that kept recurring, how can you prove that it won't happen again? Only one way it can happen and that is to be incredibly diligent in your efforts to not let that happen again. If someone wants you to stop smoking and it is important to not let them down then how are you going to show that you can stop? Easy answer, you don't do it anymore. You avoid situations where you are likely to crave it or where you might be tempted to do it. You also seek help. That is what it is going to take with learning how to get an ex boyfriend back.

You won't be able to do it on your own. Restoring a broken relationship will take more than your efforts and desires. It will take both of you. You need an ally to help you get things back together. Once you have gotten your ex boyfriend convinced that it is worth working on then you will have your ally and will have found out how to get an ex boyfriend back.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Naughty, Forbidden Places for Great Oral Sex

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

As in most things, a little creativity can go a long way to spicing up your relationship. If you think about it, performing fellatio on a guy is pretty straight-forward, but add to that the elements of forbidden places, stolen moment, and the fear of getting caught... well, it could be the best sex you guys have ever had!

More Unique Places to Engage in oral sex

On the balcony. So near, yet so far. This is the feeling you guys will get when you engage in oral sex at your own balcony. Think about it. You're still 'home'. It's your own place. And there's probably a spot secluded enough so that nobody else can see you but at the same time, you guys are so 'out there'. What if the neighbor see? Imagine the thrill!

If your woman is game with these things then lucky you! However, if she's not that adventurous, take baby steps to convince her. For example, have an al fresco dinner and engage in light foreplay. Kiss her deeply until she feels comfortable with allowing you to place your hand under her clothes.

Take it just a little bit further each time you go out on the balcony. Soon enough, you'll reach a stage when you both want more and this is the perfect time to guide her to go down and perform fellatio on you. Worried about not lasting enough? I have some great pointers to avoid disasters! Simply go to

Wet and wild. Poolside or ocean-side? Wet and wild. If you have your own swimming pool, great. This would make it easier for you to engage in oral sex in your own pool. For this event, the thrill is in the fact that you guys are still in the water. If your pool is outside your home with neighbors potentially looking in, all the better! Again, use your imagination. Don't just have oral sex on the sides of the pool. Think pool steps or even on the diving board!

If poolside doesn't work for you guys, then how about ocean-side? Granted, salt water does make it difficult for her to perform fellatio on you while you're standing in the ocean but it doesn't mean it can't be done for a few seconds. This is especially thrilling if there are other swimmers nearby.

Of course, there are other places where you guys can engage in oral sex. For instance, what about a secluded side of the beach? Or why not hire a raft, go out into the ocean and perform oral sex on each other there? You'll have your own natural water-bed.

Check out my free report and master these and many other techniques. You can download it at:

Out in the open. Another great place to engage in oral sex is out in the open space. Take a hike one weekend, find a secluded, grassy area and have an afternoon romp. You can also try an open field. This is great if you own a nice, big piece of land but if you don't, that's ok, just go for a nice walk into some nearby woods or park near you. Just be careful of two things: poisonous plants and the potential presence of ferocious wildlife!

Go ahead, have oral sex in the kitchen. We've been discussing places outside the home, but really, a lot of people can't even make this sex fantasy come true: oral sex or intercourse in the kitchen.

Well, now is the time to take that step and fulfill this fantasy of yours. After all, especially if you're just starting to be more adventurous, the kitchen offers a LOT of places for comfortable oral sex: the counter, the dining table, kitchen sink, etc.

Another plus with engaging in oral sex in the kitchen is that you're near some very handy props. Admittedly, there's less props you can use while performing fellatio (compared to performing cunnilingus) but there are some old reliable stables you can use like whipped cream, liquid chocolate, and of course, peanut butter. As these items are all literally within an arm's reach, there's no need to break the momentum during oral sex. And so what if it gets a bit messy? The kitchen sink and tea towels are just nearby!

There you have it, four crazy and wild places to engage in oral sex with. All these places aim to increase the excitement factor and makes performing oral sex on you a whole new experience for her too. So the next time you plan to ask her to perform fellatio, surprise her with just how naughty you can be with these new, hot and sexy ideas.

To learn more DARING secrets to make her scream of pleasure tonight, go to

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Dont Be A Dumped Boyfriend Who Does Everything Wrong

Sam was a dumped boyfriend. His girlfriend Keri had been unable to attend a party with him, but he wanted to go anyway. He ended up making out with some random girl and of course, one of Keri's friends couldn't wait to tell her the news.

Keri called Sam that night and told him that she never wanted to see him again. She called him a number of unprintable names as well.

Of course, Sam felt bad about the whole situation. He knew he had a lapse of judgment, but didn't think that one evening of bad behavior should end a good relationship.

So, Sam jumped right in and tried to win Keri back. But, as we will see, he did everything wrong.

First of all, when Keri called, he groveled. Rather than apologizing and moving forward, he begged Keri to take him back. She, of course, was in no mood to do so. She was justifiably angry.

Then, he compounded the problem by pursuing her aggressively in the next few days. She got more than a hundred texts from him in 6 days. He called at least 3 times a day including once at 1 in the morning. He sent flowers to her at work.

Then, a week later, completely desperate, he went and sang love songs under her window. Her neighbors called the police.

Sam's first problem was that he didn't give Keri a chance to breathe. She needed some space to decide whether to go on with the relationship. And, her dumped boyfriend took that space away.

When nothing seemed to work, Sam decided on another tack. He started seeing other girls and flaunting it in her face.

Keri had a friend named Robin who never seemed to be able to get a date. Sam asked Robin out and she accepted. Then, Sam called Keri and asked her where Robin would like to go on their date. Sam thought that Keri would be jealous when she heard he was dating her friend.

But Keri was furious. She felt that Sam was taking advantage of Robin to get back at her. And, she felt Robin was selling her out. Sam was making no headway here.

When Keri started dating a new guy, Sam did everything possible to disparage the boyfriend. He tried to compare the new guy unfavorably to himself.

Unfortunately, by this time, Sam had burned all of his bridges. Keri had moved on and didn't want to have anything further to do with Sam.

