Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Ways To Get Ex Back In Your Arms

If you've been dumped and you're looking for ways to get ex back then I have to say that kicking and screaming, begging and pleading is not the best of ways to get ex back. Instead you need to make sure you closely follow what I'm about to lay out for you.

Always one of the ways to get ex back involves appearing to be in control of yourself and not acting like a desperate and needy out of control victim. So, if you've been accused of being needy, then now is your chance to show them that you're far from that.

It might be too late, but if it isn't and your ex is simply talking about leaving, then as soon as they mention that they're leaving, make sure you agree the breakup. Sounds like the opposite to what you want, but if you let them go and you do it calmly and without drama, then your path to getting them back is going to be a lot smoother. Once they're gone, you're going to have to do what the experts call 'No Contact!' That means just what it says. The best ways to get ex back is always to make sure you're not bombarding them with text messages and calls. If your ex has heard nothing from you since they walked out, then it doesn't make them forget you, it makes them miss and wonder what you're up to.

Getting on with your life after they have gone is a crucial method to use when you're trying to figure ways to get ex back. Not only is this a good way to keep yourself busy, but it is also a great way to put things into perspective. Nothing will help you with your judgment and confidence more than being in a social situation and having some fun with others, so get on with your life.

After you have given yourself some time to think and adjust, guess what, your ex has had the same amount of time to calm down and reassess their decision too. You should have been out of contact with your ex for at least a month before you decide the time is right to make contact with them.

Phone them up and have a very short and casual conversation with them. Ask for a meeting somewhere neutral, but don't make it sound like a big heavy deal. Remember you are trying to find ways to get ex back, so no emotional manipulation.

At the meeting explain you've had time to think and you would like to apologize for any mistakes you've made. Tell your ex your feelings for them haven't changed and you would like another chance. Always give your ex space to say what they think and how they feel, and listen carefully and sincerely to what they have to say.

Once you've said your peace, tell your ex that you're going to give them time to think things through and then leave.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

To Win Back Love Forget Your Heart And Use Your Head

If you're serious about finding a way to win back love, then it means you're going to have to start using your head and stop following your heart! It really is that simple.

So let's look at this! Your heart is no doubt telling you to drop everything, chase down your ex and make them listen to what you have to say, whether they want to or not. You heart has convinced you that all your ex has to do is to hear and understand just how much you miss, love and want them back and your ex will forget about everything that went wrong take you back on the spot! Wrong!

To win back love your head would never tell you to do any of that, instead your head would say back off, get a grip and take your time. Guess which one you should be listening to! Yep, your head!

So, leave your ex alone, don't call them, don't try to accidentally bump into them wherever you know they hang out and don't send them love notes -- in short make no attempt whatsoever to contact them.

By contacting them, you're making yourself appear desperate, a pain in the butt and someone that no right minded person would even want to be around never mind consider dating again. Like a diamond that increases in value the rarer it is, where your ex is concerned, aim to be rare! Let your ex wonder where you are and why they haven't heard from you and just like that they will want to hear from you and see you.

If you're stuck with a problem and the first person you would usually call is your ex, then you're going to have to figure out how to solve that problem yourself. Not only does this enhance your standing with your ex, because they realize that you can cope on your own, but it also enhances your own standing in your own head. If you figure out how to cook that favorite meal that your ex used to cook for you -- you realize you can cope! If you figure out how to change the oil in your car -- again you realize that you can cope!

The art to win back love is based in rationale and calmness. Only then will your ex give you the time of day. Whatever fire is burning in your heart for your ex, allowing it to run riot and influence you unduly will only be to your detriment. Calm the flames of your passion and instead use the logical! That is what will ultimately help you to win back love.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Im Still In Love With My Ex But I Think It's Over For Good

If you're saying "I'm still in love with my ex," but you feel like it's finally over for good, then you need to stop looking on dark side and think positively. There are plenty of relationships that look as if they're over, but the reality is that people find a way back together.

Before you launch into a full on attempt to win back your love, make sure your relationship is a relationship that should be saved! Too often relationships that should remain dead are revived with dire consequences. So ask yourself this: "did your relationship involve physical and or emotional abuse?" If the answer is yes you need to accept that this kind of relationship is best left over with. Instead work at restoring any eroded self-esteem and move on.

However, if your relationship was simply a falling out, misunderstanding or maybe a loss of trust then that is completely recoverable even if only one of you wants it, you just have to find the right course.

What's good about declaring "I'm still in love with my ex!" is you no doubt had a really strong relationship with your ex and if you feel that you're still in love with them, then chances are they feel the same about you.

Provided some weeks have past, you should take a moment to call your ex and ask if you can have a talk with them. Don't make it sound as though you are begging and pleading for the meeting, just make it sound as casual as you can.

Arrange for the meeting to take place somewhere neutral where neither of you will be tempted to cause a scene or let your emotions take over. If you are really seriously stating that "I'm still in love with my ex" then you will need to take some time to figure out what you are going to say to get them back.

You don't need to take notes, but you need to have it clear in your mind. So be sure to take some time to figure out why you want your ex back. Yes you're still in love with them and that in itself is a good reason, but try and give your ex tangible reasons why they should take you back.

Talk about your dreams and aspirations and explain to them where you see them fitting into those dreams and aspirations, however don't make the mistake of making your ex the be all and end all of your dreams. Don't put yourself in a position where if they don't agree to the reconciliation that your dreams are ruined. You don't want to come across as needy and fixated, you just want your ex to know that there is a real place for them in your life.

You then need to give your ex the space to express themselves and you need to listen to what they say. Do all of that and your declaration that "I'm still in love with my ex" should give you a reciprocal answer from your ex.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Restoring Trust in Relationships -- Getting Your Ex Back After an Affair

How do you get your ex back even after you've cheated? Some people claim that an affair should always end a relationship. But I disagree. I believe that every relationship is savable if both parties really want to work on it. This article is about restoring trust in relationships.

Restoring trust in relationships requires an adjustment in attitude and actions. Even after an affair, it is possible to save a relationship. But that starts with ramping up the level of trust within the couple.

If you have had an affair, you have had an attitude which allowed you to stray. There may be something at the relationship's core that is diseased. But you can heal the disease.

What was it that you were looking for when you strayed? Was the sex humdrum? Was she too busy for you? Was she just not spending enough time on her grooming?

