Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Tell if Your Partner is Having an Online Affair

Affairs that are carried out over the Internet are increasingly common, and marriage counselors report a sharp increase in the number of couples that come to therapy each year as a result of an affair that has been carried out online. The greatest risk to a couple still involves co-workers, friends, or neighbours, but the Internet enables people to develop close relationships with others despite the distance or lack of social connection.

When a partner is developing a cyber-affair, there are a number of techniques and strategies you can employ. The first is that you check out How to Catch a Cheating Spouse.

There are a few additional key pointers that indicate what is happening. They include:

Developing secrecy and a need for privacy.

If someone is conducting an affair online, their privacy, particularly how this applies to their computer usage, is suddenly very important. The computer may be moved to a less visible area of the house, the spouse may change their password to prevent you from accessing the computer when they are not around, and your partner may react angrily when you approach them or disturb them while they are online. In fact, disturbing them while they are online can tell you a lot about what is happening. Are they open about what they are doing? Do they get angry or defensive if you disturb them? Do they react with surprise and close their browser when you come near the screen? The volatility of their reaction will be able to indicate quite clearly if thier computer usage is something you need to be concerned about.

Change in home life and sleep patterns.

Internet chat room usage increased sharply after dark, so your partner may be motivated to stay up late and be part of the action. Getting to bed very late or getting out of bed very early in the morning may point towards your partner visiting dating sites and chat rooms to exchange emails with a new love interest. This change in sleep patterns can have a significant affect on your home life and your relationship with them. There may be little time for intimacy or communication in your marriage if your partner is spending late nights and early mornings at their computer.

Decline in household chores.

As a consequence of spending so much time online, the state of cleanliness in the house may start to suffer. The lawns might not be mown as often, dirty washing may pile up, dirty dishes may stay unwashed, and maintenance around the home may be neglected in favor of a few more preciouse minutes online. This decline in the household may signal a change in priorities. The investment in the online relationship may come at a cost to your partner's contribution to the chores and to your relationship.

These are just a few of the major indicators of an online affair. To get the full story and find out for sure if your partner is straying online, get this course containing the truth-busting e-book as well as the explosive tracking software!


For further advice and information, check out the How to Catch a Cheating Spouse course, by online guru Sarah Paul.

The How To Catch a Cheating Spouse product is a compilation of quality ebooks covering tips and methods to uncover your cheating spouse to marital advice for couples in crisis.

Also included is bonus tracking software Sherlock Pro, which tracks screencaps, websites visited, and keylogs. This ebook and software package is a comprehensive tool for partners that want proof of infidelity or peace of mind. You can learn more about how to catch your cheating spouse at:

For more advice on relationships, please visit

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do You Want Your Ex Back?

Everyone is looking for someone they can spend the rest of their life with. When you find this person, you may feel happier than ever before, and capable of doing anything. Unfortunately, break ups are possible, and they can happen to anyone. Some break ups are necessary, while others can be undone. Do you want an ex back, because you realize that you cannot or will not live without them? Here are some tips for getting your ex back!

1 - First and foremost, you need to have a clear head if you want your ex back. People can always tell if you have too much going on in your mind, and if you have a lot on your mind regarding the break up, your ex will know. You need to stop thinking about how badly you want him or her back, stop stressing about the future of your relationship, and simply clear your head. It will improve your communication with your ex, which will improve the chances of getting back with your ex.

2 - If you want your ex back, you need to avoid being a sell out. I know you want to do everything humanly possible to get your ex back, but don't drop to your knees begging and apologizing simply because you want him or her back so badly. Instead, you need to be strong, calm down, and focus on doing fine without him or her to get their attention again.

3 - To get your ex back, create a wow factor. The same old you is not going to do much when it comes to getting back with your ex. The old you contributed to the end of the relationship, so it is time to create a wow factor. Do a little bit to change your life, like working out more, or getting a better job. Do something to create a better image of who you are, and you ex will surely notice and respond well to the positive changes.

4 - To get your ex back, do not forget. You should not allow your past to haunt you, but you should not forget about what led to the break up either. Take what happened in the past and turn these events into a learning experience. This is the best way to make sure that you do not make the same mistakes in the future, should you get back together with your ex sometime in the future.

5 - Finally, create a plan! You cannot just emotionally go all out, hoping for good results. Put a logical plan together instead, thinking logically and operating accordingly. If you put some thought into the process you will be a lot more successful at scoring your ex back. Walk into the situation with a plan and you will be able to get your ex back in no time at all.

For more advice on relationships, please visit