The relationship didn't have to end like this. Keri could have forgiven Sam for his lapse at the party. But, because Sam acted like an oaf afterwards, he lost the ability to get her back. If you are a dumped boyfriend, don't compound matters by being a Sam.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How A Rebound Relationship Can Work

Are you worried about your new partner and whether they are committed to you? Do you wonder how a rebound relationship can work particularly if there are unresolved feelings left from the previous affair?

Often rebound relationships can be a band aid solution for the pain and hurt inflicted by the previous lover. If the person getting involved in the new relationship was the one to end the old one, I would be less worried. Usually people have been thinking of ending a relationship for ages before the event actually happens. By the time they get to finish it, they may have worked through their feelings and be ready to move on.

This doesn't apply to the person who didn't instigate the previous breakup and becomes quickly involved in a new relationship. Some people cannot bear to be on their own so will flit from person to person in an effort to avoid dealing with the issues leading to the breakup. They are used to being part of a couple. They have an inherent need for someone to love them and need them and hence they can become deeply emotionally involved very quickly. Ironically this is often the reason for the rebound relationship breaking up as the new partner feels swapped by the level of neediness.

It is worth noting that often someone on the rebound often isn't even aware of what they are doing. They are hurting emotionally and mentally and can crave comfort from another human being. This can mean that they end up in a relationship for the sake of having somebody to hold rather than to be with that person. Their new partner can get very hurt as the realisation sets in that they aren't loved for their individuality as much as the fact they can provide a quick fix solution to a painful situation.

It is always wise to date people who have just come out of a relationship with care. Take things slowly and try to make sure that it is you they are interested in before becoming emotionally involved. Everyone needs time on their own particularly if they come out of a long term partnership.

It is a little like grieving - there is a process that you must go through in order to emerge a stronger person at the end of it. For most people divorce and the breakup of a partnership means the end of a dream even if you were the one to instigate the break up. Everyone will have some feelings of regret if only for not having the fairytale ending.

If you do find yourself involved with someone who you suspect is on the rebound, gently advise them to spend some time on their own working through their emotions. Encourage them to date other people. Keep in contact with them if you are interested in a long term relationship. If you two are destined to be together, it will happen although maybe not right away. This is really the only way to ensure how a rebound relationship can work for you.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Getting Boyfriend Back -- Go Get Him

If you are really interested in getting boyfriend back then you may have to be a bit more assertive than you are used to being. You may have to put yourself in the role of the hunter rather than the hunted. If you are more experienced in being pursued than pursuing than you may be in for a tough time, unless you can figure out a way to hunt that suits your strengths. You have to use the tools that you have at your disposal. You will have to be creative. You will also have to know how guys think and make decisions and use that to your advantage. Getting boyfriend back may rely on the hunter becoming the hunted.

The natural role of the male is that of the hunter. It is usually the guy who wants to go out and capture what he wants. He needs to feel the thrill of the pursuit. He needs to feel like he is attaining something. Yes, he needs to feel like he scored. How do you use that to your advantage? Is there something that you can do to go out and recapture someone who would rather be the one capturing instead of being captured? Yes, there is. Getting boyfriend back is going to cause you to trick the boyfriend back into thinking that he is pursuing you and capturing you.

In getting boyfriend back, you are going to have to use everything that you know about your ex boyfriend. You are going to have to know what he is interested in. You have to know what drives him and what makes him jump at opportunities. You may have to look very closely, though, because things may have changed. Pay close attention to what motivates him to act and then see if you can get and be those things that motivates him.

What this means is that you are going to be using yourself as bait in trying to land this big fish. The greatest draw that will help you in getting boyfriend back is going to be what you cause him to see in you. Become what it is that he wants you to be. Let him see that you are what he is looking for and can't live without. That you are what he has to have and what he has to go after.

You have to be subtle taking this strategy in getting boyfriend back. You can't throw yourself down and say, "Here I am!" As attractive as you might be you may have just made yourself boring. What he needs to have is a chase. What you are going to do is cause him to imagine you. You have to give him just a bit of attention and a small piece of what it is that he wants to see and then take it away. Don't take it too far away, remember 'out of sight, out of mind'. Your goal is to make yourself just out of reach after making him want to reach out for you. Getting boyfriend back requires a bit of teasing but it is a great way for the hunter to get what they want.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Great Relationship Advice For Men

Men often wonder if they are speaking the same language as women because they can land in hot water very quickly. They look for relationship advice for men in order to avoid these situations but most relationship advice is written by women for other women.

There are some basic rules that men need to understand in order to increase their success rate with women.

The first one is you need to worry when your woman gives you the silent treatment. Most men go silent because they have nothing left to say but when a woman goes silent, it is generally a big hint that you have upset her. Whilst you may think that silence is golden, women use not talking as a punishment. So if your lady friend has a silent day, think back over your actions and try to determine what you have done to upset her.

Secondly, PMT is not always the reason for a woman being in a bad mood. Sometimes they are upset and hurt over something and it has nothing to do with when their period is due. If you constantly blame PMT, you will probably find yourself searching the lonely hearts columns in the near future.

Women like to talk about their problems but this doesn't mean that they want you to fix everything. Most females are quite capable of looking after themselves and they just want to let off steam. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Just in case, it was so you could listen to what your partner is saying before you jump in with the solution. Do yourself a favor and believe that silence in this instance goes a long way.

When looking for male-oriented relationship advice, men often look in the wrong places. It is not ideal to ask your partner's father what her problem is. First, he is unlikely to understand her any more than you do, and second, being the apple of his eye, he will wonder what you have done to upset her.

It helps to remember that your female partner and an elephant have something in common - their memory. Your partner will never forget anything so don't be surprised if she has a list a mile long of all the things you did wrong in the last six months.

Try talking to your partner. Tell her often how much you love and appreciate her and cuddle her without always expecting it to lead to sex. Like people of both sexes, women like to be held and appreciated without feeling they have to give you something in return.

Also, if you are worried about something, speak to your partner. Whilst she may be female, she is not helpless and two heads are often better than one at solving a problem. In addition, if she knows what is bothering you, she is less likely to become emotionally distant having decided that you must be having an affair or are planning to leave her.

Life long partnerships take work on both sides but be careful what sources you use as relationship advice for men.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

5 Strategies To Win Back Lost Love

We all have emotions and love is the strongest passion of them all. Therefore, when love ends, it may seem fatal. But there are ways to win back lost love. This article will look at five strategies to pursue when you are trying to get your lover back.