You wouldn't have had an affair if the primary relationship was perfect. So, what needs to be done to fix it? Often that lies in self analysis. But just as often, that lies in the couple's relationship.

Restoring trust in relationships means fixing the underlying problems. Sometimes that means going into couples counseling.

But just understanding our thoughts isn't enough. The next step is to take concrete action in fixing the problems.

The secret to restoring trust in relationships lies not in talking about the right things, but in doing the right things.

One of the biggest things you can do is to make small promises and keep them. If you promise to take the trash out every evening, do it. And, do it consistently. When you demonstrate that you can be trusted in the small things, a gradual sense of confidence will be realized in the larger picture of the relationship.

Your girlfriend or wife is going to need constant reassurance that you have changed. This means that you are going to need to apologize more than once over time. You will also need to treat the recurring comments about the violation of trust as a matter of course. It is not easy for her to forgive the breach. If you want to stay with her, you will be patient with her.

This does not mean that you must feel guilty about the indiscretion forever. In fact, if you allow her to constantly guilt trip you, she will not be satisfied in the new relationship you are building. Just be understanding.

Finally, you need to put a positive spin on the incident. Treat it as an opportunity for both of you to grow as individuals and for the relationship to mature. Just as a bone grows stronger at the place it has been broken, a relationship can improve after an affair.

Restoring trust in a relationship takes time. It requires that you change both your attitudes and actions. But it is possible to heal the divide and be a stronger couple as a result.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

PULL It Together - Help Save Marriage

Those who want help save marriage from ending in divorce need to PULL it together. It is a hard thing to watch a marriage that was once so precious and important fall apart. It's heart breaking to sit by as the two of you start going your separate ways. If you don't want that to happen then do something about it. Pull it together to help save marriage.

Chill out. Relax.

Take a moment to catch your breath and step back from the situation. Not necessarily take a break from it but to just calm down. It is easy for things to get over-heated. Take a moment to catch your breath and give it a moment to cool off. When you were young you were probably told to count to 10 when you got angry so that you could give yourself a chance to get yourself under control.

The same principle applies here. Before you do anything else, take a breath. The next time something is said to you that makes you mad, calm down, get a hold of yourself and then let go of your anger. Only then can you truly learn how to communicate and take the next step to help save marriage.

Understand what is happening:

While you are "chilling out" and taking a moment to breathe, take a look at what is happening. This is where you try and look at the big picture and then look at things from other perspectives. From where you are standing at the moment things may look pretty bad. Try to look at it from other perspectives and it might not be as bad as you thought.

Try looking at it from an outsiders perspective and from the one you love. From those other perspectives you might find out why things have been getting out of control. There may be a relatively simple solution to help save marriage.

Laugh at yourselves:

This doesn't mean to make light of the situation but it does mean don't take yourselves so seriously. It is easy to make mountains out of mole hills. Things snowball out of control but when you are able to see what it was that actually made the snowball you may end up laughing at it.

It can be hilarious to find out how a minuscule thing can turn into something so huge when it didn't have to. It can be hilarious if you are willing to let it be. Many times when people go through a rough time they will say, "Sometime we are going to look back at this and laugh!" Why wait?

Look for ways to improve:

Once you have had a chance to step back and catch your breath and then been able to get some perspective on the situation, you can move on. When you have realized that at it's root, this situation or problems that you have been struggling with is really small and manageable you can get things on track.

The next thing that you need to do is commit yourself to finding a way to improve. If you are responsible for the little things that get blown out of proportion, then try stopping it. If you have learned that you overreact, then stop it. Improve the way you handle situations and everything else may just fall into place to help save marriage.

To help save marriage, PULL together and bring back what belongs together...the two of you.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Helping You and Your Boyfriend Get Back Together

You want you and your boyfriend to get back together. Do you feel lost without him? Are you feeling lonely now that he is gone? Are you desperate to get him back? If you want you and your boyfriend to get back together then you may need to change the way you approach him and the situation. If things went very fast and marriage seemed like a sure thing, he may have gotten scared off.

It could very well be that he felt smothered and didn't have enough space or didn't feel like he was in control, of his future. It could also be that you are pressuring him too much now and all he wants is to be away from you. Hopefully this is the case but if you push too much it very well could be. If what you want is you and your boyfriend get back together you have to be aware of this.

Your boyfriend may be like many males and thrive on being independent. They need their space from time to time. While the idea of marriage and commitment may have seemed appealing to them for a moment, reality could have set in and now they are feeling trapped. Males very often need to feel in charge. They need to feel in charge of not only themselves, but of situations.

If things start getting fast they don't feel so in control anymore. Once marriage or long term commitment starts getting discussed it is easy to feel that you are getting sucked into something if you don't feel ready. If they feel they aren't ready, they most likely aren't. If they feel like they are getting pushed down a road they don't think they want to go yet, they may push themselves away.

If he has pushed himself away and you really want you and your boyfriend get back together you are likely going to have to be secretive and sensitive about it. You will have to decide that you don't want to force him down the road. You want him to just walk with you and let him feel he is taking the lead. He needs to feel like he is choosing this direction.

Since there is no direction right now and you are dealing with a break up, now is actually a good time to get started back down that path. He may feel free and clear of you and to an extent very well may be. If he has any desire to talk with you and you are still on a friendly basis, just be available, but not too available. If he is going to call you, make it seem like you are hard to get on the phone. If he wants to make some plans with you, turn him down at first but ask for a rain check. The goal is to make him seem like he is pursuing you. Let him be in the hunt.

Also let him have something to hunt for. Sometimes the things most desired are the things that are hard to get. Those will also be the things that makes them more likely to go in for the kill which is what you want him to do. You want him to commit and if you make yourself someone worth hunting and let yourself be hunted and not necessarily caught, you may see you and your boyfriend get back together.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back FOREVER

If you want to know how to win ex girlfriend back, you are probably wanting to know how to win your ex-girlfriend back forever. You went through the pain once and you probably don't want to go through it again. You made mistakes, now it's time to take a step back and evaluate the situation and figure out where to go from this point. Learning how to win ex girlfriend back may mean that you have to change the way you do things. You will have to take a FOREVER approach.

Fouled Up:

Admit that you did it. Admit that you made mistakes that cost you this relationship. You have to be able to own up to your mistakes and that means you have to own them. They were your mistakes, not anyone else's. Admit it. This is the best place to start if you want to know how to win ex girlfriend back.