First of all, you need to be honest to yourself and to each other. If there were underlying problems in your relationship, it is essential that you address them. For instance, if housework was a big issue, you need to address it before you can get back together. If you are messy and your ex was a neat freak, it can cause a considerable amount of stress in the relationship. If one person felt they were doing all the housework, it can cause a strain. Finances are another area where there can be strain. To win back lost love, you have to address these areas before you get back together.

Next, you need to be a dependable person. If you have broken up already, you need to be dependable as an ex. You need to be there when he or she needs you, even though you no longer have a "responsibility" to. For instance, if she's moving, lend a helping hand and your truck. If he needs someone to type his resume, do it for him.

Third, encourage your ex. One of the things people miss when they break up is the encouragement their partner gives them. So, to win back lost love, try to find out where they are discouraged and cheer them up. If they are having a performance review at work, send an email timed to get there right before the meeting. If they are singing a solo at church, show up to give them some moral support.

Fourth, listen to them when they call. Most of the time after a break up, there is some level of communication. Often, this degenerates into fights. But, if you really listen to the things your ex is telling you, you may be able to figure out a way to get back into their life. Encourage them to share their problems with you. Don't try to solve them. Just let them express their concerns with life. Be a sounding board.

Fifth, don't sit on the sidelines. Life is meant to be played on the playing field. If you sit on the sidelines, it's likely that someone else will become the quarterback of their life. Don't give up on the relationship unless you are ready to move on yourself. Things are not going to get better on their own. You have to go out and make things better.

If you want to win back lost love, you have to take this five part action guide to heart. You have to be proactive.

The most important thing is to really care about your ex and to show him or her that you do care. You shouldn't be worried if they date other people because they will come back to you if you are the right person for them.

You should know that it is possible to win back lost love. Now go out there and do it!

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ex Boyfriend To Get Back Together With - Get A Commitment

Jenny had a problem with her ex boyfriend. To get back together, she needed him to understand that she required real commitment.

Brian was an on again off again kind of man. He would get really serious with her for a while and then back off and say they should see other people. This had happened three times and Jenny was tired of saying Brian was her boyfriend and then her ex boyfriend. To get back together this time would require something more.

So, Jenny sat down and decided what she needed from Brian. She decided that she would pursue a two prong strategy.

First of all, she said that they could get back together one more time. If he called things off after that, she would move on with her life. Brian had to be really serious this time.

But the second prong was just as important. Jenny realized that part of the problem was hers. She always pushed to intensify the relationship too soon. Brian would comply initially but then ask for more space after a couple of weeks.

So, Jenny decided that this time, Brian would set the pace for the relationship. She wouldn't pressure him to make commitments other than not seeing other women. Other than that fundamental principle, he would control the pace of the relationship.

When Jenny presented this solution to her ex boyfriend, to get back together with the understanding that he would control the pace, Brian was quite receptive.

Brian, like most men, needed to be the pursuer. When Jenny set the pace, she took away his ability to pursue her. He found that he felt both emasculated and suffocated at the same time.

So, Jenny stopped calling him. She let Brian call her. She stopped suggesting date ideas and let him set things up.

Jenny found that at first they didn't go out as often as she would have liked. And, their dates were less "creative" than they would have been had she planned them.

But, she also found that the time they spent together was more meaningful than it had been in the past. Brian no longer felt like he was a fish out of water when he was with her. And, he no longer needed to take "breaks" from her.

Jenny first needed to decide what she wanted. She knew she wanted Brian and she knew she wanted him full time.

But, she also needed to figure out what Brian wanted. He wanted to have space and he also wanted to be in control of the relationship. Despite being a modern woman, Jenny realized that this was important to Brian.

Suddenly, Brian was no longer an ex boyfriend. To get back with your ex, figure out what you want and what he needs. Then deliver.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Get Guy Back When You're in a Bad Position

Traci wanted to get her guy back. She wasn't in a good position to do so, however. She had accused her ex, Cory, of flirting with her best friend. Traci knew that Cory was just being friendly, but she was having a bad day and she took it out on Cory.

Now Traci is contrite and she wants to get the guy back. Unfortunately, the guy doesn't want to be go back. He wants nothing further to do with Traci. What's a girl to do?

First of all, Traci needs to apologize. This needs to be a sincere apology. If he doesn't want to listen to her, she should write a note.

There are three components to a genuine apology. First of all, there is a recognition that what she did was wrong. Then, there is an introspection as to why she did it. Finally, there is a commitment to not do it again.

For instance, Traci needs to say "Brian, I was wrong to accuse you of flirting with Sandy. I was feeling insecure for a number of reasons that had nothing to do with you and I snapped. I realize that I hurt you badly and I'm sorry. In the future, I will be careful not to lash out at you when I'm feeling crummy about myself."

Next, she needs to sit back and allow Brian to process what she's said. This may just take a few minutes or it could take days. If he's not initially receptive, she should not contact him until he contacts her. That means that she shouldn't call, email, or text him. She shouldn't engage him on social networks. She shouldn't send him gifts or letters.

She should also avoid having friends intercede for her. Having a friend contact Brian would be the same thing as Traci contacting him herself and there is always the possibility that the friend could (deliberately or not) miscommunicate the message.

Instead, Traci should wait for Brian to contact her. He will, eventually, if only to get his stuff that she has back. This is Traci's opportunity to strike.

She should keep things light. She shouldn't go overboard and tell him how much she's missed him or how sorry she is about the situation.

Instead, she should bring up some of the positive experiences they've shared. If that goes over well, she can talk about the little things that she's missed such as his smile or the way he always holds the umbrella when it rains. Then, she should suggest they meet for a not-date date such as a short get together at a coffee shop.

If he is agreeable to coffee, they can discuss more weighty matters. She can apologize again at that point and recommit to not making the same error again. At that point, she can say that she misses having him in her life and would like to get back together.

Traci has let Brian blow off any steam he had about the incident. She has also given him both time and reasons to want her back. At that point, she doesn't have to do much work to get guy back.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How To Win Ex Back - Rekindling Love With An Ex

Are you dying to know how to win ex back?

It can be a difficult endeavor, because some of the necessary methods seem somewhat counter intuitive, but if you want to learn how to win back an ex, you have to consider all of the things that are mentioned in this article.

The most important thing to do to learn how to win ex back is to calm yourself down before all else. High emotions are not going to allow you to focus on learning how to win ex back.

Instead, you are going to want to take a strategic angle to handling things. Drop the desperation and start thinking logically when determining how to win him or her back once and for all.

If you want to learn how to win ex back, you need to accept and agree with the split. This may seem hard to do but it is vitally important to rekindling things in the future.

If your ex is against future contact, then letting him or her know that you are okay with the breakup may disarm this attack and make it easier for you to talk to him or her in the future. This is an important part of learning how to win ex back.

The next step is simply to live your life if you want to learn how to win ex back. Go out, have fun and spend time with friends. This will show your ex that you are willing to move on. It is going to force your ex to realize how they really feel about you.

If your relationship really is meant to be, your ex will realize it. If they do not realize it, then perhaps it is not actually meant to be. This is a pretty simple concept but still difficult for many people to completely grasp.

Now you are going to want to limit contact as part of learning how to win ex back, because limiting contact sends a psychological message to your ex boy or girlfriend, forcing them to deal with you outside of their normal day to day life.

If you force yourself down their throat, then they are not going to respond well to your presence in their lives. If you limit your contact with them, they will find themselves missing you, thinking about you and wondering how you are doing, and this will force them to come to terms with the future of your relationship.

Following this simple system will help you learn how to win ex back. It may seem complicated at first because it is hard to avoid someone you care about, but these steps are absolutely vital in allowing things to be rekindled in the future. With patience and love, you can rekindle a relationship and learn how to win ex back.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

How To Go Get An Ex Back The Right Way

How to go get an ex back is a fairly common question but one that should be relatively easy to answer. If you were to blame for the breakup then you should apologize. We should always treat others as we would like to be treated but sometimes we can treat our neighbors better than our partners. Having someone special in our lives can mean that we take them for granted and expect them to put up with our black moods, PMS or other human failings.

So say you are sorry and mean it. Don't just say it to get your ex back but mean it regardless of what the future holds for you. Arrange a meeting with your ex to discuss what went wrong and see if you do have a future together. You should agree some basic ground rules or else you run the risk of it turning into a blame fest.

The first rule is that both of you should be there because you want to be not because you are being emotionally blackmailed. This is particularly true if you have kids together as one partner can often put pressure on the other to stay together for the sake of the children. Believe me, most kids would prefer to have two different families than to witness two people tearing each other apart.

The second rule should be that you are not getting together to have an argument - if either party gets abusive then the meeting is over. You are there to have a discussion about your relationship and see if you would both like to take it forward. It may be helpful to set a time limit for each person to talk about how they are feeling. When they are talking the other person should be listening.

This is a time for you both to express what you like about each other and what parts of your life together could do with a little work. Perhaps you never get to spend time alone together so an idea may be that you have a date night once a week or a fortnight. This is a night where it is just the two of you and all talk of kids, mortgage, debts etc is banned. This would be your time as a couple to try to relight the forces of attraction that brought you together in the first place.

You will probably find that both of you are finding the same issues difficult. You both probably miss spending quality time together and you may both be under financial and emotional pressure. Sometimes life gets in the way and we often expect our partners to become mind readers and be able to see a problem without us saying anything. We don't tend to make time in our lives to really talk to our spouse. It is never too late to start.

Now when you are asked how to go get an ex back, you will be able to say that communication and quality time together are the keys to lifelong happiness.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to Play the Wet Wheel of Fortune

Contributed by Gabrielle Moore

Have you ever seen the TV show the Wheel of Fortune? Well, this sex game is a sexy and naughty deviation of that TV game show. It's a great way to engage in various lovemaking positions with your partner. And as such, it takes away a lot of the routine and boredom you guys may be experiencing inside the bedroom.

The Sexy and Wet Wheel of Fortune

These are the things you need to keep in mind to ensure a great Wet Wheel of Fortune experience.

Perfect, romantic bathroom or shower setting. Prepare the bathtub if you have one; if not, a shower stall is great as well. Dim the lights, play some romantic music, and light some scented candles. This sex game may take a while so brining in some drinks (wine, champagne) and some food items (cheese, crackers, grapes) is not a bad idea.

Get in the right mood and frame of mind. Like any sex game, it really won't work if you just, you know, get on with it. Remember that the brain in the biggest sex muscle of all so you need to stimulate that first. So start with a relaxing shower together or give your partner a sensual bath massage. Just when your lover is a bit primed, engage in some heavy foreplay. This is necessary because the actual sex Wheel of Fortune is based more on sexual positions.

To learn more about how to get her in the right mood check out my sexy tips. I am sure that she will be begging for more! Go to

The Wet Wheel of Fortune board! This type of sex game paraphernalia can be bought in sex games. They come complete with suction cups too so you can easily attach them against the wall or on the glass of your shower stall. (Of course, you can also create your own.)

When buying one try to find that has two wheels on it; one that tells time (30 seconds, 3 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.) and one that indicates a photo of the sex position. Wherever the wheel stops, you guys must do whatever the image indicates for the time period the second wheel says!

Admittedly, there are some limitations to what sex positions a couple can engage in inside a shower stall or inside a bathtub so here's a quick rundown for you.

• Woman on top. That's right. Just lie down in the rub and let the water embrace you as she gets on top and does her thing.

• Standing doggy style. This is just the classic 'from behind' move but in this scenario, both of you are standing up. (Shower head spraying water on you guys a must!)

• Bent doggy style. This is just the classic 'from behind' move but in this scenario, you're standing up while she bends and braces herself against the bathroom wall. (Shower head spraying water on you guys a must!)

• Hanging lotus. In this lovemaking position, you guys are face-to-face. You're standing up while her arms embrace your neck, and her legs wrap around your torso. (Shower head spraying water on you guys a must again!) And yes, you need stamina for this move!

• On the counter. In this lovemaking position, you move out of the bathtub and/or shower stall and place her, sitting, on top of the bathroom counter. You get the added bonus of making love to her while watching yourself in the bathroom mirror!

In this sex game there are no losers only sexual pleasures!