Objectively Look At Yourself:

Take a good long look at who you are and what was it about you that caused this to happen. Were your mistakes a symptom of a bigger problem that you have? If it was, find out what it was. Look for the bigger picture.

Regret What Happened:

There are some who will tell you to regret nothing. That is incredibly bad advice. If you made a mistake that hurt someone, you should feel regret and guilt. You should feel even worse if it was someone that you love.

Evaluate the Situation:

Assess the damage done. One of the things that people have to do when they are trying to rebuild something that was destroyed is to look around and see what just happened. Once the source of the destruction (your mistakes) has been identified it's time to see what remains. Is there anything worth saving left? Is there enough left that can be built back? Hopefully there is still a foundation left and the damage wasn't so much that there is nothing left to rebuild. You will have to do this if you want to know how to win ex girlfriend back.

Verify That You Have A Chance:

You may be totally dedicated to trying and put things back together but your ex girlfriend may not be. It is hard to win back your ex if they have no desire to bring the love or the relationship back. If they have decided to move on, there may be nothing you can do about it. That is the reality of the situation, that your actions and mistakes may have consequences that involve you losing your girlfriend forever.

Engage In Dialogue:

If your ex girlfriend is willing to talk about anything at all, let it happen. You may have to endure her venting on you and blasting who you are and letting you know how big the mistakes were that you made. This is no time to get defensive. Hopefully these were all things that you realized on your own but hearing it may give you more resolve to correct those mistakes.


Respect what she says. Respect her feelings. Respect her wishes. Treat her with respect.

It may be tough to do but if you really want to know how to win ex girlfriend back forever, you will have to take your medicine.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Monday, April 27, 2009

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back With An Apology

No doubt all you can think about now she's walked out on you is how to win ex girlfriend back. Possibly you didn't realize that you loved her, or perhaps how much you loved her, until she walked out on you and now you're in pain and desperate to figure out how to win ex girlfriend back.

Well here's some information that will help you as you try to figure out the right moves that will help you get her back in your arms.

You might have made some mistakes, we've all been there, so don't beat yourself up! The most constructive thing to do right now is not to try and rewrite history, instead you need to figure out how to step up and find a way to write the future for the two of you, that you want.

If you need to apologize for anything that you did wrong, then get ready to do so. What you should also do, is to make sure that you understand why you're apologizing. Don't just go through the motions of an apology because you think it's what she wants to hear. No, look at the behavior that she's objecting to and try and understand her point of view.

The apology that you now come up with has to address two points if you're serious about figuring out how to win ex girlfriend back. Make sure that you use the apology to convince your ex girlfriend that you have completely understood her point of view and also that you're one hundred percent ready to change that behavior.

It will be great if you have previously come up with a plan to prove to your ex that you're rally serious. By that I mean do you need to go and talk to a professional about your behavior? Well then make the appointment and make sure that you have actually attended a few sessions and are committed to continuing to talking to the professional. Just a word of warning, if you're not sincere in this, you're wasting your time even trying to fool your ex girlfriend.

If you cheated on her, then try and figure out why you cheated. Again, you can't rewrite history, but if you can begin to figure out what brought you to the point of cheating, then the next time you find yourself in that situation you will have a real shot at avoiding it. Explain your thought process to your ex girlfriend and own your behavior.

When you go to talk to your girlfriend, as you attempt to answer your question how to win back ex girlfriend, make sure you give her space to say what she has to say and listen with sincerity. Do all of the above and you're well on your way to getting her back.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

To Get Back With Ex Face Up To Your Mistakes

To get back with ex after you've made mistakes, means you're no doubt going to have to face some hard home truths! As sure as eggs is eggs making mistakes in relationships means you have to fix them and apologize for those mistakes before there can be any making up.

When you decide you want to get back with ex, you must be ready to face not only what has gone wrong with the relationship, but also your part in the break down of the relationship. If you made mistakes then don't beat yourself up for that. We all make them, it's what you do after the mistake that's important.

So sit down on your own and take some time to go through what happened and what were the issues that led up to what happened. Don't concern yourself too much with what you see as your ex's mistakes, leave that for the future. Only concern yourself right now with what you can influence.

Whatever mistakes you find in your past behavior, can they be forgiven? Don't be too eager to get down on yourself and believe that your mistakes are basically unforgivable. You would be surprised at the situations that couples find themselves in and that they later recover from. So don't think that your mistakes are beyond forgiveness. There is always hope!

Try and pin point what was happening in your life at the time that led you to make the mistakes, especially if it was completely out of character for you. Remember what I said about facing hard truths, if you want to get back with ex, then you need to do this.

You might discover that you were under certain stresses and strains. Perhaps you were under threat at your job? Or you weren't physically feeling yourself? Or perhaps there were other family issues. Whatever you find when you look back at what happened, you will eventually need to sit down with your ex and explain in detail just what you have found.

If your mistakes were the result of you just being thoughtless or selfish, then this is something about you and your character that can quite easily be fixed. It will take ongoing monitoring but if you are sincerely committed to get back with ex, then it is going to be worthwhile.

When you have come to the point where you have begun to gain perspective about your mistakes, then call your ex and arrange to meet. It is usually better to arrange a face to face meeting somewhere public and neutral because then there is less chance of either of you becoming emotional.

So, make sure that you stay calm and focused on what you want to say. Apologize and ask for forgiveness and then listen carefully to what your ex has to say.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Win Back a Love of a Lifetime

Wanting to win back a love is understandable. There are those moments in life that are so perfect but then, for some reason, gets taken away. You spend your days following that wondering, "what if...". It doesn't matter what the reason was for the two of you going separate ways, in your mind it was a mistake. There is a chance that the love that you lost could be feeling the same way. They could be wondering how to win back a love of a lifetime as well.

It is the stuff that great stories are made of. Two love struck souls who crossed paths once upon a time separated by circumstances beyond their control. Both spending years thinking about that moment that is burned forever on their memories. Both longing for what was and wishing that it could be again.

If you are at a point in time where you are alone and have failed in relationships since then, it could very well be that the one you dream of is supposed to be with you. Don't just sit around and reminisce, do something about it. If you don't know where they are now, find them. There are many things that you can do to find them. Use the resources you have available to win back a love.

Once you have located them, it gets tricky. To win back a love, you first need to find out their situation. The best thing to do is to write a letter or get a message to them saying that you were going through some old things and ran across something that reminded you of them. Just let them know that you were curious about them and ask what is going on.