Afraid you may not be up to the challenge? Learn how to master your body and last for hours! Check out my tips at:

How to Make the Wet Wheel of Fortune More Exciting

As if this sex game is not hot enough, there are still some things you can add or incorporate to tweak this sex game more to your liking. Here are some ideas.

Don't just have images of lovemaking positions; add foreplay and/or genitalia images as well. For instance, if the arrow on the wheel lands on say, his genitalia, and on the time 30 seconds, then she gets to do whatever she wants to do on that body part (and vice versa of course).

If, for some reason, one is not able to carry out the activity for the said amount of time, there is a penalty. This penalty can be in the form of missing a turn to spin the wheel to being 'limited' in one way or the other. For example, one of his or her writs can be handcuffed to something to limit movement. A blindfold can also be used, inhibiting sight as well as making the search for the 'target' much more exciting!

To learn more about how to satisfy her in bed with the HOTTEST techniques, go to:

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Help -- Aphrodisiacs Don’t Work for Me and My Partner!

Help -- Aphrodisiacs Don't Work for Me and My Partner! By Gabrielle Moore

As I've said before, aphrodisiacs are a love them or hate them kind of thing. Unfortunately, most couples are a mix of both!

Take my clients Sam and Cindy'1" for example. Cindy is all for it and even went to great lengths to prepare a 5-course aphrodisiac dinner (do you know how hard that is?!?). Well, Sam appreciated the dinner alright... then went to the living room and turned on the TV!

Sam is completely aphrodisiac-challenged, while Cindi is the hopeless romantic so to say that there's tension in their relationship is an understatement.

Where Cindi Went Wrong with Her Aphrodisiac Dinner...

I have ALWAYS believed in NOT forcing one's beliefs on one's partner. However, this does not mean you cannot help them 'see the light' J

What Cindi did wrong here is that she was trying to force romance. There was no 'primer' whatsoever. No hints or anything during the day that she wanted to be sexed up that night. So as far as Sam was concerned, it was simply 'dinner time'. When asked if Sam didn't get any hints since he was being served a 5-course dinner, he said "Cindi loves to cook. She cooks all the time! I thought she just got it in her head to be elaborate that day."

Cindi also prepared a meal with aphrodisiacs that SHE believed in and may not necessarily be good for Sam. For instance, when pressed for details, Sam actually said he didn't like the salad Cindi prepared because he hates arugula (rocket)!

Tips to Help Aphrodisiacs Work for You and Your Lover

To prevent the miscommunication and to ensure YOUR aphrodisiac efforts are a success, check out the tips I have for you below, or else, look at the free report that I give away in my page. Simply go to:

Make sure you use aphrodisiacs that you think/know you're partner will appreciate. Remember that the objective is to 'increase his/her sexual desire' for you so you should use aphrodisiacs that will work on him/her, not on you! As such, stop listing things YOU like and think of your lover. For women, don't focus on the chocolate, that's mostly aphrodisiac stuff for you. Remember, men are 'visual' creatures so food that looks like genitalia is better! Go oysters. If budget is a concern, go for clams or mussels instead. For veggies, go for carrots (UN-chopped!) and asparagus as they resemble the penis.

Here's a trick I use: I use only green asparagus because for me, they're more appealing to look at and more sturdy after being boiled. Then, I dip the tips in butter and arrange them in a tall glass. What a visual treat! The glistening and dripping tops of the asparagus lend themselves to some horny fantasies!

Drop hints during the day. Ok, for people who are not into all this aphrodisiac stuff, you need to aid them here folks. So why not engage in some active foreplay during the day so your lover is more inclined to be in the right mood and frame of mind when you present your aphrodisiac treats? For more tips, go to

Compliment aphrodisiac foods and drinks with a romantic setting. Trust me, no type of aphrodisiac will bring about love and naughty thoughts if the washing machines is blaring in the background, if the kids are running and shrieking all around the table and if the dog is barking like the devil himself.

What you need is a relaxing, soothing, and sexy setting. So tidy up the house, dim the lights, put on a Barry White CD and light candles all over the house. Your partner will be in the mood for sex even BEFORE he/she takes a taste of your aphrodisiac treats.

Learn how to drop hints DURING the aphrodisiac meal. For those who have partners that are truly aphrodisiac-challenged, don't fret; simply drop hints while serving the aphrodisiac food and drinks.

For women, while serving those asparagus tips, start to put one in your mouth and then casually put it in and out as if you're simply tasting the salted butter and then say 'mmmm!'. When your partner turns to you, say "Hey, aren't asparagus said to be aphrodisiacs?"... as if the thought just occurred to you.

For men, hey DO bring out the chocolates! But instead of simply popping them in your mouth, start to lick it. Make really wet, lapping noises. THAT will get her attention in no time!

Aphrodisiacs HELP in increasing sexual desire, they're not a magical cure you can administer and simply get results. But with the tips above, you'll get more success each time you use them than not. Good!

To learn more about the most common mistakes in bed and how to solve them, go to:

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back -- She May Not Mean To Break Up

There is no question that women are dramatic. They often say or do things that they really don't mean. Three fourths of the break ups are initiated by women. But, often they don't really "mean" to break up. They are just being their normal drama queen selves. But, if you react to a break up badly, you may lose your girlfriend forever. So, here's how to get ex girlfriend back.

First of all, give her some space. If you don't call her, she may call you.

Give her a chance to learn what life without you is really like. She may not like staying in on a Saturday night. She may miss cuddling -- or more.

By maintaining phone silence, you are also letting her know that you can live without her. She has to decide whether she wants you, because you are prepared to move on.

This is an important tactic in the how to get ex girlfriend back strategy because you may be dying to make up with her. Still, you must stay on the program.

Don't make a dramatic gesture of your own. Don't send flowers. Don't send a long love letter. And, don't stand under her window and sing!

If she hasn't called you after a week or so, you need to initiate contact. Email her and casually ask how things are going. Try to keep things unemotional. You want to appear to be pursuing a "just friends" strategy.

If this isn't enough, you may have to step things up. You can send her a text message, write on her facebook wall, or call her about once a week. Occasionally show up somewhere she hangs out. But don't bug her. Be prepared to talk to other people.

Make sure that you remember the important dates in her life. You should always send a card or small gift on her birthday so she knows you are thinking about her during the day that belongs to her. If you have a meaningful anniversary, you might want to drop her a note telling her what it means to you. But keep it short and sweet.

If she hasn't indicated that she's ready to get back together with you after a month or so, you have to start thinking about the rest of your life. If you've learned that you can live without her, you may just want to look for a new girlfriend.

But if you still want to know how to get ex girlfriend back, you can step things up.

For instance, ask one of her friends out and then call her and ask her what kind of restaurant you should take the friend to on the date. This will get her thinking about whether she is ready to really let you go.

At this point, she may just make another dramatic gesture. She may say that she wants you back on whatever terms you set.

Most importantly, you should never "stalk" your ex girlfriend. Think of the song "I'll Be Watching You" as a guide of things NOT to do. Being relaxed and casual about the future of your relationship is your best bet.

And, that's how to get ex girlfriend back.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

How To Get Over Girl

Many girls dump their boyfriends and don't give any real reason. They have the urge to purge and drop their lover without him doing anything to her. Sometimes they want to get back together right away, but other times, they move on leaving you to hold the bag. This article will discuss how to get over girl.

First of all, you should understand that you are not alone. Most men fear being dumped by a serious lover than being rejected in the early stages of dating. This is because the bonds men form with the women they are dating are important to them. Sometimes it seems that the men see them as more important than the women do despite all of the literature directed toward women about relationships.

To get over girl, you need to stop adoring her. Don't put her up on a pedestal like some kind of Greek Goddess. She has feet of clay which she exposed by dumping you when you did nothing wrong.

Don't hold on to past memories of her. Get rid of the photos and momentos in your home that remind you of her. If you have some of her "stuff" get rid of it or give it back to her.

If you have entangled finances, sort them out so you can move on. This includes both joint banking accounts and settling debts you owe each other.

Don't allow her to occupy the space in your mind that she had when you were together. She is part of the past and you have to live in the present and the future.

Close out all contact with your ex. Don't call her "just to chat" or allow her to continue to email or text you. Instead, tell her that she called it quits and you want to start a new life without her in it.

This may make her want to pursue you even harder. Women are crazy that way. They want what they can't have. If you are open to restarting the relationship, you can allow this communication to go on. But, if you want to start the healing process, she should be a persona non gratis in your life.

Don't be afraid to express your feelings. Sometimes writing in a journal or writing music is sufficient. Other times, you'll need a shoulder to lean on. If the situation is severe, consider getting short term counseling.

Finally, don't mope around the house. Get back into the game. While you may not be ready to start dating again, you should go to the gym, play basketball with your buddies and go to a bar from time to time. Don't stick around the house because you are too sad to go out.

If you have the opportunity to go out on a casual date, take advantage of it. Show the girl a good time, even if you're not really that in to her. You will be more ready for a real relationship if you've kept up your dating skills.

That is how to get over girl.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What To Do When You've Been Dumped

In most but not all breakups, it is the girl who calls for the split. Most boys do not like to end a relationship when they have a good thing going for them. If you have been broken up with but you want to know how to get your ex back, the tips below might benefit you significantly.

* First and foremost, make sure that you really want to know how to get your ex back. Was she doing you a favor by breaking up with you? Are you trying to keep things working just because you do not want to be alone, or do you really and truly feel as if you love her?

Is she just ok, or are you really serious about her? You need to come to a conclusion here first and foremost before you can truly learn how to get your ex back.

* Now that you know how you feel, confirm how she feels in order to determine whether or not you stand a chance when it comes to learning how to get your ex back. Girls can be fickle when it comes to relationships, so she may still be completely and totally in love with you despite breaking up with you.

Let her come to you. Let her make the first move. Let her guide the rekindling of the relationship. If she really does love you and care about you, she will eventually realize that the ball is in her court and it is her decision whether or not to rekindle things.

* If you are serious about learning how to get your ex back, consider moving on and behaving as if you have completely and fully accepted the break up and the future of the relationship. This will not actually chase her away, but rather will let her know that she is capable of making the first move when she is ready to.

* Try to limit contact when you want to know how to get your ex back, not completely but enough that you are not cramming yourself down her throat or forcing her to think about the break up all the time. Let her think that you are giving her space, and she will come to you when she is absolutely ready to do so. This may seem difficult at times, but the payoff in the end is enormous.

These tips are simple and straight forward, and they can really go a long way when it comes to helping you know how to get your ex back. If you are serious about rekindling love with your ex significant other, then you absolutely have to heed the information in these tips, because they will drive the right results. Most relationships can be rekindled if the people in them are willing to go to great lengths to make it happen, so don't be discouraged.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Learning How To Win Ex Back - Discovering Clues That They May Be Interested

Relationship break ups can be both emotional and confusing in nature, and leaving you wanting to win ex back.

Unfortunately, it may be difficult for you to say why everything that has happened has happened, and it may be even more difficult to figure out what you can do in order to win ex back.

Your ex has probably given you a number of reasons why the relationship must end, regardless of whether or not you understand them.

The truth of the situation is that your ex is probably having trouble with his or her feelings too. The good news is that even if your ex seems to be singing the opposite tune, you may still stand a chance. There are clues that will help you determine whether or not there is anything that you can do to win ex back once and for all.

If your ex is demonstrating any kind of emotion toward you, then you are likely still important to them. Many people who break up keep their partners close by as if they were some kind of an emergency back up, and this is a clue that you may stand a chance to win ex back after all.

While this may not sound like the most romantic thing in the world, it does mean that you may stand a chance still when it comes time to win ex back, and that is something.

If your ex is keeping you around or acting like they want you to be in their life in any capacity at all, then this can be a good sign regardless of whether or not it seems like one.

Is your ex being indifferent toward you, or emotional? The opposite of love is not hate, but rather is indifference. So if your ex is showing any emotion toward you, love or hate, then learning how to win ex back may not be as difficult as you thought.

Think about this: Have you ever been angry at someone for a period of time longer than a day or two? Chances are, your anger existed because you truly cared for that person, not because you were indifferent to them. Understanding this concept is important when learning to win ex back.

The way to eliminate the problems keeping the relationship from growing is to realize that all emotion for someone means caring, even I you are fighting or harboring anger for the other person.

You can learn how to make things work with your ex in order to rekindle the relationship, but you have to know what steps to take and what moves to make in order to make progress.