Let them know a little about your situation. Whatever you do, don't let them know that you are in the hunt. You need to make it seem like your only interest is mild curiosity. If they are involved with someone and are happy, you don't want to mess that up. It could be that the image of that perfect romance was just an illusion, which it very well could be. You still have to know about them.

If it seems that they are available and you aren't going to be infringing on anyone's turf, feel free to strike up a friendship. Let the friendship go along naturally. Don't force anything.

After you have been corresponding for a little time, instead of asking for their phone number (if you don't have it already), give them yours and say, "Feel free to call anytime". Doing it this way takes the pressure off the situation. If they want to talk to you, you will know.

You may find yourself moving from a friendship type relationship to a stronger type of bond before too long. Seeing each other in person will come naturally if it is supposed to. It won't take much time for you to find if they are still the one you love and if the feeling is mutual. It could take a little time so you have to be patient. If something does happen, congratulations! You have found it is possible to win back a love of a lifetime.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tips On How To Win Back Lost Love

To win back lost love is not at all natural for everyone and it's no wonder because it's not something most of us have any real understanding of how to successfully do. However, if you want to get back with someone who you're still in love with, then it is something you're going to have to understand and implement.

Once your ex has left the relationship and you know you want them back, it's time to start sorting out your head in order to get them back. No doubt there has been drama and emotional turmoil in the run up to the breakup and during the actual breakup. If you're going to win back lost love you're going to need to sort yourself out and do so on your own.

It is vital that you do not involve your ex as you attempt to clear your mind, because you need space and distance from your ex and they from you. So, if you are still in any form of contact with your ex then break off that contact now. Contact will only make you vulnerable. If you're vulnerable then you become someone whose ability to make rational and calm decisions becomes impaired. Get out from under your ex and stand on your own two feet until you can honestly say that you are through the worst of the initial breakup.

Equally, do your best to avoid spending too much time on your own. Because as much as you need to be away from your ex, you also need to have people around you. Spending too much time on your own brings a real risk of you becoming depressed and low. You might also find that if you're on your own too much, then you can struggle with the temptation to call or try to see your ex. So find your friends. If you need to make new friends, then do so. Do anything to avoid being home alone night after night.

To win back lost love make sure that you are clear about the mistakes that were made in the relationship by you. Yes your ex no doubt made their fair share of mistakes, but for now your concern is your own behavior since that is the only thing you can realistically control and affect.

Come to terms with your weaknesses and make sure that if you need to do some work on yourself that you put in place the right mechanisms to do so. That may involve discussing your situation with a professional or it might mean changing the way that you cope with certain situations.

Whatever you need to do to win back lost love, if you are serious, then you need to get on and do it before it's too late.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

How To Win Your Ex Back Using Simple Reverse Psychology

Figuring out how to win your ex back using reverse psychology might sound complicated, but it really isn't. All it means is using some straightforward methods that are designed to get your ex to sit up and take notice of you instead of ignoring you.

Your first step towards how to win your ex back involves you determining to make no contact with them. That means no texting, no calling and definitely no trying to see them. This might seem counter-intuitive to your ultimate goal, but look at it this way: if you stop calling your ex, especially when they've made it clear that they don't want to be contacted, then you appear calm, mature and in control of yourself. Once your ex begins to see you this way you are immediately more appealing than the desperate person you were who was bombarding them with calls.

Furthermore, this simple reverse psychology means that once you have stopped trying to make contact with your ex, then immediately your ex begins to wonder just what you're up to. They start wondering why you're not pursuing them and just like that you're on your spouse's mind and you're in their thoughts, which is just where you want to be.

Your next psychological move when you're trying to figure out how to win your ex back is to get out and about and have some fun. This is going to be another tough undertaking, but it beats staying home night after night on your own struggling to stop yourself from contacting your ex and thinking about them. So force yourself out there and make some new friends or hook up with old friends.

You've stopped calling them and you're out and about enjoying yourself. Once word gets back to your ex, they'll be surprised at how well you're coping. They might even be jealous because it appears, you don't have time for your ex and it's basic human nature to want that which is scarce and that's exactly what you will become. Just like that, you've become someone who is desired and not someone to be avoided. Taking the steps towards understanding how to win your ex back really means looking after yourself first and foremost. When you concentrate on your own requirements first and foremost, without obsessing about what your ex wants and what you should do to please them, then you inadvertently find yourself using these simple forms of reverse psychology without even realizing it. So you see, it is not a complicated process and you will find that your ex will respond to you in a more open and amenable way.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

How To Get Girl Back If Youve Been A Jerk

A few situations in life are a huge struggle and one of them is how to successfully get girl back and keep her after you've messed up big time!

So what did you do? Did you cheat? Were you neglectful? Selfish? Or just unlucky? The questions could go on. Whichever or whatever you did, if you seriously want to get girl back, you're going to have to sort yourself out!

It's no doubt going to be tough for you, but I'm going to suggest something counter-intuitive: leave her alone! Give her some time to herself. You never know, she might well realize that she misses you and agrees to starting up the relationship again all on her own. Don't dismiss this possibility, even if all looks lost right now, equally don't cling to it as a possibility. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't!

However, if what you need to get girl back is a much more direct and hands on approach then again, take some time out and use that time to get your head straight. By default, you give her some time to think also and put the whole thing into much needed perspective.

So, find your friends and spend time with them. Make sure you're not pestering her with emails and texts and accidentally trying to bump into her in the places where you know she hangs out. This will only back fire on you and ruin your chances of getting her back, because she'll only become annoyed with you.

If you neglected her, missed her birthday, hardly ever took her out, then you need to seriously look at that behavior. No girl worth her salt is going to put up with such behavior. A girl wants and needs, to be taken out and made a fuss of. She needs to know that you want to be with her for more than the obvious. If you fail to show her that, then she will walk and find a guy who can show her that.

If all that you did was hang around with your friends and ignored her wishes, then again, you're going to have to understand that this is not the way to treat a girl. If you're sure that you want a girlfriend then it's time to fix up, look good and look sharp! Start acting like she's important to you.

To get girl back you now need to show her that you have understood her needs and you are ready and prepared to meet those needs. Don't mess up and try and get her back under false pretenses. It won't work for long and maybe when she leaves the next time, she'll be gone for good.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Friday, April 24, 2009

Trying Again To Get Back Together With Ex

So you want to get back together with ex? You are wanting to try it again? What makes you think that it is going to be any different this time than the last time? There may have been a point where you thought that things were going alright and everything was under control. Obviously it wasn't.

Something went wrong and either you were too late in reacting to correct the situation or you were just blind to the problems. Was it something that you did that caused it to fall apart or was it something both of you did? What was it that you could have done to change things? Did you know that things needed to be addressed but you never got around to it? These are only some of the questions you need to be asking if you want to get back together with ex and are sure you want to try it again.

There is a quote that many people throw around that many people attribute to Albert Einstein. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ." There is a lot of truth to this, especially when there is a marriage or relationship that is needing to be rebuilt and they want to get back together with ex.

Many people will go into a reconciliation effort but will go in pretending that nothing happened. They will go in and try to pick up where they left off but that is exactly what they end up doing. If the marriage ended because of some problem that one or the both of you didn't address then it will probably end the same way.

Whatever problems you had prior to breaking up, you better work to get them fixed before you work to get back together with your ex. If there was something that you had a problem with then fix it. Get counseling or therapy if you need to but, no matter what, address your own situations first.

If it is the other person in the relationship who had some issues that caused the relationship to end. Make sure that they have taken credible steps to fix the issues. When you are wanting to get back together and they haven't done anything to fix things on their end then you will be dealing with it all over again.

If the two of you had issues together that tore you apart, get some relationship counseling to try and work things out and get back together with ex. Don't try to jump back into things when you will likely only be trying to jump back out again. Don't try getting back together if you are going to run into the same problems again.

Why is it that you are trying to get back together with ex? If it is because you really love each other and you want to be together forever, then try to get things fixed before you start messing things up again. If you don't address situations that tore you apart the first time it is likely that you are just going to be causing a cycle of pain and your broken heart.

If you think that you want to get back together with ex, save yourself from future heartbreak and fix the issues before they end your relationship forever.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

5 Helpful Tips to Get Your Husband Back

"I want my husband back" is the cry of many women who have seen their marriage start to crumble. It happens often times quietly and slowly and before you know it the marriage looks like it is coming to an end. If you aren't willing to let your marriage die, if you aren't willing to let it fall apart right before your very eyes, then do something about it. Here are some things that can help you get that love back when "I want my husband back."

1.Realize that it wasn't just you and it wasn't just him. It was the both of you. If you are willing to make changes in the way you approach the marriage, your husband might be willing to. Some of it comes down to the way you look at the situation.

2.Realize that it wasn't all one person who is at fault. "It takes two to tango" the saying goes. The same thing is true in any relationship. It isn't just one person that makes it work and it isn't just one person that causes it to fall apart. Don't put all of the weight on your shoulders and don't put it all on your husband's. Pull your weight and encourage him by example to pull his own in trying to make things right.

3.Start with where you are in life and see where you are in life. Look at what it is that makes you happy and drives you. Look for the same thing with your husband. Try to find common ground. If there is love there, you will find that common ground.

4.Once you have found that common ground, try to find some way to use that to your advantage. If there is something that brings the two of you joy, try to find some way for the two of you to experience it together. Let it seem like a spontaneous thought and try to make it seem like it is his idea. Try and generate some excitement about it. Don't go over board with the excitement, though.

5.When you are doing the things that the both of you love, let him know how special you think he is and how much you appreciate him. Let him know that you miss what you used to have. Let him know how you feel. It is easier to have those feelings reciprocated when you are both having fun doing something you love. Don't be afraid to tell him, "I want my husband back." You may just find out he wants the same thing.

You have to know that it may not be possible to get back the relationship to the level it was when it was at it's peak. Just because "I want my husband back" doesn't mean that it is the best thing to get it back to the way that it was. You should believe, though, that what you saw as the high point of your relationship doesn't have to be the all time high point. The best in life is still to come if you are willing to do the work that you need to do. Tell yourself, "I want my husband back, but I want the relationship back stronger than ever" and then work to make it happen.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

My Boyfriend Dumped Me - Picking Myself Back Up

"I feel like dying because my boyfriend dumped me!" It isn't the end of the world and it isn't even close. Even though it hurts, it isn't going to kill you. This is something that you can and will get over. It will take some work, some help, some readjusting in the way you think, and some time. Be sure that just because you are upset that "my boyfriend dumped me" doesn't mean that life stops, life goes on. Be ready for it.

Getting past the idea that "my boyfriend dumped me" isn't going to be easy but it also isn't going to be impossible. You are going to have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move along. The alternative means that you will be stuck wallowing in your own misery. If that is no life that you want to have then do what it takes to get out of it. It takes work to climb back out of the pit but the work is worth it.

Don't be afraid to ask for help but be careful where it is that you ask for it. If you are battling depression because of it, seek professional help. This doesn't mean that you are going crazy, depression is something that many people deal with so don't worry about people judging you. Do try to beat it, though.

It may be, though, that you have good friends or family that can help you out while you are trying to deal with that fact that "my boyfriend dumped me." Be careful to not lay too much on these people, though, and when you ask for advice, follow it. If you are constantly complaining about your life and the situation but aren't following up on what advice is given, they are going to reach a point that you don't want. They are going to get tired of you and cut you off or seriously consider it.

You should also re-frame the way you look at the situation. Try looking at it from a different angle or perspective. While you may see it as the end of the world, from another person's perspective, it may not be. Try to find that other person's perspective. Try to see what good it is that you have to offer someone. What are your best qualities? For sure there is going to be someone out there who will appreciate them. Wait for them to come along.

While you are waiting, find some way to improve yourself. Find something that you have long dreamed about doing and throw your life into it. If there is something non-romantic that you have longed to achieve in life, pursue it. Do you want to make yourself better in anyway, now is the time to do it. Try to find someway to use this time and that negative energy you have and do something positive with it.

The end result will be a happier you. Once you have found that happiness, it will become magnetic and draw in the person that you dream of, the one that makes you smile and makes you feel like you belong. It will make you look back on this dark time in your life when you were crying because "my boyfriend dumped me" and see it as one of the best things that ever happened to you.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Dumped My Boyfriend And Now I Want Him Back

So you were dating a guy you really liked and then one day you noticed a tiny little issue about him that you didn't really like and you dumped your boyfriend! Just like that! Out of the blue! But have you really dug down deep to try and understand why you dumped the boyfriend?