Let the grudges fade or fall to the wayside and you can learn to win ex back once and for all. The process may not always seem easy, but it will definitely be worthwhile when you get your ex back.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Let Her Make The First Move

Do you wonder how to get your ex back? So did Sean O'Casey. His girlfriend had stormed out one day and said "I don't ever want to see you again. Sean was devastated to say the least. He was desperate and wanted to know how get your ex back.

The first thing Sean needs to realize is that his ex, Therese, needs some space. She was obviously stressed and / or angry about something and she needs to recoup.

The last thing Therese needs is for Sean to jump in and start calling, texting, and emailing her. She doesn't need flowers or love letters. These are all things not to do when you wonder how get your ex back.

Instead, he should wait for Therese to call him. She will have to contact him eventually, if only to arrange to pick up the things she has at his house. She is also going to want closure on the situation.

At this point, Sean needs to be ready to make his move. He needs to be open to discussing the problems that their relationship was going through and admit his role in them. He also needs to confront Therese on the things she was doing that caused challenges in their partnership.

Sean and Therese need to have a long heart to heart talk. But, Therese needs to initiate the contact.

When someone has just walked out of your life, you may feel a need to grab them back. This is the wrong tactic.

There was obviously a problem that needed a grand gesture on your ex's part. Once he or she gets that out of their system, you are ready to make progress on the problem.

But, if you crowd your ex, you tell him or her that you are desperate for their love. You let them know that they are completely calling the shots. When you give in this way, you are actually pushing them away.

If you are wondering how get ex back, you should start by giving him or her the space needed to get some perspective on the relationship. If you don't, you will drive them even further away.

Your ex is obviously attracted to you. He or she would have left quietly if they just wanted to move on. The good news is that the grand gesture or dramatics lets you know that they still have a considerable amount of emotional energy invested in the relationship.

But, don't squander that emotional energy by pursuing them prematurely. Let your ex settle down and get some perspective. Only then will you be able to solve the problems in your relationship.

Sean was patient and waited for Therese to call him. When she did, she was somewhat embarrassed about how she had left things. When Sean suggested they meet for coffee and talk about things, she readily agreed. Therese wanted to get their relationship back on track, and the way Therese handled things allowed her to have the space she needed to do so.

And, that is how get your ex back.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Is Your Marriage In Crisis?

Is Your Marriage In Crisis

Is your marriage in crisis? Would you know it if it was? Do you recognize the warning signs? A marriage in crisis can sometimes disguise itself as a normal but slightly boring marriage until it's too late to change it and save it.

You have to pay attention to all the signs of health in your marriage to make sure your partnership is going strong. First, look at how often you have sex. While sex isn't the whole point of the marriage—it's much more important than just that—it's a crucial part of a healthy marriage.

A marriage in crisis is usually pretty easy to spot by looking at your sex lives. Do you have sex infrequently? Is it a big, scheduled deal when you do have sex? Have you stopped having sex spontaneously just when you feel like it?

When sex becomes a scheduled activity, a marriage can certainly recover. In fact, most marriages go through a phase very much like that when a baby is born. Each child makes it more and more difficult to find the time to spend with our partner over a meal or before leaving for work, let alone finding a spare hour to make love.

But a marriage in crisis never breaks out of that pattern. Instead, even when the time is there the partners don't have spontaneous sex. Usually there's very little physical affection shown during the day either. People in love and happy to be together tend to hug and kiss different times through the day.

A loving couple will often touch each other just in passing. One will give the other a fast kiss on the cheek or forehead for no reason. Does this still happen in your marriage? Do you ever sneak a quick pinch or pat on the bottom or a sexy look in the middle of the day?

When these things start to disappear, it can be a sign that the marriage is in trouble. The other thing that goes in a very obvious way is common courtesy. When you say "thank you," "excuse me," and "please," throughout your day to strangers more than you say them to your partner, something's wrong.

We take our partners for granted in this way, and eventually this leads to a sort of coldness between people. There is simply no reason not to be affectionate and thank our partners (and say please) during the course of everyday life.

The good news is that if you're seeing these warning signs, you can start working right now to correct them. And you don't have to make a fanfare about it or announce the change. Simply change what you do.

Make a point of giving affection and unexpected kisses. Be very polite again, and say please and thank you, even when it's just the two of you. Make time for making love. Do these things and your marriage in crisis could soon be back on track and you could be happier than ever.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Monday, August 10, 2009

10 Steps To Ex Get Back Together

Do you miss your ex? get back together is possible. You just have to know how to do it.

Every girl wants a guy who can understand and connect with her. There are rules for pursuing a girl after a break up. I'll try to explain them in this article about how to deal with your ex. get back together with her using these 10 techniques.

1.) Don't be afraid to call her. While calling ten times a day says you're desperate, phoning once or twice a week keeps you on her radar.

2.) Similarly, send her an email from time to time. Just saying "what's up?" gives her the opportunity to reconnect.

3.) Don't date other girls. As long as you're pining for her, be true to her. If you do occasionally see another girl, don't sleep with her if you ever want to get back together with your ex. get back together without creating a new "history" with other women.

4.) Don't forget her birthday. A birthday is a great "excuse" to get back in touch. Everyone likes to be remembered, celebrated, and even gifted on their birthday. So, treat her like a princess on this day.

5.) Analyze her. Figure out what she needs in a man. Be aware of what she says and does when she talks. You need to understand your ex now more than ever before.

6.) Don't be jealous. After you've broken up, you don't have any claim on her. So, don't exhibit jealousy if she goes out with another guy. Remember she is your ex. get back together means that you have to understand this basic principle.

7.) Be on the lookout as to how she acts with other guys. If she stands up for you when other guys put you down, it's a good sign she's still interested in you. But, if she takes out the butcher knife and stabs you in the back, then there's not much hope of getting back into a healthy, happy relationship.

8.) Don't play games. When you're broken up with someone you love, it's easy to start the "mind games." But, you can damage her for life with this kind of behavior. You don't want to hurt her if you want to get back together. So, just don't play mind games.

9.) Power is important. Hold your cards close to your chest. Relationships are difficult. When you are together, you can communicate, but apart, you need to keep your feelings close to your vest. When you say "I love you" to a girl you've broken up with, you've given away all of your power and she has you in a precarious position.