Perhaps you've told yourself that it was the way he ate his food? Or the way he laughed or perhaps even something as earth shattering as the way that he walked? Whatever it was that made you turn around and end up with a dumped boyfriend, boy are you regretting it now because now, you want him back. But here's the thing he wants nothing to do with you and everything that you've tried so far to get him back, has failed.

Well, have you tried just leaving him alone for a while? Because pretty much you've hurt his feelings big time and he's doubtless feeling humiliated. If you've been calling him 24/7 and he's just not picking up, then that's a clear indication that he needs you to leave him alone.

So instead of bombarding him with text messages and calls, give him some space and take a look at the real hidden reasons that might have caused you to wake up one morning with a dumped boyfriend.

Truth is some girls have been known to 'test' the relationship by ending it to see if their boyfriends will put up a fight for them and the relationship. If this is what you did, then this is basically flawed behavior. Not only that, ask yourself why you would even want to put someone who you clearly have feelings for through the upset of a breakup?

Usually anyone who tries to manipulate someone to this extreme, has deep rooted self-esteem issues that they should really think about working out. Your self-esteem is really the inner you. If you are suffering from low self-esteem then the little voice in your head often shouts negativity at you and tells you that you are just not good enough. Take the time to address this and you will be far happier.

To win back a dumped boyfriend you're going to have to clearly work on yourself. No self-respecting boyfriend wants to be around someone who is high maintenance and doesn't know her own mind. In future, make sure you're one hundred per cent sure about what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Instead of dumping the guy, why not sit and talk to him about your fears and your insecurities. He will think more of you if you are honest with him, rather than if you simply lash out on a whim and dump him for what appears to be no good reason.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

How To Get Lover Back Even If You Made Mistakes

It is quite common for the person left to not really realize they are deeply in love with their ex until the ex has left the relationship. If this is you, then you no doubt want to discover how to get lover back before it's too late. But what you must not do is to allow the fact that you have made some mistakes to stop you in your attempt. It is very well documented that most of the relationships that break up could very easily be put back together again, if only one of those involved actually tried. So try!

There are some basic steps that you can take when you're looking into how to get lover back, you simply have to make sure that you get the details of these steps correct and that you spend a sufficient amount of time going through each step. How much time, varies from situation to situation and the real truth is that only you can judge the time that you think you might need.

If the relationship was a tumultuous up and down messy emotional one, then it is going to need a longer time to get over the initial mess of the break up. Longer than if your relationship was stable and less exacting. So be honest with yourself and be clear about what kind of relationship you had with your ex, because the truth right here will go a long way to helping you figure out how to get lover back.

A clue is that most people need at least a month on their own without contact with their ex to start the healing process. Don't try and bypass this alone time because without it most attempts at how to get lover back fail.

You are going to spend your alone time looking at the mistakes that you might have made and you are going to forgive yourself for those mistakes. If you try and get back with your ex and you have not forgive yourself, then how is it possible for your ex to fully forgive you. So be kind to yourself, accept your fallibility and forgive yourself.

That doesn't mean that you just draw a line under any mistakes that you may have made and forget about them. It means that you should then go on to figuring out how you can avoid such mistakes in the future, if the same or similar situations arise. Because you really do not want to get into a cycle of the same old things that keep on happening.

Once you're confident that you have the emotions and the reasons behind your mistakes sorted out, you are then ready to go ahead and actually make contact with your ex and ask to talk to them.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.

Tips On How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Getting dumped by your boyfriend is no fun and if you're still in love with him then you're probably desperately trying to find help on how to get your ex boyfriend back. Following the tips I'm about to outline for you is a great start that will set you on the right road to winning him back.

The worst thing that you can do in your quest to understand how to get your ex boyfriend back, is to get desperate and needy. Desperate and needy spells out of control and high maintenance. Boyfriends hate out of control and high maintenance because it means they never know what you'll do and where you'll do it and so they're never at ease. Letting your ex boyfriend see that you're out of control is a surefire way to drive him away, so if this is you, you need to stop.

Not only that in this state, you hand over far too much power to your ex boyfriend and you could find yourself taken advantage of big time. So if you want him back, don't set yourself up for a possibly painful and frustrating time.

What you should also avoid is to make yourself too readily available to your ex as you try and work out how to get your ex boyfriend back. Show him that you value and have pride in yourself and that you're not sitting home waiting for him to call. Get out and about and show him that you've got your life together and that you've taken the breakup in your stride. Having him believe anything else makes your goal to get him back an up hill battle that you will probably lose. So don't sit at home obsessing about what he might or might not be up to. Get yourself out!

If you want to get him back, make sure that you're looking after yourself. After all, you need to give him something to want to come back to and that means not letting yourself go. Instead of staying home consoling yourself with chocolate and soda make sure that you hit the gym and keep on hitting it! Start eating healthily and be sure you're always looking your best when you're out and about. Not only will all of this make you look good, but it will do the world of good for your self-esteem which has no doubt taken a huge blow through all of this.

Now everything outlined works together, so if you're after the best results don't apply each step in isolation. They all impact on each other and that's how you should use these steps when you're trying to understand how to get your ex boyfriend back.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Win Back Lost Love From Long Ago

If you want to win back lost love that is from a long time ago there may be an uphill battle ahead for you. If you are like many, you have reached a point in your life that you realize that things might have been better for you if you had taken that other path. You thought the grass was greener on the other side and then realized that it was an illusion. You realize that the love you had a long time ago may be what you are missing. Here are some things to think about when you want to win back lost love from long ago.

First, make sure that there is nothing in your life right now that may missing out on. The mistake you may have made in the past was that you didn't take advantage of the opportunities that you had at that moment. Make sure that you don't make the same mistake again by missing out on something potentially good. If you hate looking back and thinking what you may have missed out on now, try to prevent it from happening again. It's better having love now and to not have to try and win back lost love later because you were too blind.

Second, realize that they may have moved on. Just because you are discontent with your present and are longing for what could have been with the love from long ago doesn't mean that they are. You could cause yourself and them more harm than good. If they are happy and content, let them be. If they have moved on, it's a good sign that you should and not be concerned with winning back lost love.

Third, understand that people change over time. Things may have happened in both of your lives that may have made you very different people. Don't do this to try and relive what once was. Try to win back lost love because you believe that your future will be better than your present and even your past with this person.

Fourth, start off slowly. If they aren't expecting you to come calling and all of the sudden you are there constantly it may smell of desperation. You may be desperate and be somewhat obsessed about them but don't let them know. Take your time and don't let them know how badly you want them back, at least not for a while. Take the time to get to know them again and for them to get to know you.

Lastly, think forward, not backward. What matters now is moving forward. You can't relive the past but you can make a future with this person. As much as you may want to go back in time, you can't. You lost it because one or both of you didn't make the most of chances you were given and you are doomed to repeat it if you don't take advantage of today. If you have a chance to start this love over or win back lost love, make the most of the moment.

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Getting CPR For Marriage In Crisis

A marriage in crisis is difficult to handle as it seems that what was once full of life is now suffering and on the brink of dying. When you are dating, new love seems to have a life of it's own. Everything being so new feels like a new life has begun has the two of you have started a "new life" together.

When you get married, it seems like everything just falls into place and everything makes sense. When times get tough, though, and and the marriage begins to struggle it can seem like the new life is starting to get old and may die out. If you aren't ready for your life together to die, your marriage in crisis may need to get C.P.R.

Get Counseling:

One of the most underutilized and overlooked opportunities for a marriage in crisis is getting marriage counseling. Marriage counseling will go a long ways towards helping you not only find resolution to your conflicts but will help the two of you find ways to grow closer together. Marriage counseling will help you be better able to understand each other.

Marriage counseling will also help you find better ways to express yourself in such a way that you don't come across as attacking each other. It could very well be, though, that one of you has some serious issues that is putting your love and relationship at risk. For those issues you may want to get therapy on your own. It may be hard to do because you will have to swallow your pride but if you are serious about saving the marriage in crisis, you will want and need to do this.

Get Perspective:

For a marriage in crisis, one of the most important thing that needs to be done is to get some perspective on what is happening. This is one area that a marriage counselor will be helpful because it will help you to look at things and situations from other perspective.

From where you are standing things may look pretty clear. However, once you are able to see from another angle, things that you couldn't understand before may make a lot of sense. Getting perspectives from other angles and vantage points will really be helpful in helping you fully understand what is happening so that you can then save the marriage in crisis.

Get Resolve:

Once you have been able to get some perspective on the crisis at hand and are getting counseling, you will have a lot of information and ideas to go off of. Those will help repair the damage that is done IF you are able to act on it. Knowing is half the battle but no battle half fought was ever won.

If you see a drowning person and you not only know how to swim but know CPR and are trained in first aid, you may know everything you need to know to help save that person's life. Will that knowledge save them? Only if it is acted upon.

The same thing is true with your marriage. It just takes you acting upon it and getting resolved the issues that were killing your marriage. A marriage in crisis can only be saved if you act to make things better.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

To Win Back Ex Boyfriend Try Dating Someone Else

To win back ex boyfriend, try dating someone else! Your first thought is that that doesn't sound right! It sounds counter-intuitive and you're flat out not going to do it! Right? Well what if it's the right thing to do and by doing it you move yourself closer to getting back together with your ex boyfriend? Would you do it then?

Let me explain! When you've been dumped by someone you're still in love with, instinctively your first thoughts are to chase after them and to beg and plead with them to take you back. It's pretty much a mad panic on your part to get right back into the relationship before your ex boyfriend forgets about you and or meets someone else.

Well pretty much you need to understand that your ex boyfriend is not going to forget about you just because the two of you broke up. Plus if he still has strong feelings for you, just because he's dating someone else it doesn't mean there's no way back for the two of you. So there's really no need to panic!

Instead to win back ex boyfriend trust that taking some time out is the right thing to do and take that time out. During this time away from your ex boyfriend, be sure not to contact him in anyway. Just let him get on with whatever he's doing and you do the same.

Once you accept that you're not going to be contacting your ex boyfriend, it's time to put on your best outfit, reconnect with your friends and get out and have some fun. Not only will this keep you busy and stop the temptation to call your ex, but it will also boost your confidence no end.

If you meet someone who you feel you'd like to date, don't let your desire to win back ex boyfriend stop you. Remember, you're not actually in a relationship with your ex, you've broken up and you're a free agent. So if you're emotionally ready to have some fun, go ahead and have some!

What you should do first and foremost though, is to make it clear to whoever you decide to date that you're not interested in anything heavy or full on, you just want to have some fun.

What you should also be clear about in your own mind, is that this is not about making your ex boyfriend jealous. It is only about keeping your spirits high and helping you come to terms with the situation with your ex boyfriend. You never know, you might enjoy this new guy so much that you decide that getting back with your ex boyfriend is not what you want to do after all. Equally using this time apart to explore how you feel, can be a real way to win back ex boyfriend.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

Im Still In Love With My Ex

If you find yourself saying, "I'm still in love with my ex" you aren't alone. There are many who find themselves at the end of a long term romance or marriage still clinging to hope that they might bring it back. Just because it seems like things are darkest and that there is no hope doesn't mean that there isn't any. There is still a chance that what you had can come back even stronger. When you are saying "I'm still in love with my ex" and you want to get that love back it is going to have to come back stronger if it is going to last.

For those of you saying, "I'm still in love with my ex" you may have a desire to turn back the clock and bring back what was lost. Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it and have the same results.

Look carefully at the mistakes that was made in the past and find out not only why they were made, but why they were able to have the impact on your relationship they did. You need to be able to make a stronger foundation than you had before. You are going to have to try and start from ground zero. To get back together with the one you love, you are going to have to try and start all over again. Just find a way to do it better. Tell yourself, "I'm still in love with my ex, but I want it to be better than before."

Try re-establishing a friendship. Take it slow. If your ex feels like you are trying to make things like they were, they may be resistant to it. Don't push things, just let things take their course. If the two of you are supposed to be together, it will happen. Just let it happen naturally.

Think positively about it. Don't let your ex see you crying or depressed about it. You want to try and make it look like you are a joy to come back to. If your ex sees that you are walking around depressed, they may decide that they don't want to have that in their lives. If they see that for you life has gone on and you are happy they may want to join you in your happiness.

Try to think of what type of person you would like to be with. Do you think that they would want to be with that type of person as well? People want to be with happy people who can brighten their day and make them smile. People want to be with someone who makes them feel that they have a purpose and that they aren't alone. Try to be someone that makes someone feel like that. Make your ex feel special by just being an encouraging friend.