10.) Be desirable. During the break up, stay in shape or get back into shape. Expand your interests. In short, be the boyfriend she wants. You already have a history. If you are even more alluring this time around, she's sure to want you back.

It is possible to reconcile with your ex. get back together using the advice in this article.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Need Some Tips On Making Up With My Boyfriend

When making up with my boyfriend, I tried to remember these tips that my older and wiser friend had given me.

Myself and my ex got back together so I hope they work for you too.

1) Men don't like chit chat: Generally speaking men don't like to talk in depth about their feelings and forcing the issue will just cause them to clam up even more. So when you are trying to get back together, don't force him to analyze what went wrong. If he behaved badly but is willing to apologize, accept it and move on.

2) Men can only concentrate on one thing at a time. This is really true so don't try and fight it. Very few men can multitask and it is their genetics that are to blame so shouting at him is pointless. The sooner you accept that your man cannot listen to you while reading his newspaper or watching TV the better. Most of the time, he is not ignoring you on purpose. The more you try to understand that this is the way he is programmed the less arguments you will have.

3) Men like toys. The joke is that men never grow up and show it by still playing with toys. Most men love to build things and start DIY jobs. Not all of them like to finish these jobs which can cause problems at home. Let your man indulge his hobbies, within reason. You can spend time with your girlfriends while he is fishing or building a boat. By compromising like this, he will probably be much more willing to spend time with you doing things together that you both enjoy.

4) Don't assume that your man knows that you want to make up with him. Men in general tend to be a bit slow in picking up signals especially about relationships. For this reason, you sometimes need to be very direct and tell them exactly how you feel. Men don't like games unless they understand the rules like in Golf or Chess. Us women change the rules on dating more often than men change their shirts so we need to give them a break if they get a little confused.

5) Have you heard the joke - "Why does it take loads of sperm to fertilize one egg? Because they refuse to stop for directions!" I know the men in my life would prefer to get lost, than admit defeat and stop to ask for directions. Generally men find it very hard to admit they are wrong. If you question what they say, they can believe you are implying they have done something wrong. This can cause problems in modern relationships as women are so used to being the boss at work and giving others directions.

I am not suggesting that women have to become door mats or defer to their partners. But a little understanding of genetics goes a long way to help resolve the question of making up with my boyfriend.

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Battle For Her Heart

Do you know how to win ex back? When a woman has left a man, she probably has a good reason, at least in her own mind. Thus, you have to be prepared to battle for her heart if you want to win ex back.

A relationship has a beginning, a middle and an end. The question is whether you are in the middle and just taking a hiatus or whether it is really over and you are at the end.

If your girlfriend wants to start the relationship anew, you need to be able to work things out on a fresh start. You should plan out your steps ahead of time if you want the new relationship to work out better than the old one did.

First of all, consider why you broke up. Were there underlying problems that plagued your relationship? If so, how can you fix them going forward?

Second, analyze why you want your ex back. Do you just feel lonely because she's not around? If so, any woman will do. But, if you have a hole in your heart that only she will fill, that's different.

Third, you need to become the person that she needs. Think back to what you were like when she fell in love with you. Have you changed? Did you stop doing interesting things when you devoted all of your time to her? Have you stopped going to the gym thinking that there's no reason to stay in shape now that you've snagged the girl? Become the person she wants to win ex back.

Fourth, consider that the first thing you say to your ex after a break up may be the most important words ever to come out of your mouth. The wrong words can change the balance of the relationship. Don't beg her to come back. Don't do anything to irritate her. She probably still harbors good feelings for you and you don't want to do anything that would change this.

Fifth, you can use the good memories you've built to your advantage. Talk about the good times you had. If she gave you a special sweater, wear it when you know she's going to be around. If you can, arrange to meet at a place that has meaning for you for a quick drink.

Sixth, try to mirror her words and body language. If she uses an uncommon word, try to work it into the conversation yourself. If she places her left hand on her cheek, do the same. Don't overdo it or be obvious, but this kind of "mirror imaging" gets you back in synch.

Seventh, let her know that you are thinking about her. Go out of your way to send her a card on her birthday. If you know she has a big review at work, send her an encouraging note.

By following these seven steps, you should be able to win ex back. As long as you are still on friendly terms, you can use your friendship to become romantic once more.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Let Her Make The First Move

Do you know how to win ex girlfriend back? Let's look at the situation with Tom and Sheri.

Shari was busy one night and Tom went to a party alone. It was stupid, but he started to make out with one of Shari's friends there. Shari, of course, heard about it and had a dramatic confrontation with Tom.

"I never want to see you again," se said. "I am so out of here."

Tom's devastated. He knows he was wrong, but he wants to know how to win ex girlfriend back. He misses Shari.

The first thing Tom needs to do is sincerely apologize. This is not just a quietly mumbled "I'm sorry" either. He needs to realize what he did wrong, figure out why he did it, decide whether he will ever do it again, and most importantly, communicate all of this honestly to Shari.

At this point, Tom should stop. The ball is now in Shari's court.

Tom shouldn't call Shari. He shouldn't email, text, or comment on her wall. He shouldn't send flowers or candy.

What he should do is let her make the next move. She is 100 percent in control here. If Tom goes out to score, he's going to lose her. If he wants to know how to win ex girlfriend back, he needs to be planning for the next step not focusing on the present.

At some point, Shari will initiate contact. There are many pretexts for doing this. For instance, she may be mad and want to exchange all personal property. Or, she could be missing him and just want to talk.

At this point, Tom needs to make his move. He needs to show her that he's the one.

He should put the incident behind him. Tom should only bring up what happened if she does first.

Otherwise, he should talk about the positive memories that they have had together. He should bring up specific incidents that were special for the two of them.

For instance, he could say, "I was walking around downtown and I saw the restaurant we went to on our first date and I thought of you."

If he keeps it casual, he can talk about missing her. "I miss the way you laugh at my corny jokes," is a good line. Telling her that he can't imagine life without her is a bad one.

If she's receptive, and she probably will be (why else is she calling?) Tom should suggest a casual get together. For instance, he should ask her to meet him for coffee or something similar. A half hour mini-date might get things back on track for them.

If he plays it right, he will have found the right solution to the how to win ex girlfriend back dilemma.

For more advice on relationships, please visit