If you make yourself valuable to your ex and are able to make them feel valuable you may have a chance to bring back lost love. You may also be making a foundation that will last forever. It is a good thing to say "I'm still in love with my ex." It is an even better thing to try and make the foundation of that love stronger.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Are You Wondering How Do I Get My Ex Back?

Are You Wondering How Do I get my ex back

Having the one you love walk out on you is no fun and often your initial thought is "how do I get my ex back?" Truth is most people don't have much of clue what to do to get an ex back and they find themselves doing what won't work and what will only push their exs further and further away. Well today you can find the answers to your question, "how do I get my ex back?" without making all the same old mistakes that will result in failure.

Well first off running around town trying to see your ex and 'accidentally' bumping into them wherever you know they will be hanging out, will usually not work. So if that's what you're doing as you wonder "how do I get my ex back?" then it's time to change that now.

If the breakup has been a particularly rough one, then you're going to need to give both yourself and your ex some time to get over that before you even attempt to make a real move to make up with them and win them back.

Take yourself out of that breakup drama by distracting yourself and occupying yourself with other things. This might sound like you're actually avoiding the issue of the breakup, but you cannot make sound and rational decisions if you're still emotionally red raw from what was said or done by you or your ex in the heat of the moment.

You could take a class, take a trip or get fit! Anything that is going to take you out of just sitting home and fixating on your ex. Truthfully, doing the latter is a surefire way to make the wrong decisions and lose your ex for good.

As you're taking some time out from your ex, it is a good idea to think about what went wrong and what role you played in the break down of the relationship. This is not necessarily to attribute blame, but instead to figure out what you need to do to make sure that you know the answer to your question "how do I get my ex back?" Because as sure as eggs is eggs, if you sincerely want to find a way back with your ex, then you're going to have to come up with a reason for your ex to take you back and that means having a plan to change any 'bad' behavior that you exhibited to help cause the breakup.

It really is that simple, give yourself some time to sort out your thoughts, figure out your role in the breakup and then approach your ex.

Great advice on getting back together with your ex: The Magic of Making Up.

Help Save Marriage My SOS Cry

"Help save marriage from falling apart!" comes the cry from many who see their marriage sinking quickly. You have been watching the ship you are on sinking but haven't figured out what to do to stop it. If you aren't ready to see your marriage sink into the abyss, you need help save marriage advice. You need an S.O.S. You need to learn to sacrifice for your marriage, you have to learn to open up and communicate, and you have to learn to simplify your lives so things aren't so complicated.

Sacrifice: Many times those who are wanting help save marriage are really more interested in trying to get the other person to fix their problems. If you are looking at the other person as the root of the problem, take a close look at yourself. It may very well be that the other person is causing all the problems but you need to make sure that you aren't making matters worse.

Most of the time marriages fall apart because one or both of the people start getting selfish and feel that the world revolves around them. The truth is that if that is your perspective, the marriage is doomed. The two of you are supposed to be as one and this can not be if you are only looking out for #1. You have to be able to sacrifice parts of yourself for the existence of the marriage. It takes the two of you realizing that if you want to be as one, you may have to sacrifice yourself. The choice is simple, live as one or live as two people.

Open Up: There is a tendency that many people have to bottle things up when we are stressed. This isn't healthy for any individual and it especially isn't healthy for a marriage. When contents are under pressure for too long and that pressure grows, things are likely going to build up too much. When thing build up too much they may reach the point that there is an explosion.

There may have been firecrackers going off when the two of you first kissed. It is nothing like the Nuclear Bomb that could go off when you have let things stay bottled up for two long in a marriage. The longer you wait to bring resolution or to communicate problems, the bigger the explosion will be. You need to open up a bit to take off the pressure and help save marriage.

Simplify: We have a tendency to make things a lot more complicated than what they need to be. We make big issues out of little ones and mountains out of mole hills. Blowing things out of proportion is something that many who need help save marriage will do that makes things worse than they need to be.

Consider what it is that you really need to have in a mate. What is it you really need to exist. Try and simplify it as much as possible. Stop looking at all the details and try to find the root of the problems.

Are you making too many demands? Are you being too picky about how you think things should be? Are you expecting too much?

Take a step back and consider that you may be making things more complicated than they need to be. Simplify and you just may be able to help save marriage.

To improve your sexual knowledge and relationship, please click here.

9 Ways To Get Ex Back Hating You

So you want to know ways to get ex back in love with you? Be careful what actions you take in your efforts to get ex back. If you aren't careful you may find more ways to get ex back hating you instead of loving you. Here are ways to get ex back hating you. If you don't want your ex to hate you then DO NOT do these things.

Call them several times a day. This will bug them like crazy and may cause them to block your number. You can always get more numbers, though. Disposable phones and using friend's cell phones are easy ways to get this done.

Keep writing them and letting them know how much you miss them. Letters, Emails, and Text Messages can hit them from several directions. Leave notes on their windshield. This is a great way to get their attention (and wrath).

Remind them frequently of things that they said and promises they made. Who says that things have to change? They said it once, so they must have meant it forever and just forgot. Constantly remind them. You will only be reminding them how good an idea it was to leave you.

Follow/Stalk them and let them know that every minute they live, you are right there. Every single breathe they take, you'll be watching them. Be sure to grin whenever they see you. They will think your crazy and you may scare them. Be ready for the restraining order.

Bother their friends. Ask them constantly how they are doing and see if you can find out where they are going to be. Try to go everywhere that the friends are. Most likely they will be trying to get rid of you.

Call their new love interest and let the new flame know that you are the real love and it is only a matter of time before your ways to get ex back works. More than likely you will end up making both of them hate you and they could end up becoming closer because of the harassing you do.

Call their parents and try to be their parent's best friend. You will only get the parents mad at you as well or drive a wedge between your ex and his parents. Either way, you have given your ex more reason to hate you.

Try dating their best friend. Your efforts to make them jealous may end up ruining another of their relationships. Sooner or later the best friend will realize that you are just using them and you will be alone again.

Call their workplace and ask about him or ask to talk to him. That will be a great way to get your ex back hating you, especially if it costs them their job.

There are ways to get ex back in love with you but get help and find out what things work. Be careful who you try to get help from. If they have a successful, long lasting romance or are trained at giving relationship advice, then they are good to get help from. If they have had a lot of short term relationships they may not be the best one to get help from. Follow your heart if you want to get ex back, but be careful what you do. Not all ways to get ex back that come to you naturally will make them love you again.

If you're Christian and dating, please visit Christian-Match.